Unity Scene Screen.resolutions 分辨率列表

Screen.resolutions 分辨率列表(安卓平台试了不能用此方法,最好用宏定义判断一下平台)

C# => public static Resolution[] resolutions;

Description 描述

All fullscreen resolutions supported by the monitor (Read Only).


The returned resolutions are sorted by width, lower resolutions come first. Note that the array will always be empty on Android devices since the resolution is variable (within reason) and so there is no restricted set of resolutions to choose from.




using UnityEngine;

using System.Collections;


public class ExampleClass : MonoBehaviour {

    void Start() {

        Resolution[] resolutions = Screen.resolutions;

        foreach (Resolution res in resolutions) {

            print(res.width + "x" + res.height);


        Screen.SetResolution(resolutions[0].width, resolutions[0].height, true);





Screen.SetResolution(Screen.width, Screen.height, true);//true全屏,false不是全屏

posted @ 2018-06-29 15:11  朋丶Peng  阅读(2653)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报