02 2022 档案
摘要:Machine Level Programming machine code <-> assembly code code -> low level, how to generate by GCC intel 64(x86) instruction set(hardware designers pr
摘要:Learning Theory Assumption data in training set and test set are from the same distribution all samples are sampled independently Learning Algorithm i
摘要:Data splits, Models and Cross Validation Bias and Variance Bias: wrong thought about how to fit the data Variance: changing original dataset cause a g
摘要:Kernels review A decision boundary with the greatest possible geometric margin. functional margin/geometric margin maximize the margin as an optimizin
摘要:Qt安装配置指南 下载安装Qt 4.12以上版本即可 建议下载sjtug的镜像,不要从官网下载 链接:https://mirrors.sjtug.sjtu.edu.cn/qt/archive/qt/5.14/5.14.2/qt-opensource-windows-x86-5.14.2.exe 下载