2 * Create by Oceanchip 2008-3-31
3 ***************************************/
6 * namespace:System
7 ******************************/
9 window.System = {};
12 * function System.createDeletegate
13 ************************************/
16 ///<summary> Creates a delegate function that executes the specified method in the correct context.</summary>
17 ///<param name="instance">The instance whose method should be executed.</param>
18 ///<param name="method">The method to execute.</param>
19 ///<returns>The delegate function.</returns>
20 return function()
21 {
22 return method.apply(instance,arguments);
23 }
26 * function System.merge
27 ************************************/
28 System.merge = function(destination,source,preventNew)
29 {
30 ///<summary>Merges properties from a source object into a destination object.</summary>
31 ///<param name="destination">The destination object.</param>
32 ///<param name="source">The source object.</param>
33 ///<param name="preventNew">Indicates whether or not new properties are prevented from being added to the destination object.</param>
35 var root = destination;
36 for( var i in source)
37 {
38 var s = source[i],d;
39 var properties = i.split(".");
40 var count = properties.length;
42 for(var j = 0; j < count; j++)
43 {
44 i =properties[j];
45 d = destination[i];
46 if(d)
47 {
48 if(typeof d == "object")
49 destination = d;
50 }
51 else if (j > 0 && j < count -1)
52 {
53 var obj = {};
54 obj[properties.slice(j,count).join(".")]=s;
55 s = obj;
56 break;
57 }
58 }
60 if(d && typeof(d) == "object" && typeof(s) == "object")
61 {
62 this.merge(d,s,false);
63 }
64 else if (preventNew && count<=1 && typeof(d) == "undefined")
65 throw new Error("Undefined property:"+i);
66 else
67 destination[i] = s;
69 destination = root;
70 }
71 }
72 /**//************************************
73 * function System.extend
74 ************************************/
75 System.extend = function(baseClass,derivedClass,deriveMembers)
76 {
77 ///<summary>Provides support for class inheritance.</summary>
78 ///<param name="baseClass">The base class.</param>
79 ///<param name="derivedClass">The derived class.</param>
80 ///<param name="derivedMembers">The members to add to the derived class and override in the base class.</param>
82 var F = function(){};
83 F.prototype = baseClass.prototype;
84 derivedClass.prototype = new F();
85 derivedClass.prototype.constructor = derivedClass;
86 derivedClass.base = baseClass.prototype;
88 if(baseClass.prototype.constructor == Object.prototype.constructor)
89 baseClass.prototype.constructor = baseClass;
91 //Note:IE will not enumerate derived members that exist in the Object
92 //prototype(e.g. toString,valueOf). If overriding these members
93 //is necessary,search for "_IEEnumFix" for one possible solution.
94 if(deriveMembers)
95 {
96 for(var i in deriveMembers)
97 derivedClass.prototype[i] = deriveMembers[i];
98 }
99 }
101 /**//************************************
102 * function System.parseBoolean
103 ************************************/
104 System.parseBoolean = function(value)
105 {
106 ///<summary>Parse a boolean from the specified value.</summary>
107 ///<param name="value">The value to parse.</param>
108 ///<returns>True if the specified value is parsed as true.</returns>
110 return (typeof(value)=="string") ? (value.toLowerCase() == "true"):Boolean(value);
111 }
113 /**//************************************
114 * function System.formatString
115 ************************************/
116 System.formatString = function(value)
117 {
118 ///<summary>FOrmats a string.</summary>
