Algorithmic Graph Drawing in TikZ

最近在写模板时需要画个图 ("图论"的"图"). 本来打算用Windows画图 (mspaint) 的, 但是效果不好, 还是决定用LaTeX的TikZ画. 这里先开个坑.

Graph drawing in TikZ began as a student's project under my supervision. Renee Ahrens, Olof-Joachim Frahm, Jens Klutting, Matthias Schulz, and Stephan Schuster wrote the first prototype of a graph drawing system inside TikZ that uses LuaTeX for the implementation of graph drawing algoritms. --- Till Tantau


TikZ Library graphdrawing


This package provides capabilities for automatic graph drawing. It requires that the document is typeset using LuaTeX. This package should work with LuaTeX 0.54 or higher.

"Users" of the graph drawing engine can invoke the graph drawing algorithms often by just adding a single option to their picture. Here is a typical example, where the layered layout option tells TikZ that the graph should be drawn ("should be laid out") using a so-called "layered graph drawing algorithm".

\graph [layered layout, <other options>]
posted @ 2016-10-09 20:18  Pat  阅读(358)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报