
本文的主要内容来自《Functional Programming in Swift》这本书,有点所谓的观后总结


we will try to focus on some of the qualities that we believe well-designed functional programs in Swift should exhibit: 

1. Modulatity【模块化】

2. A Careful Treatment of Mutable State 【细心对待可变的状态】: 不变性和无副作用




Thinking Functionally  ----- 函数式编程思想,这是本书的第二章

Functions in Swift are first-class values 


1. 判断一个Point是不是在圆心为(0,0)半径为r的圆上













typealias Position = CGPoint 
typealias Distance = CGFloat func inRange1(target: Position, range: Distance) -> Bool { return sqrt(target.x * target.x + target.y * target.y) <= range }

 2. 判断一个点是不是在圆心不在(0,0),半径为range的圆上


func inRange2(target: Position, ownPosition: Position, range: Distance) -> Bool {
    let dx = ownPosition.x - target.x
    let dy = ownPosition.y - target.y
    let targetDistance = sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy) 
    return targetDistance <= range



let minimumDistance: Distance = 2.0 

func inRange3(target: Position, ownPosition: Position, range: Distance) -> Bool {
    let dx = ownPosition.x - target.x
    let dy = ownPosition.y - target.y
    let targetDistance = sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy) 
    return targetDistance <= range && targetDistance >= minimumDistance


4. 判断一个Point是不是在圆环的grey部分,并且与一个Frendly【有点像护航船】点的距离至少为 minimumDistance

func inRange4(target: Position, ownPosition: Position, friendly: Position, range: Distance) -> Bool {
    let dx = ownPosition.x - target.x
    let dy = ownPosition.y - target.y
    let targetDistance = sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy)
    let friendlyDx = friendly.x - target.x
    let friendlyDy = friendly.y - target.y
    let friendlyDistance = sqrt(friendlyDx * friendlyDx + friendlyDy * friendlyDy)
    return targetDistance <= range
              && targetDistance >= minimumDistance
              && (friendlyDistance >= minimumDistance)



First-Class Functions 


func pointInRange(point: Position)->Bool{

  // Implement method here



typealias Region = Position -> Bool

从现在开始,Region 将指from a Position to a Bool的一个function,虽然这不是必要的,但他可以使得默写类型的签名更容易理解。

通过一个函数来确定一个给定的点是不是在该区域内,而不是通过类或者结构体。如果你之前没有使用过函数式编程,会看起来比较陌生,但是记住:函数在swift中第一类型值(functions in Swift are first-class values! )。决定用Region来命名这个类型,而不通过像CheckIngRegion 或者RegionBlock。因为这些名字所暗示着他们是一个函数类型,但函数式编程的关键的理念是  函数就是值,无异于Structs,intergers,booleans,使用那些具有功能性质的名字违反了这一约定。

func circle(radius: Distance) -> Region {
  return { p in sqrt(p.x * p.x + p.y * p.y) <= radius }


func shift(offset: Position, region: Region) -> Region {
     return { point in
        let shiftedPoint = Position(x: point.x + offset.x, y: point.y + offset.y)
        return region(shiftedPoint) 

有趣的是,有很多方法去改变现有的regions。比如,我们如果想定义一个新的region通过 翻转一个region。这个最终region是当前 region之外的所有region:

func invert(region: Region) -> Region { 
       return { point in !region(point) }


1 func intersection(region1: Region, region2: Region) -> Region { // 圆的交
2      return { point in region1(point) && region2(point) }
3 }
4 func union(region1: Region, region2: Region) -> Region { // 圆的并
5     return { point in region1(point) || region2(point) }
6 }

当然,我们也可以通过上面的方法去定义更加丰富的region。下面的defference 函数中,有两个参数region 和 minusRegion,and constructs a region with all points that are in the first, but not in the second, region:   不在minuRegion且与region相交

func difference(region: Region, minusRegion: Region) -> Region {
     return    intersection(region, invert(minusRegion))

 这些例子表明 用swift使用functions 计算和传参跟Intergers或者booleans没有区别


func inRange(ownPosition: Position, target: Position, friendly: Position, range: Distance) -> Bool {
    let rangeRegion = difference(circle(range), circle(minimumDistance)) 
    let targetRegion = shift(ownPosition, rangeRegion)
    let friendlyRegion = shift(friendly, circle(minimumDistance))
    let resultRegion = difference(targetRegion, friendlyRegion)
    return resultRegion(target)


The way we’ve defined the Region type does have its disadvantages. In particular, we cannot inspect how a region was constructed: Is it com- posed of smaller regions? Or is it simply a circle around the origin? The only thing we can do is to check whether a given point is within a region or not. If we would want to visualize a region, we would have to sample enough points to generate a (black and white) bitmap. 


Type-Driven Development 









posted @ 2015-07-29 12:16  OHeroJ  阅读(1055)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报