使用 vimdiff 來呈現 Git diff 差異
GIT diff 最近一次 commit 到此次更改的所有變動(進階參數, 暫時先不列入此範圍), 呈現結果跟一般 diff 差不多.
- 註: 若於 .gitconfig 設定下述, 則可多加上顏色區別.
diff = auto
若想要用 vimdiff 來取代 Git diff, 要如何做呢?
(下述步驟 參考此文: Git Diff with Vimdiff)
設定 vimdiff 取代 Git diff
- vim /usr/local/bin/git_diff_wrapper # 此位置只要放在可被執行的路徑即可, 在此先放在 /usr/local/bin/.
vimdiff "$2" "$5" - chmod +x /usr/local/bin/git_diff_wrapper
- vim ~/.gitconfig # 下述兩行都需要加入, pager 使用 diff 的設定, diff 呼叫外部程式 git_diff_wrapper.
external = git_diff_wrapper
diff = - 或 vim ~/.gitconfig (二者挑其一即可)
external = git_diff_wrapper
pager = - 完成.
上述完成後, 直接於修改過的專案目錄下, 輸入 git diff, 就會於 vimdiff 的畫面 顯示 差異結果.
顯示 預設 git diff 結果
若想要看原始 git diff 的結果, 可用下述做法:
- vim ~/.bashrc # 最後一行加入下述
function git_diff() {
git diff --no-ext-diff -w "$@" | vim -R -
}Git diff 參數說明
- --no-ext-diff : 不允許執行外部 diff 命令(防止 call vimdiff)
- -w : 忽略所有空白
- -R : 將 vim 設定於唯讀模式(read-only mode)
- - : 讓 vim 作為 pager
- 詳細可見: git diff --help
- 於修改過的專案目錄 輸入 git_diff, 就會進入 vim 編輯原始 git diff 的結果.
Vimdiff 操作快速鍵
下述部份摘錄自此篇: Quick and Dirty : Vimdiff Tutorial
最常用的是 dp, vimdiff 會顯示左右兩個視窗, 於兩者差異處, 此區塊是要的, 就切換到要的那個視窗, 對想要的那個段落按 dp, 就會自動將此段內容複製到另外一個視窗的對應位置.
- do - Get changes from other window into the current window.
- dp - Put the changes from current window into the other window.
- ]c - Jump to the next change.
- [c - Jump to the previous change.
- Ctrl W + Ctrl W - Switch to the other split window.
- :diffupdate – diff update
- :syntax off – syntax off
- zo – open folded text
- zc – close folded text