等价表达式 (codevs 1107)题解
1 type arr=array[1..2000] of char; 2 arr2=array[1..2000] of extended; 3 var ii,jj,n,c1,c2:longint; 4 tag:boolean; 5 x1,x2,x3:extended; 6 c:char; 7 st,a,e:string; 8 function pop(var stack:arr; var t:longint):char; 9 begin 10 pop:=stack[t]; 11 dec(t); 12 end; 13 function top(var stack:arr; var t:longint):char; 14 begin 15 top:=stack[t]; 16 end; 17 procedure push(var stack:arr; ch:char; var t:longint); 18 begin 19 inc(t); 20 stack[t]:=ch; 21 end; 22 procedure create(var x,y:string);//建栈 23 var s:arr; 24 tp,i,j,k:longint; 25 begin 26 x:=x+'@';i:=1;tp:=0;y:=''; 27 while x[i]<>'@' do 28 begin 29 case x[i] of 30 '0'..'9': 31 begin 32 while (x[i]>='0')and(x[i]<='9') do 33 begin 34 y:=y+x[i]; 35 inc(i); 36 end; 37 dec(i); 38 y:=y+'.'; 39 end; 40 'a':y:=y+'a'; 41 '(':push(s,'(',tp); 42 ')': 43 begin 44 if tp>0 then 45 begin 46 c:=top(s,tp); 47 while c<>'(' do 48 begin 49 y:=y+c; 50 c:=pop(s,tp); 51 if tp>0 then 52 c:=top(s,tp) 53 else 54 break; 55 end; 56 end; 57 if (tp>0)and(c='(')then 58 c:=pop(s,tp); 59 end; 60 '+','-': 61 begin 62 if tp>0 then 63 begin 64 c:=top(s,tp); 65 while c<>'(' do 66 begin 67 y:=y+c; 68 c:=pop(s,tp); 69 if tp>0 then 70 c:=top(s,tp) 71 else 72 break; 73 end; 74 end; 75 push(s,x[i],tp); 76 end; 77 '*','/': 78 begin 79 if tp>0 then 80 begin 81 c:=top(s,tp); 82 while (c<>'(')and(c<>'+')and(c<>'-') do 83 begin 84 y:=y+c; 85 c:=pop(s,tp); 86 if tp>0 then 87 c:=top(s,tp) 88 else 89 break; 90 end; 91 end; 92 push(s,x[i],tp); 93 end; 94 '^': 95 begin 96 if tp>0 then 97 begin 98 c:=top(s,tp); 99 while c='^' do 100 begin 101 y:=y+c; 102 c:=pop(s,tp); 103 if tp>0 then 104 c:=top(s,tp) 105 else 106 break; 107 end; 108 end; 109 push(s,x[i],tp); 110 end; 111 end; 112 inc(i); 113 end; 114 while tp>0 do 115 y:=y+pop(s,tp); 116 y:=y+'@'; 117 end; 118 function pop2(var stack:arr2;var tp:longint):extended; 119 begin 120 pop2:=stack[tp]; 121 dec(tp); 122 end; 123 function top2(var stack:arr2; var tp:longint):extended; 124 begin 125 top2:=stack[tp]; 126 end; 127 procedure push2(var stack:arr2; num:extended; var tp:longint); 128 begin 129 inc(tp); 130 stack[tp]:=num; 131 end; 132 function chu(x,y:extended):extended; 133 begin 134 if y=0 then 135 chu:=-maxlongint 136 else 137 chu:=x/y; 138 end; 139 function cf(x,y:extended):extended; 140 var i:longint; 141 begin 142 cf:=1; 143 for i:=1 to round(y) do 144 cf:=cf*x; 145 end; 146 function work(x:string;v:extended):extended;//求表达式的值 147 var s:arr2; 148 i,j,tp:longint; 149 k,w1,w2:extended; 150 begin 151 i:=1;tp:=0; 152 while x[i]<>'@' do 153 begin 154 case x[i] of 155 '0'..'9': 156 begin 157 k:=0; 158 while x[i]<>'.' do 159 begin 160 k:=k*10+ord(x[i])-48; 161 inc(i); 162 end; 163 push2(s,k,tp); 164 end; 165 'a': 166 begin 167 k:=v; 168 push2(s,k,tp); 169 end; 170 '+':push2(s,pop2(s,tp)+pop2(s,tp),tp); 171 '-': 172 begin 173 w2:=pop2(s,tp); 174 w1:=pop2(s,tp); 175 push2(s,w1-w2,tp); 176 end; 177 '*':push2(s,pop2(s,tp)*pop2(s,tp),tp); 178 '/'://可能除以0,需要判断 179 begin 180 w2:=pop2(s,tp); 181 w1:=pop2(s,tp); 182 k:=chu(w1,w2); 183 if k=-maxlongint then 184 exit(-maxlongint) 185 else 186 push2(s,k,tp); 187 end; 188 '^': 189 begin 190 w2:=pop2(s,tp); 191 w1:=pop2(s,tp); 192 push2(s,cf(w1,w2),tp); 193 end; 194 end; 195 inc(i); 196 end; 197 work:=pop2(s,tp); 198 end; 199 procedure k; 200 var st1,st2,s1,s2:string; 201 ch:char; 202 r,u:longint; 203 t1,t2:extended; 204 begin 205 readln(e); 206 while pos(chr(32),e)<>0 do 207 delete(e,pos(chr(32),e),1); 208 create(e,a); 209 tag:=true;//判断两个表达式是否相等 210 c1:=0; 211 c2:=0; 212 for jj:=1 to 20 do 213 begin 214 x3:=random; 215 x1:=work(st,x3); 216 x2:=work(a,x3); 217 if (x1=1)or(x2=1) then 218 begin 219 if abs(x1-x2)<1e-10 then 220 continue 221 else 222 begin 223 tag:=false; 224 break; 225 end; 226 end; 227 if (x1=-maxlongint)or(x2=-maxlongint) then 228 begin 229 if x1=-maxlongint then 230 inc(c1); 231 if x2=-maxlongint then 232 inc(c2); 233 continue; 234 end 235 else 236 begin 237 str(x1,st1); 238 str(x2,st2); 239 s1:=copy(st1,1,10); 240 s2:=copy(st2,1,10); 241 t1:=ln(abs(x1)); 242 t2:=ln(abs(x2)); 243 if not((x1=x2)or(((x1>0)and(x2>0)or(x1<0)and(x2<0))and(round(t1)=round(t2))and(s1=s2))) then 这里是一个很重要的判断是否相等的句子,可以自行思考一下 244 begin 245 tag:=false; 246 break; 247 end; 248 end; 249 end; 250 if (c1=0)and(c2>0)or(c1>0)and(c2=0) then 251 tag:=false; 252 if tag then 253 write(chr(ii+64)); 254 end; 255 begin 256 randomize;//随机化 257 readln(e); 258 while pos(chr(32),e)<>0 do 259 delete(e,pos(chr(32),e),1);//数据有坑,无缘无故会有许多多余的空格 260 create(e,st); 261 readln(n); 262 for ii:=1 to n do 263 begin 264 if ii=14 then 265 n:=n; 266 k; 267 end; 268 writeln; 269 end.