/ 连接的是同一个概念的两个名称
chap 1
- 概率空间
A probability space is a triple \((\Omega, \mathcal{F}, P)\) where \(\Omega\) is a set of "outcomes," \(\mathcal{F}\) is a set of "events," and $P\colon \mathcal{F} \to [0,1] $ is a function that assigns probabilities to events. We assume that \(\mathcal{F}\) is a \(\sigma\)-field (or \(\sigma\)-algebra), i.e., a (nonempty) collection of subsets of \(\Omega\) that satisfy
(i) if \(A\in\mathcal{F}\) then \(A^c \in\mathcal{F}\), and
(ii) if \(A_i\in\mathcal{F}\) is a countable sequence of sets then \(\bigcup_iA_i\in\mathcal{F}\).
Here and in what follows, countable means finite or countably infinite. Since \(\bigcap_iA_i = (\bigcup_iA_i^c)^c\), it follows that a \(\sigma\)-field is closed under countable intersections.
Without \(P\), \((\Omega,\mathcal{F})\) is called a measurable space, i.e., it is a space on which we can put a measure. A measure is a nonnegative countably additive set of function; that is, a function \(\mu\colon\mathcal{F}\to\mathbb{R}\) with
(i) \(\mu(A)\ge\mu(\emptyset) = 0\) for all \(A\in\mathcal{F}\), and
(ii) if \(A_i\in\mathcal{F}\) is a countable sequence of disjoint sets, then
\mu(\bigcup_iA_i) = \sum_i\mu(A_i)
If \(\mu(\Omega) = 1\), we call \(\mu\) a probability measure. In this book, probability measures are usually denoted by \(P\).
- 随机试验/随机现象
- 样本空间,样本点
- 随机事件 abbr. 事件
- 事件 \(A\) 与 \(B\) 相互独立
- \(n\) 个事件相互独立,两两独立
- ?随机变量 abbr. RV: \(X\),\(Y\),……
A real valued function \(X\) defined on \(\Omega\) is said to be a random variable if for every Borel set \(B\in\mathbb R\) we have \(X^{-1}(B) = \\{\omega\colon X(\omega)\in B\\}\in\mathcal{F}\). When we need to emphasize the \(\sigma\)-field, we will say that \(X\) is \(\mathcal{F}\)-measurable or write \(X\in\mathcal{F}\).(A Borel set is an element of a Borel sigma-algebra.)
这个定义我还不能完全理解,我不理解 Berel set 究竟是什么。我本科概统教材上给出的随机变量的定义是:
设 \(\Omega\) 为一个样本空间,若对任意 \(\omega\in\Omega\),都有一个实数 \(X(\omega)\) 与之对应,则称 \(X(\omega)\) 为一个随机变量,并简记为 \(X\) 。
- 分布函数/DF \(F(x) := P(X\le x)\quad x\in\mathbb R\)
- 概率密度函数 abbr. 密度函数/PDF(在下文中,对于连续 RV,“分布”一词一般指概率密度函数)
正态分布:$X\sim N(\mu,\sigma^2)\quad f(x) = \dfrac{1}{\sqrt{2\pi}\sigma} e{-\dfrac{(x-\mu)2}{2\sigma^2}}, x\in\mathbb R, \mu\in\mathbb R, \sigma > 0 $
做变量替换,令 $ t = \frac{x - \mu} {\sqrt2\sigma}$,得
\(\int_{-\infty}^{\infty} e^{-t^2} \dif t\) 称作高斯积分,也称概率积分。需要证明
转化成极坐标 $ t = r\cos\theta, u = r\sin\theta$,上式转化为
- 二维随机变量 \((X,Y)\)(可以理解为两个随机变量)
- \((X,Y)\) 的联合分布函数 \(F(X,Y) := P(X\le x, Y\le y)\)
- 边际分布函数:\(F_X(x)\),\(F_Y(y)\)
- 随机变量的函数的分布:\(X\) 的 PDF 为 \(f(x)\),\(Y=g(X)\),求 \(Y\) 的 PDF。
- 数学期望 abbr. 期望:\(E(X)\)
- \(k\) 阶原点矩: \(E(X^k)\)
- \(k\) 阶中心矩:\(E\\{[X-E(X)]^k \\}\)
- 方差:\(\mathrm{Var}(X) := E\\{[X-E(X)]^2 \\} =\boxed{\color{blue}{ E(X^2) - [E(X)]^2 }}\)(二阶中心矩)