119 ///<param name = "value">The string to format.</param>
120 ///<returns>The formatted string.</returns>
122 for(var i = 1,j = arguments.length;i<j; i++)
123 {
124 value = value.replace("{"+ (i - 1) + "}",arguments[i]);
125 }
126 return value;
127 }
128 System.trim = function(value)
129 {
130 return value.replace(/(^\s*)|(\s*$)/g, "");
131 }
132 /**//*************************************
133 * function System.getUniqueId
134 ************************************/
135 System.getUniqueId = function(prefix)
136 {
137 ///<summary>Get a random unique identifer.</summary>
138 ///<param name="prefix">The prefix to prepend to the generated identifier.</param>
139 ///<returns> The unique identifier.</returns>
141 return prefix + Math.random().toString().substring(2);
142 }
144 /**//************************************
145 * function System.Object
146 ************************************/
147System.Object = function()
148 {
149 ///<summary>Provides a common base class with support for options and events.</summary>
151 this.options = {};
152 this.eventHandlers = {};
153 }
155 System.Object.prototype =
156 {
157 setOptions: function(options)
158 {
159 ///<summary>Merges the specified options with existing options.</summary>
160 ///<param name="options">The options to merge.</summary>
162 System.merge(this.options,options,true);
163 },
165 addEventListener : function(name , handler)
166 {
167 ///<summary>Adds an event handler to the list of handlers to be called when the specified event is fired.</summary>
168 ///<param name="name">The event name.</param>
169 ///<param name="handler">The event handler to add.</param>
170 ///<returns>The identifying token(i.e. index) for the added event handler.</returns>
172 var handlers = this.eventHandlers[name];
174 if(!handlers)
175 this.eventHandlers[name] = handlers = [];
177 var token = handlers.length;
178 handlers[token] = handler;
179 return token;
180 },
182 removeEventListener: function(name,handlerOrToken)
183 {
184 ///<summary>Removes the first matching event handler from the list of handlers to be called when the specified event is fired.</summary>
185 ///<param name="name">The event name.</param>
186 ///<param name="handlerOrToken">The event handler or indentiing token to remove.</param>
188 if(typeof(handlerOrToken) == "function")
189 {
190 var handlers = this.eventHandlers[name];
192 if(handlers)
193 {
194 for(var i = 0, j = handlers.length; i < j; i++)
195 {
196 if(handlers[i] == handlerOrToken)
197 break;
198 }
200 handlers.splice(i,1);
201 }
202 }
203 },
205 fireEvent: function(name, e)
206 {
207 ///<summary> Fires the specified event and calls each listening handler.</summary>
208 ///<param name="name">The name of the event to fire.</param>
209 ///<param name="e">The event arguments to pass to each handler.</param>
211 var handlers = this.eventHandlers[name];
213 if(handlers)
214 for( var i = 0, j = handlers.length; i < j; i++)
215 handlers[i](this,e);
216 },
218 dispose: function()
219 {
220 ///<summary> Release the object from memory.</summary>
222 this.options = null;
223 this.eventHandlers = null;
224 }
225 }
226 /**//************************************
227 * function System.Validate
228 ************************************/
229System.Validate = function(options)
231 ///<summary>Provider support from Validate check</summary>
232 ///<param name="options">The options from Validate.</param>
234 System.Validate.base.constructor.call(this);
236 this.reg = null;
237 this.msg = '';
242 check:function(val)
243 {
244 if(this.reg.test(val))
245 return true;
246 return false;
247 },
