using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using UnityEngine; //此类需要声明属性System.Serializble,表示可序列化 [System.Serializable] public class Anim { public AnimationClip idle; public AnimationClip runForward; public AnimationClip runBackward; public AnimationClip runRight; public AnimationClip runLeft; } public class PlayerCtrl : MonoBehaviour { private float h = 0.0F; private float v = 0.0F; //必须先分配变量,之后才能使用常用组件 private Transform tr; //移动速度变量 public float moveSpeed = 10.0F; //旋转速度变量 public float rotSpeed = 100.0F; //要显示到检视视图的动画类变量 public Anim anim; //要访问下列3D模型Animation组件对象的变量 public Animation _animation; // Start is called before the first frame update void Start() { //向脚本初始部分分配Transform组件 tr = GetComponent<Transform>(); _animation = GetComponentInChildren<Animation>(); //_animation.clip = anim.idle; //_animation.Play(); } // Update is called once per frame void Update() { h = Input.GetAxis("Horizontal"); v = Input.GetAxis("Vertical"); //计算前后左右移动方向向量 Vector3 moveDir = (Vector3.forward * v) + (Vector3.right * h); //Translate(移动方向*Time.deltaTime*位移值*速度,基础坐标) tr.Translate(moveDir.normalized * Time.deltaTime * moveSpeed, Space.Self); //以Vecter3.up轴为基准,以rotSpeed速度旋转 tr.Rotate(Vector3.up * Time.deltaTime * rotSpeed * Input.GetAxis("Mouse X")); if (v >= 0.1F) { //前进动画 _animation.CrossFade(anim.runForward.name, 0.3F); } else if (v <= -0.1F) { //后退动画 _animation.CrossFade(anim.runBackward.name, 0.3F); } else if (h >= 0.1F) { //向右动画 _animation.CrossFade(anim.runRight.name, 0.3F); } else if (h <= -0.1F) { //向左动画 _animation.CrossFade(anim.runLeft.name, 0.3F); } else { //idle动画 _animation.CrossFade(anim.idle.name, 0.3F); } } }
using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using UnityEngine; using UnityEngine.AI; public class MonsterCtrl : MonoBehaviour { //声明表示怪兽状态信息的Enumerable变量 public enum MonsterState { idle,trace,attack,die}; //保存怪兽当前状态的Enum变量 public MonsterState monsterState = MonsterState.idle; //为提高速度而向变量分配各种组件 private Transform monsterTran; private Transform playerTran; private NavMeshAgent nvAgent; private Animator animator; //追击范围 public float traceDist = 10.0F; //攻击范围 public float attackDist = 2.0F; //怪兽是否死亡 private bool isDie = false; // Start is called before the first frame update void Start() { //获取怪兽的Transform组件 monsterTran = this.gameObject.GetComponent<Transform>(); //获取玩家Transform组件 playerTran = GameObject.FindWithTag("Player").GetComponent<Transform>(); //获取NavMeshAgent组件 nvAgent = this.gameObject.GetComponent<NavMeshAgent>(); //获取Animator组件 animator = this.gameObject.GetComponent<Animator>(); //设置要追击对象的位置后,怪兽马上开始追击 nvAgent.destination = playerTran.position; //运行定期检查怪兽当前状态的协程函数 StartCoroutine(this.CheckMonsterState()); //运行根据怪兽当前状态执行相应例程的协程函数 StartCoroutine(this.MonsterAction()); } //定期检查怪兽当前状态并更新monsterState值 IEnumerator CheckMonsterState() { while (!isDie) { //等待0.2秒后执行后面的代码 yield return new WaitForSeconds(0.2F); //测量怪兽与玩家之间的距离 float dist = Vector3.Distance(playerTran.position, monsterTran.position); if (dist <= attackDist) { monsterState = MonsterState.attack; //查看玩家是否进入攻击范围 } else if (dist <= traceDist) { monsterState = MonsterState.trace; //查看玩家是否进入追击范围 } else { monsterState = MonsterState.idle; //怪兽的状态为开始状态 } } } //根据怪兽当前状态执行适当的动作 IEnumerator MonsterAction() { while (!isDie) { switch (monsterState) { //idle状态 case MonsterState.idle: //停止追击 nvAgent.Stop(); //将Animator的IsTrace变量设置为false animator.SetBool("IsTrace", false); break; //追击状态 case MonsterState.trace: //传递要追击对象的位置 nvAgent.destination = playerTran.position; //重新开始追击 nvAgent.Resume(); //将Animator的IsTrace变量设置为true animator.SetBool("IsTrace", true); break; //攻击状态 case MonsterState.attack: break; case MonsterState.die: break; default: break; } yield return null; } } }