Sublime text 快捷键总结


Basic Editing

Ctrl + A  全选

Ctrl + S  保存

Ctrl + C  复制

Ctrl + V  粘贴

Ctrl + L  选中一行 (Select lines - Repeat to select next lines)

Ctrl + /  (注释)/(取消注释)一行  (Comment/uncomment current selection)

Ctrl + Shift + /  添加C格式的注释(/**/) (Block comment current selection)



For more information, go to Sublime Text Docs


More Editing

Ctrl + X           Cut line

Ctrl + KK          Delete from cursor to end of line

Ctrl + K + Backspace    Delete from cursor to start of line

Ctrl + Shift + V      Paste and indent correctly  (这个尤其有用)

Ctrl + D        Select word - Repeat select other occurences

Ctrl + M        Jump to closing parentheses Repeat to jump to opening parentheses

Ctrl + Shift + M      Select all contents of the current parentheses

Ctrl + Shift + K      Delete line (注意它和 Ctrl + X 的区别)

Ctrl + Shift + ↑ (Up)    Move line/selection up

Ctrl + shift + ↓ (Down)    Move line/selection down

Ctrl + Shift + D      Duplicate line(s)

Ctrl + J         Join line below to the end of current line

Ctrl + ] (或者Tab)      Indents current line(s)

Ctrl + [ (或者Shift + Tab)   Un-indent current line

Alt + Shift + Up       Column selection up  (column selection 是Sublime Text的特色功能)

Alt + Shift + Down      Column selection down


Ctrl + Shift + P      Command prompt

Ctrl + KB        Toggle side bar (这个尤其有用, 从前一直不知道如何关掉side bar)

Ctrl + Shift + Alt + P    Show scope in status bar (这个NB, 与syntax highlight有关)

Navigation/Goto Anywhere

Ctrl + P        Quick-open files by name

Ctrl + R        Goto symbol

Ctrl + ;        Goto word in current file

Ctrl + G        Goto line in current file


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