


public sealed class CancellationTokenSource : IDisposable {

// A reference type

public CancellationTokenSource();

public Boolean IsCancellationRequested { get; }

public CancellationToken Token { get; } public void Cancel();

// Internally, calls Cancel passing false

public void Cancel(Boolean throwOnFirstException);

... }

public struct CancellationToken {

// A value type

public static CancellationToken None { get; }

// Very convenient

public Boolean IsCancellationRequested { get; }

// Called by non-Task invoked operations

public void ThrowIfCancellationRequested();

// Called by Task-invoked operations

// WaitHandle is signaled when the CancellationTokenSource is canceled

public WaitHandle WaitHandle { get; }

// GetHashCode, Equals, operator== and operator!= members are not shown

public Boolean CanBeCanceled { get; }

// Rarely used

public CancellationTokenRegistration Register(Action callback, Object state, Boolean useSynchronizationContext);

// Simpler overloads not shown }

在一个计算限制的循环操作中,可以定时调用CancellationToken 的IsCancellationRequested 属性,来了解循环是否应该提前终止,进而终止计算限制的操作。


internal static class CancellationDemo {
public static void Main() {
CancellationTokenSource cts = new CancellationTokenSource();
// Pass the CancellationToken and the number-to-count-to into the operation
ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem(o => Count(cts.Token, 1000));
Console.WriteLine("Press <Enter> to cancel the operation.");
cts.Cancel(); // If Count returned already, Cancel has no effect on it
// Cancel returns immediately, and the method continues running here...

private static void Count(CancellationToken token, Int32 countTo) {
for (Int32 count = 0; count <countTo; count++) {
if (token.IsCancellationRequested) {
Console.WriteLine("Count is cancelled");
break; // Exit the loop to stop the operation
Thread.Sleep(200); // For demo, waste some time
Console.WriteLine("Count is done");

如果愿意,可以登记一个或多个方法在取消一个CancellationTokenSource时调用。然而每个回调方法都是通过CancellationToken 的Register方法来登记的。要向这个方法传递一个Actio<Object>的委托和一个布尔值,该值指定是否要使用线程的SynchronizationContext来调用委托。如果为false,那么调用Cancel的线程会顺序执行所有登记方法。如果为true那么回调会被Send给已捕获的SynchronizationContext对象,后者决定由哪个线程调用回调。

CancellationTokenSource 的Cancel方法,如果传递True,那么抛出的第一个异常的第一个回调方法会阻止其他回调方法的执行,异常也会从Cancel中抛出。如果为False,那么所有已登记的回调方法都会调用,所有未处理异常都会被添加到一个集合中,Cancel会抛出一个AggregateException。


 // Create a CancellationTokenSource

var cts1 = new CancellationTokenSource(); cts1.Token.Register(() => Console.WriteLine("cts1 canceled"));

// Create another CancellationTokenSource

var cts2 = new CancellationTokenSource();

cts2.Token.Register(() => Console.WriteLine("cts2 canceled"));

// Create a new CancellationTokenSource that is canceled when cts1 or ct2 is canceled

var linkedCts = CancellationTokenSource.CreateLinkedTokenSource(cts1.Token, cts2.Token);

linkedCts.Token.Register(() => Console.WriteLine("linkedCts canceled"));

// Cancel one of the CancellationTokenSource objects (I chose cts2) cts2.Cancel();

// Display which CancellationTokenSource objects are canceled

Console.WriteLine("cts1 canceled={0}, cts2 canceled={1},

linkedCts canceled={2}", cts1.IsCancellationRequested,




linkedCts canceled

cts2 canceled

cts1 canceled=False, cts2 canceled=True, linkedCts canceled=True

posted @ 2018-08-12 17:31  慢慢走向架构师  阅读(211)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报