"题目链接" $\newcommand{\LCP}{\mathrm{LCP}}\newcommand{\suf}{\mathrm{suf}}$ 题意 给定 $n$ 个字符串 $s_1, s_2, \dots, s_n$,求只在 $s_1$ 中出现过的最短子串,若有多解,输出字典序最小的。 分析 为了 阅读全文
解析从命令行提供的参数可以使用 函数. To use this facility, your program must include the header file 是系统头文件, 并非由C/C++提供. 下面的介绍来自 "此链接" . 首先要理解 option 和 option argument 阅读全文
This is article is extracted from the MySQL 5.7 Reference Manual. The MySQL C API is a C based API that client applications written in C can use to co 阅读全文
题目大意 给定 $N$ 个矩形的宽和高, $(h_1, w_1), (h_2, w_2), \dots, (h_n w_n)$ . 现需要确定 $k$ ($k \le K$, $K$ 给定) 个矩形 $(H_i, W_i)$ , 使得 $\forall i \ (1\le i\le N), \exi 阅读全文
~/.local/share/applications/swt.desktop 阅读全文
两条重要的 Git 命令: The git rm command removes files from the index , or from the working tree and the index. git rm will not remove a file from just your w 阅读全文
以下内容摘自 PHP for Absolute Beginners, Thomas Blom Hansen & Jason Lengstorf The model view controller (MVC) design pattern is common approach to organizin 阅读全文
maintain symbolic links determining default commands update alternatives creates, removes, maintains and displays information about the symbolic links 阅读全文
名可名, 非常名 在调一个题目的过程中发现了一个之前从未意识到的问题. 考虑如下代码 试问最后a[0]的值. Unique Variable a variable provides us with named storage that our programs can manipulate. 这里需 阅读全文