- 标准差:\(\sigma_X = \sqrt{\mathrm{Var}(X)}\)
- \(X\),\(Y\) 的协方差:\(\mathrm{Cov}(X,Y) := E\\{[X-E(X)] [Y-E(Y)] \\} = \boxed{E(XY) - E(X)E(Y)}\)
\mathrm{Var}(X+Y)& = E[(X+Y)^2] - [E(X+Y)]^2 \\
&= E(X^2) - [E(X)]^2 + E(Y^2) - [E(Y)]^2 + 2[E(XY)- E(X)E(Y)] \\
&= \mathrm{Var}(X) + \mathrm{Var}(Y) + 2\mathrm{Cov}(X,Y)
- \(X\),\(Y\) 的线性相关系数:\(\rho_{XY} = \dfrac{\mathrm{Cov}(X,Y)}{\sqrt{\mathrm{Var}(X)}\sqrt{\mathrm{Var}(Y)}}\)
- \(X\) 的标准化随机变量:\(X^\* := \dfrac{X-E(X)} {\sqrt{\mathrm{Var}(X)}}\)
- \(n\) 个随机变量的协方差矩阵:\(\Sigma := (\sigma_{ij})\_{n\times n}\),\(\sigma_{ij} = \mathrm{Cov}(X_i,X_j)\)
泊松分布:\(P(X = k) = \dfrac{\lambda^k}{k!}e^{-\lambda}\),记做 \(X\sim P(\lambda)\),\(\lambda > 0\) 。
\(E(X) = e^{-\lambda}\sum_{k\ge 0} k\dfrac{\lambda^k}{k!} = e^{-\lambda}\sum_{k\ge 1} k\dfrac{\lambda^k}{k!} = \lambda e^{-\lambda}\sum_{k\ge 1} \dfrac{\lambda^{k-1}}{(k-1)!} = \lambda e^{-\lambda}\sum_{k\ge 0} \dfrac{\lambda^{k}}{k!} = \lambda\)
$ E(X^2) = e^{-\lambda} \sum_{k>=0} k^2 \dfrac{\lambda^k}{k!} = \lambda e^{-\lambda} \sum_{k\ge 0} (k+1) \dfrac{\lambda^{k}}{k!} = \lambda(\lambda + 1)$
从而 $ \mathrm{Var}(X) = E(X^2) - [E(X)]^2 = \lambda $
chap 2
- 总体,个体,个体的数量指标(个体的出现是随机的 \(\implies\) 个体的数量指标是随机变量,记做 \(X\))
- 抽样
- 样本,样本容量 \(n\)(样本是一个复数(plural)概念,抽到的个体是随机得到的,其数量指标是 \(n\) 个随机变量 \(X_1, \dots, X_n\))
- 样本容量 \(n\),样本观测值 \(x_1, \dots x_n\) 。
- 简单随机抽样,简单随机样本
- 统计量:函数 \(T = T(X_1, \dots, X_n)\),其中不含未知参数。
- 样本均值:\(\overline{X} = \frac1n \sum_{1\le i\le n} X_i\)
- 样本方差:\(S^2 = \frac{1}{n-1}\sum_{1\le i\le n} \left(X_i - \overline{X}\right)^2\),样本标准差 \(S\)
- 样本 \(k\) 阶原点矩:\(A_k = \frac{1}{n}\sum_{1\le i\le n} X_i^k\)
- 极大次序统计量:\(X_{(n)} = \max\\{X_1, \dots, X_n\\}\)
- 极小次序统计量:\(X_{(1)} = \min\\{X_1, \dots, X_n\\}\)
- 抽样分布:统计量的分布(统计量也是一个随机变量)
- \(\chi^2\) 分布:\(\chi^2 = X_1^2 + \dots + X_n^2, \quad X_i\sim N(0,1)\)
\(\chi^2\) 分布的推导
设 RV \(X\sim \chi^2(n)\) 。考虑 \(X\) 的 DF
其中积分区域 \(V\) 为 \(n\) 维球 \(\sum_i x_i^2 \le x\) 。
由于积分区域和被积函数具有球对称性,上述积分在 \(n\) 维球坐标系下表示为
其中 \(c_n\) 是与 \(n\) 有关的常数。
考虑上述积分在 \(x\to \infty\) 时的极限,有
形如 $ \int_{0}^{\infty} e{-\frac{r2}{2}} r^{n-1}\dif r $ 的广义积分没有解析形式,引入一种特殊函数来表示这一类积分。
\(\Gamma\) 函数
注意:并非对任意 \(x\in\mathbb{R}\) 上述广义积分都收敛,\(\Gamma(0)\) 就不收敛。
做变量替换,令 \(u = r^2/2\) ,则 \(r = (2u)^{\frac12}, \dif r = (2u)^{-\frac12}\dif u\) 。于是
c_n = \frac1{2^{n/2-1} \Gamma(\frac n2)}
从而 \(\chi^2(n)\) 的 PDF 为
设 RV \(X\) 的 PDF 为 \(f(x)\),\(Y\) 的 PDF 为 \(g(y)\),求 \(Z=X+Y\) 的 PDF \(h(z)\),考虑下面几种解法是否正确。
(1) $ h(z) = \int_{-\infty}^\infty f(x)g(z-x)\dif x$
(2) $ h(z) = \int_{-\infty}^\infty f(x)g_{Y\mid X}(z-x\mid x)\dif x$
其中 \(g_{Y\mid X}(z-x\mid x)\) 为给定 \(X=x\) 的条件下 \(Y\) 的条件密度函数,\(g_{Y\mid X}(y\mid x) = \dfrac{f(x,y)}{f_X(x)}\) 。
注意:这里的 \(f(x,y)\) 不能由 \(f(x)\) 和 \(g(y)\) 算出来,需要另外给出。