One of ASP.net’s most attractive features is the viewstate. It is a convienent way to store arbitrary data in a persistent mechanism. In fact, it’s rather like PHP’s $_SESSION array. There is, howeve... 阅读全文
摘要 Google 提供许多Internet服务,这些服务要求用户进行鉴权,依赖于一种称之为Google账号的单点登录的服务,该服务始于2002年。到2006年为止,Google在全球范围内已经拥有几十种应用,几百万用户账号。我们探讨这些服务的数据管理需求和架构、以及在运行这些服务时所遇到的问题和获得的经验。通过这些探讨,我们对“理论遇上实践”这一问题提出我们的观点。系统的成功来... 阅读全文
“Each node in a system should be able to make decisions purely based on local state. If you need to do something under high load with failures occurring and you need to reach agreement, you’re lost…... 阅读全文