template <class Arg, class Result> pointer_to_unary_function<Arg,Result> ptr_fun (Result (*f)(Arg)); template <class Arg1, class Arg2, class Result> pointer_to_binary_function<Arg1,Arg2,Result> ptr_fun (Result (*f)(Arg1,Arg2));
Convert function pointer to function object
Returns a function object that encapsulates function f.Function objects are objects whose class defines member function operator(). This member function allows the object to be used with the same syntax as a regular function call. Several standard algorithms and adaptors are designed to be used with function objects.
It is defined with the same behavior as:
- template <class Arg, class Result>
- pointer_to_unary_function<Arg,Result> ptr_fun (Result (*f)(Arg))
- {
- return pointer_to_unary_function<Arg,Result>(f);
- }
- template <class Arg1, class Arg2, class Result>
- pointer_to_binary_function<Arg1,Arg2,Result> ptr_fun (Result (*f)(Arg1,Arg2))
- {
- return pointer_to_binary_function<Arg1,Arg2,Result>(f);
- }
Template parameters
- Arg, Arg1, Arg2
- Types of the function's arguments.
- Result
- Function's return type.
- f
- Pointer to a function, taking either one argument (of type Arg) or two arguments (of types Arg1 and Arg2) and returning a value of type Result.
Return value
A function object equivalent to f.pointer_to_unary_function and pointer_to_binary_function are function object types, derived respectively fromunary_function and binary_function.
- // ptr_fun example
- #include <iostream>
- #include <functional>
- #include <algorithm>
- #include <cstdlib>
- #include <numeric>
- using namespace std;
- int main () {
- char* foo[] = {"10","20","30","40","50"};
- int bar[5];
- int sum;
- transform (foo, foo+5, bar, ptr_fun(atoi) );
- sum = accumulate (bar, bar+5, 0);
- cout << "sum = " << sum << endl;
- return 0;
- }
Possible output:
- sum = 150
- // ceshi1.cpp : 定义控制台应用程序的入口点。
- //
- #include "stdafx.h"
- #include <iostream>
- #include <functional>
- using std::cout;
- using std::endl;
- /*
- binary_function
- */
- template<typename Arg1,typename Arg2,typename Ret>
- class binary_function{
- public:
- typedef Arg1 first_argument_type;
- typedef Arg2 second_argument_type;
- typedef Ret return_type;
- };
- /*
- pointer_to_binary_function
- */
- template<typename Arg1,typename Arg2,typename Ret>
- class pointer_to_binary_function:public binary_function<Arg1,Arg2,Ret>{
- private:
- Ret (*pmf)(Arg1,Arg2);
- public:
- explicit pointer_to_binary_function(Ret (*pmf_)(Arg1,Arg2))
- :pmf(pmf_){
- }
- Ret operator()(Arg1 left,Arg2 right){
- return pmf(left,right);
- }
- };
- /*
- ptr_fun
- */
- template<typename Arg1,typename Arg2,typename Ret>
- pointer_to_binary_function<Arg1,Arg2,Ret> ptr_fun(Ret (*pf)(Arg1,Arg2)){
- return pointer_to_binary_function<Arg1,Arg2,Ret>(pf);
- }
- /*
- test_function
- */
- void test_function(int a,int b){
- cout<<"Arg1 is "<<a<<endl;
- cout<<"Arg2 is "<<b<<endl;
- }
- /*
- main
- */
- int main(int argc,char* argv[]){
- int a=3;
- int b=30;
- (pointer_to_binary_function<int,int,void>(test_function))(a,b);
- return 0;
- }