--listener D:\Document\py\workspace\robotFrame\lib\site-packages\robotide\contrib\testrunner\TestRunnerAgent.py:59415:False
#!/usr/bin/env python # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Copyright 2010 Orbitz WorldWide # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # Modified by Mikko Korpela under NSN copyrights # Copyright 2008-2015 Nokia Solutions and Networks # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # Ammended by Timothy Alexander <dragonfyre13@gmail.com> # (StreamHandler class added) # Copyright 2013 Timothy Alexander # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Modified by Mateusz Marzec under NSN copyrights # Copyright 2015 Nokia Solutions and Networks # * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, # * see license.txt file for details. # # Ammended by Helio Guilherme <helioxentric@gmail.com> # Copyright 2008-2015 Nokia Networks # Copyright 2016- Robot Framework Foundation # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. """A Robot Framework listener that sends information to a socket This uses a custom streamhandler module, preferring json but sending either json or pickle to send objects to the listening server. It should probably be refactored to call an XMLRPC server. """ import copy import os import platform import sys import socket import threading PLATFORM = platform.python_implementation() PY2 = sys.version_info[0] == 2 PY3 = not PY2 try: import SocketServer except ImportError: #py3 try: import socketserver as SocketServer except ImportError as e: raise e try: # to find robot (we use provided lib) sys.path.append(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '../../lib')) from robot.errors import ExecutionFailed from robot.running import EXECUTION_CONTEXTS from robot.running.signalhandler import STOP_SIGNAL_MONITOR from robot.utils import encoding from robot.utils.encoding import SYSTEM_ENCODING except ImportError: encoding = None # print("TestRunnerAgent: Maybe you did not installed RIDE under this Python?") # DEBUG raise # DEBUG # print("DEBUG: console %s system %s" % (encoding.CONSOLE_ENCODING, encoding.SYSTEM_ENCODING)) if sys.hexversion > 0x2060000: import json _JSONAVAIL = True else: try: import simplejson as json _JSONAVAIL = True except ImportError: _JSONAVAIL = False try: import cPickle as pickle except ImportError: # py3 import pickle as pickle try: from cStringIO import StringIO except ImportError: try: from StringIO import StringIO except ImportError: # py3 from io import StringIO HOST = "localhost" # Setting Output encoding to UTF-8 and ignoring the platform specs # RIDE will expect UTF-8 # Set output encoding to UTF-8 for piped output streams # DEBUG This was working in Linux always! #if encoding: # encoding.OUTPUT_ENCODING = 'UTF-8' # print("DEBUG: TestRunnerAgent encoding %s\n" % SYSTEM_ENCODING ) def _is_logged(level): current = EXECUTION_CONTEXTS.current if current is None: return True out = current.output if out is None: return True return out._xmllogger._log_message_is_logged(level) class TestRunnerAgent: """Pass all listener events to a remote listener If called with one argument, that argument is a port If called with two, the first is a hostname, the second is a port """ ROBOT_LISTENER_API_VERSION = 2 def __init__(self, *args): self.port = int(args[0]) #端口 self.host = HOST self.sock = None self.filehandler = None self.streamhandler = None self._connect() self._send_pid() self._create_debugger((len(args) >= 2) and (args[1] == 'True'))#pause_on_failure=FALSE self._create_kill_server()#开启服务 print("TestRunnerAgent: Running under %s %s\n" % (PLATFORM, sys.version.split()[0])) def _create_debugger(self, pause_on_failure): self._debugger = RobotDebugger(pause_on_failure)# 创建debug服务 def _create_kill_server(self): self._killer = RobotKillerServer(self._debugger)#关闭socket服务 self._server_thread = threading.Thread( target=self._killer.serve_forever)#创建多线程 self._server_thread.setDaemon(True) self._server_thread.start() self._send_server_port(self._killer.server_address[1]) def _send_pid(self): self._send_socket("pid", os.getpid()) def _send_server_port(self, port): self._send_socket("port", port) def start_test(self, name, attrs): self._send_socket("start_test", name, attrs) def end_test(self, name, attrs): self._send_socket("end_test", name, attrs) def start_suite(self, name, attrs): attrs_copy = copy.copy(attrs) del attrs_copy['doc'] attrs_copy['is_dir'] = os.path.isdir(attrs['source']) self._send_socket("start_suite", name, attrs_copy) def end_suite(self, name, attrs): attrs_copy = copy.copy(attrs) del attrs_copy['doc'] attrs_copy['is_dir'] = os.path.isdir(attrs['source']) self._send_socket("end_suite", name, attrs_copy) def start_keyword(self, name, attrs): # pass empty args, see https://github.com/nokia/RED/issues/32 # we're cutting args from original attrs dict, because it may contain # objects which are not json-serializable and we don't need them anyway attrs_copy = copy.copy(attrs) del attrs_copy['args'] del attrs_copy['doc'] del attrs_copy['assign'] self._send_socket("start_keyword", name, attrs_copy) if