#include #include #include #include #include #include using namespace std; #define TIMER int clock_t start, end; struct module { string title; TIMER teamA, teamB; module* next = nullptr; module* pre = nullptr; } * Begin = new module, *handle = Begin; int input(); int timer(string title, int a, int b); void SetConsoleWindowSize( SHORT width, SHORT height ) { HANDLE hStdOutput = GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE); SMALL_RECT wrt = { 0, 0, width - 1, height - 1 }; SetConsoleWindowInfo( hStdOutput, TRUE, &wrt ); // 璁剧疆绐椾綋灏哄 COORD coord = { width, height }; SetConsoleScreenBufferSize( hStdOutput, coord ); // 璁剧疆缂撳啿灏哄 } int main(int argc, char** argv) { SetConsoleWindowSize(32, 12); ios_base::sync_with_stdio(FALSE); CONSOLE_FONT_INFOEX cfi; cfi.cbSize = sizeof(cfi); cfi.nFont = 0; cfi.dwFontSize.X = 0; // Width of each character in the font cfi.dwFontSize.Y = 48; // Height cfi.FontFamily = FF_DONTCARE; cfi.FontWeight = FW_LIGHT; std::wcscpy(cfi.FaceName, L"Arial"); // Choose your font SetCurrentConsoleFontEx(GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE), FALSE, &cfi); input(); module* now = Begin; cout << "Press any key to start." << endl; while (!kbhit()); while (now->next != nullptr) { if (timer(now->title, now->teamA, now->teamB)) { now = now->next; } else { break; } } cout << "Reaching the End!" << endl; // 閲婃斁鍔ㄦ€佸垎閰嶇殑鍐呭瓨 while(handle != Begin){ handle = handle->pre; delete handle->next; } delete Begin; handle = NULL; system("Pause"); return 0; } int input() { ifstream init("Process.txt"); while (init >> handle->title >> handle->teamA >> handle->teamB) { handle->next = new module; handle->next->pre = handle; handle = handle->next; } return 0; } int timer(string title, int a, int b) { int* p[2] = {&a, &b}; int i = 0; int* now = p[i]; clock_t rec = 0; start = clock(); while(1) { if(kbhit()){ char c = getch(); if (c == ' ') { now = p[i = (~i) & 1]; start = clock(); }else if(c == 'q'){ cout<<"Quit..."<= CLOCKS_PER_SEC) { system("cls"); *now -= (int)(((rec = clock()) - start) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC); start = rec; } else continue; cout << title << endl << "Team A Team B\n" << a << " " << b << endl; if ((a <= 0 && now == p[0]) || (b <= 0 && now == p[1])) { Beep(880, 500); MessageBox(NULL, "Timer End!", "End", IDOK); start = clock(); } if (a == 30 || b == 30) { Beep(440, 500); } if ((a <= 3 && a != 0 && now == p[0]) || (b <= 3 && b != 0 && now == p[1])) { Beep(440, 300); } if (a == 0) now = p[1]; if (b == 0) now = p[0]; if (a <= 0 && b <= 0) break; } return 1; }
posted @ 2024-10-04 11:30  One_JuRuo  阅读(3)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报