最近在写模板时需要画个图 ("图论"的"图"). 本来打算用 Windows画图 (mspaint) 的, 但是效果不好, 还是决定用LaTeX的TikZ画. 这里先开个坑. Graph drawing in TikZ began as a student's project under my su 阅读全文
今年2月份在一台装了Windows的机器上装了Unbuntu 14.04 LTS (双系统, dual boot, 现已升级到 16.04 LTS). 然而开机时要从grub启动 Windows (选择 Windows Boot Manager) 却总是给出错误 . 一直没找到解决办法, 但是后来发 阅读全文
Ubuntu 16.04引入了一个新的包管理工具 , 用法与 类似. 1. 在终端用 搜索 支持的输入法 All Fcitx related packages start with fcitx , so you will see them when you search fcitx . 2. 找到你 阅读全文
Q: Is it possible to check which package do I need to install to get certain .sty file from tlmgr rather than googling it or going to CTAN? A: You sho 阅读全文
Classrooms "传送门" The new semester is about to begin, and finding classrooms for orientation activities is always a headache. There are $k$ classrooms 阅读全文
"传送门" time limit per test 2 seconds memory limit per test 256 megabytes input standard input output standard output ZS the Coder has recently found an 阅读全文
Extraction from The C++ Programming Language 4th. edition, Bjarne Stroustrup 1. [8.1] A is a sequence of elements (called members) of arbitrary types. 阅读全文
二叉树属于 子节点有序的有根树 . 二叉树的遍历有三种方式: 前序 (pre order) 中序 (in order) 后续 (post order) 这三种遍历方式都是 递归 定义/实现的. 如果给每个节点一个编号, 就可以得到一个节点序列. 常见的问题: 已知前序, 中序, 求后序. 已知后序, 阅读全文
extraction from The C++ Programming Language, 4th. edition, Bjarne Stroustrup 1 . If no initializer is specified, a global, namespace, local , or memb 阅读全文