self._debugger.is_breakpoint(name, attrs): # must check original self._debugger.pause() paused = self._debugger.is_paused() if paused: self._send_socket('paused') self._debugger.start_keyword() if paused: self._send_socket('continue') def end_keyword(self, name, attrs): # pass empty args, see https://github.com/nokia/RED/issues/32 attrs_copy = copy.copy(attrs) del attrs_copy['args'] del attrs_copy['doc'] del attrs_copy['assign'] self._send_socket("end_keyword", name, attrs_copy) self._debugger.end_keyword(attrs['status'] == 'PASS') def message(self, message): pass def log_message(self, message): if _is_logged(message['level']): self._send_socket("log_message", message) def log_file(self, path): self._send_socket("log_file", path) def output_file(self, path): pass def report_file(self, path): self._send_socket("report_file", path) def summary_file(self, path): pass def debug_file(self, path): pass def close(self): self._send_socket("close") if self.sock: self.filehandler.close() self.sock.close() def _connect(self): """Establish a connection for sending data""" try: self.sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) self.sock.connect((self.host, self.port)) # Iron python does not return right object type if not binary mode self.filehandler = self.sock.makefile('wb') self.streamhandler = StreamHandler(self.filehandler) except socket.error as e: print('unable to open socket to "%s:%s" error: %s' % (self.host, self.port, str(e))) self.sock = None self.filehandler = None def _send_socket(self, name, *args): try: if self.filehandler: packet = (name, args) self.streamhandler.dump(packet) self.filehandler.flush() except Exception: import traceback traceback.print_exc(file=sys.stdout) sys.stdout.flush() raise #debug 服务 class RobotDebugger(object): def __init__(self, pause_on_failure=False): self._state = 'running' self._keyword_level = 0 self._pause_when_on_level = -1 self._pause_on_failure = pause_on_failure self._resume = threading.Event() @staticmethod def is_breakpoint(name, attrs): if len(attrs['args']) > 0: return name == 'BuiltIn.Comment' and \ str(attrs['args'][0]).upper().startswith(u"PAUSE") def pause(self): self._resume.clear() self._state = 'pause' def pause_on_failure(self, pause): self._pause_on_failure = pause def resume(self): self._state = 'running' self._pause_when_on_level = -1 self._resume.set() def step_next(self): self._state = 'step_next' self._resume.set() def step_over(self): self._state = 'step_over' self._resume.set() def start_keyword(self): while self._state == 'pause': self._resume.wait() self._resume.clear() if self._state == 'step_next': self._state = 'pause' elif self._state == 'step_over': self._pause_when_on_level = self._keyword_level self._state = 'resume' self._keyword_level += 1 def end_keyword(self, passed=True): self._keyword_level -= 1 if self._keyword_level == self._pause_when_on_level or\ (self._pause_on_failure and not passed): self._state = 'pause' def is_paused(self): return self._state == 'pause' #kill 服务 class RobotKillerServer(SocketServer.TCPServer): allow_reuse_address = True def __init__(self, debugger): SocketServer.TCPServer.__init__(self, ("", 0), RobotKillerHandler) self.debugger = debugger class RobotKillerHandler(SocketServer.StreamRequestHandler): def handle(self): data = self.request.makefile('r').read().strip() if data == 'kill': self._signal_kill() elif data == 'pause': self.server.debugger.pause() elif data == 'resume': self.server.debugger.resume() elif data == 'step_next': self.server.debugger.step_next() elif data == 'step_over': self.server.debugger.step_over() elif data == 'pause_on_failure': self.server.debugger.pause_on_failure(True) elif data == 'do_not_pause_on_failure': self.server.debugger.pause_on_failure(False) @staticmethod def _signal_kill(): try: STOP_SIGNAL_MONITOR(1, '') except ExecutionFailed: pass # NOTE: Moved to bottom of TestRunnerAgent per feedback in pull request, # so jybot doesn't encounter issues. Special imports at top of file. class StreamError(Exception): """ Base class for EncodeError and DecodeError """ pass class EncodeError(StreamError): """ This exception is raised when an unencodable object is passed to the dump() method or function. """ wrapped_exceptions = (pickle.PicklingError, ) class DecodeError(StreamError): """ This exception is raised when there is a problem decoding an object, such as a security violation. Note that other exceptions may also be raised during decoding, including AttributeError, EOFError, ImportError, and IndexError. """ # NOTE: No JSONDecodeError in json in stdlib for python >= 2.6 wrapped_exceptions = (pickle.UnpicklingError,) if _JSONAVAIL: if hasattr(json, 'JSONDecodeError'): wrapped_exceptions = (pickle.UnpicklingError, json.JSONDecodeError) def dump(obj, fp): StreamHandler(fp).dump(obj) def load(fp): return StreamHandler(fp).load() def dumps(obj): """ Similar method to json dumps, prepending data with message length header. Replaces pickle.dumps, so can be used in place without the memory leaks on receiving side in pickle.loads (related to memoization of data) NOTE: Protocol is ignored when json representation is used """ fp = StringIO() StreamHandler(fp).dump(obj) return fp.getvalue() def loads(s): """ Reads in json message or pickle message prepended with message length header from a string. Message is expected to be encoded by this class as well, to have same message length header type. Specifically replaces pickle.loads as that function/method has serious memory leak issues with long term use of same Unpickler object for encoding data to send, specifically related to memoization of data to encode. """ fp = StringIO(s) return StreamHandler(fp).load() class StreamHandler(object): """ This class provides a common streaming approach for the purpose of reliably sending data over a socket interface. Replaces usage of Unpickler.load where possible with JSON format prepended by message length header. Uses json in python stdlib (in python >= 2.6) or simplejson (in python < 2.6). If neither are available, falls back to pickle.Pickler and pickle.Unpickler, attempting to eliminate memory leakage where possible at the expense of CPU usage (by not re-using Pickler or Unpickler objects). NOTE: StreamHandler currently assumes that same python version is installed on both sides of reading/writing (or simplejson is loaded in case of one side or other using python < 2.6). This could be resolved by requiring an initial header with json vs pickle determination from the writing side, but would considerably complicate the protocol(s) further (handshake would need to occur at least, and assumes encoding is used over a socket, etc.) json.raw_decode could be used rather than prepending with a message header in theory (assuming json is available), but performance of repeatedly failing to parse written data would make this an unworkable solution in many cases. """ loads = staticmethod(loads) dumps = staticmethod(dumps) def __init__(self, fp): """ Stream handler that encodes objects as either JSON (if available) with message length header prepended for sending over a socket, or as a pickled object if using python < 2.6 and simplejson is not installed. Since pickle.load has memory leak issues with memoization (remembers absolutely everything decoded since instantiation), json is a preferred method to encode/decode for long running processes which pass large amounts of data back and forth. """ if _JSONAVAIL: self._json_encoder = json.JSONEncoder(separators=(',', ':'), sort_keys=True).encode self._json_decoder = json.JSONDecoder(strict=False).decode else: def json_not_impl(dummy): raise NotImplementedError( 'Python version < 2.6 and simplejson not installed. Please' ' install simplejson.') self._json_decoder = staticmethod(json_not_impl) self._json_encoder = staticmethod(json_not_impl) self.fp = fp def dump(self, obj): """ Similar method to json dump, prepending data with message length header. Replaces pickle.dump, so can be used in place without the memory leaks on receiving side in pickle.load (related to memoization of data) NOTE: Protocol is ignored when json representation is used """ # NOTE: Slightly less efficient than doing iterencode directly into the # fp, however difference is negligable and reduces complexity of # of the StreamHandler class (treating pickle and json the same) write_list = [] if _JSONAVAIL: try: s = self._json_encoder(obj) write_list.append('J') write_list.extend([str(len(s)), '|', s]) except: # Probably just failed to JSON-encode an object; try pickle. pass if not write_list: s = pickle.dumps(obj, pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL) write_list.append('P') write_list.extend([str(len(s)), '|', s]) if PY2: self.fp.write(''.join(write_list)) elif PY3: self.fp.write(bytes(''.join(write_list), "UTF-8")) # self.fp.flush() def load(self): """ Reads in json message prepended with message length header from a file (or socket, or other .read() enabled object). Message is expected to be encoded by this class as well, to have same message length header type. Specifically replaces pickle.load as that function/method has serious memory leak issues with long term use of same Unpickler object for encoding data to send, specifically related to memoization of data to encode. """ header = self._load_header() msgtype = header[0] msglen = header[1:] if not msglen.isdigit(): raise DecodeError('Message header not valid: %r' % header) msglen = int(msglen) buff = StringIO() # Don't use StringIO.len for sizing, reports string len not bytes buff.write(self.fp.read(msglen)) try: if msgtype == 'J': return self._json_decoder(buff.getvalue()) elif msgtype == 'P': return pickle.loads(buff.getvalue()) else: raise DecodeError("Message type %r not supported" % msgtype) except DecodeError.wrapped_exceptions as e: raise DecodeError(str(e)) def _load_header(self): """ Load in just the header bit from a socket/file pointer """ buff = StringIO() while len(buff.getvalue()) == 0 or buff.getvalue()[-1] != '|': recv_char = self.fp.read(1) if not recv_char: raise EOFError('File/Socket closed while reading load header') buff.write(recv_char) return buff.getvalue()[:-1]


posted on 2021-12-23 11:21  Old-Kang  阅读(167)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报