关于 __int128

__int128 是 GCC 提供的扩展(extension),可以当作 128 位整数使用。

关于 __int128__int128_t

Normally, _t suffix means a typedef, __ prefix means reserved for compiler and _ prefix means reserved for standard library; I would guess that __int128 is the final native type supported by the compiler, while __int128_t was a temporary hack that they moved away from.

如何判断你所使用的 GCC 版本是否包含 __int128 扩展

You can test for the __SIZEOF_INT128__ macro --- which is (typically) 16 if defined.

2019/10/13 更新

  1. 在我的编译器(g++.exe (Rev2, Built by MSYS2 project) 9.2.0)上,__int128 会报 warning: ISO C++ does not support '__int128'
    __int128_t 则不会;因此最好只用 __int128_t

  2. Codeforces 不支持 __int128_t

2020/5/17 更新

Codeforces 支持 128 位整数了。


posted @ 2017-12-13 09:14  Pat  阅读(3561)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报