
- (NSColor *)textColor


    NSAttributedString *attrTitle = [self attributedTitle];

    int len = [attrTitle length];

    NSRange range = NSMakeRange(0, MIN(len, 1)); // get the font attributes from the first character

    NSDictionary *attrs = [attrTitle fontAttributesInRange:range];

    NSColor *textColor = [NSColor controlTextColor];

    if (attrs)


        textColor = [attrs objectForKey:NSForegroundColorAttributeName];



    return textColor;




- (void)setTextColor:(NSColor *)textColor


    NSMutableAttributedString *attrTitle =

        [[NSMutableAttributedString alloc] initWithAttributedString:[self attributedTitle]];

    int len = [attrTitle length];

    NSRange range = NSMakeRange(0, len);

    [attrTitle addAttribute:NSForegroundColorAttributeName value:textColor range:range];

    [attrTitle fixAttributesInRange:range];

    [self setAttributedTitle:attrTitle];

    [attrTitle release];





- (IBAction)pressSpaceKey:(id)sender {


    NSLog(@" go to record");


    // 需要给这个按钮增加一个事件,让它与keyDown/keyUp 关联,按住按钮时一直录音,松开按钮时录音结束。


    NSButton * btn = (NSButton *)sender;

    if ([btn tag] == 100) {

        btn.tag = 101;


        [btn setTitle:@"停止录音"];



    }else if ([btn tag] == 101){

        btn.tag = 100;


        [btn setTitle:@"开始录音"];






IBOutlet NSMatrix *popoverType;