248 regex:function(val,reg)
249 {
250 if(reg.test(val))
251 {
252 this.msg = "";
253 return true;
254 }
255 return false;
256 },
257 //是否数字
258 isInteger:function(val)
259 {
260 if(System.trim(val) == '')return true;
261 this.reg = /^[-+]?\d*$/;
262 this.msg='请输入阿拉伯数字\r\n';
263 return this.check(val);
264 },
265 //是否浮点数
266 isDouble:function(val)
267 {
268 if(System.trim(val) == '')return true;
269 this.reg =/^[-+]?\d+(\.\d+)?$/;
270 this.msg='请输入数字,如3.14\r\n';
271 return this.check(val);
272 },
273 //电子邮件
274 isEmail:function(val)
275 {
276 if(System.trim(val) == '')return true;
277 this.reg = /^[\w-\.]+@([\w-]+\.)+[\w-]{2,4}$/;
278 this.msg ="请输入合法的email地址\r\n";
279 return this.check(val);
280 },
281 //货币
282 isCurrency:function(val)
283 {
284 if(System.trim(val) == '')return true;
285 this.reg = /^[$¥]?(\d{1,3}(\,d{3})*|(\d+))(\.\d{2})?$/;
286 this.msg="请输入金额,或以美元或人民币符合开头的数字,小数保留两位,如:¥1,000.00\r\n";
287 return this.check(val);
288 },
289 isString:function(val)
290 {
291 if(System.trim(val) == '')return true;
292 this.reg=/^\w+$/;
293 this.msg="请输入规则字符串\r\n";
294 return this.check(val);
295 },
296 isStringInteger:function(val)
297 {
298 if(System.trim(val) == '')return true;
299 this.reg=/^[a-zA-Z][0-9]+$/;
300 this.msg = "请输入首位是字母其他未数字的字符串\r\n";
301 return this.check(val);
302 },
303 isStringOrInteger:function(val)
304 {
305 if(System.trim(val) == '')return true;
306 this.reg=/^[a-zA-Z0-9]+$/;
307 this.msg = "请输入字母或数字\r\n";
308 return this.check(val);
309 },
310 isZip:function(val)
311 {
312 if(System.trim(val) == '')return true;
313 this.reg=/^\d{6}$/;
314 this.msg="请输入邮政编码,如:310000\r\n";
315 return this.check(val);
316 },
317 isUnsignInteger:function(val)
318 {
319 if(System.trim(val) == '')return true;
320 this.reg = /^\d*$/;
321 this.msg = "请输入阿拉伯数字\r\n";
322 return this.check(val);
323 },
324 isLetter:function(val)
325 {
326 if(System.trim(val) == '')return true;
327 this.reg = /^[a-zA-Z]+$/;
328 this.msg = "请输入英文字母\r\n";
329 return this.check(val);
330 },
331 isChinese:function(val)
332 {
333 if(System.trim(val) == '')return true;
334 this.reg=/^[\w\u00ff-\ufffd]+$/;
335 this.msg = "请输入中文\r\n";
336 return this.check(val);
337 },
338 maxLength:function(maxLen,val)
339 {
340 if(maxLen==0)return true;
341 var len =System.trim(val).length;//this.strLength(val);
342 if(len<=parseInt(maxLen))
343 return true;
344 this.msg = "输入的长度是实际"+len+",不能超过"+maxLen+"位\r\n";
345 return false;
346 },
347 minLength:function(minLen,val)
348 {
349 if(minLen == 0)return true;
350 var len = System.trim(val).length;
351 if(len >= minLen)
352 return true;
353 this.msg = "输入的长度实际为"+len+",不能小于"+minLen+"位\r\n";
354 return false;
355 },
356 ///去字符长度,中文一个字占两个字符长度
357 strLength:function(val)
358 {
359 var l = val.length;
360 var n = l;
361 for(var i = 0;i<l;i++)
362 {
363 if(val.charcodeat(i)<0 || val.charcodeat(i)>255)n++;
364 }
365 return n;
366 },
367 isDate:function(val)
368 {
369 if(val == "") return true;
370 if(val.indexOf(':') < 0)
371 val += ' 0:00:00';
372 var r = val.match(/^(\d{1,4})(-|\/)(\d{1,2})\2(\d{1,2}) (\d{1,2}):(\d{1,2}):(\d{1,2})$/);
373 this.msg = "你输入的日期格式不正确\r\n";
374 if(r == null) return false;
375 var d = new Date(r[1], r[3]-1,r[4],r[5],r[6],r[7]);
376 return (d.getFullYear()==r[1]&&(d.getMonth()+1)==r[3]&&d.getDate()==r[4]&&d.getHours()==r[5]&&d.getMinutes()==r[6]&&d.getSeconds()==r[7]);
377 }
381 * 参数说明:
382 * btnid:提交按钮
383 * focus是不是在用户离开控件就开始验证,true为是,false为在提交的时候才开始验证
384 * 页面设置说明:
385 * regType:{
386 * integer: 整型
387 * float: 浮点型
388 * date: 日期格式
389 * email: 电子游戏
390 * letter: 26个英文字符
391 * chinese: 只允许中文
392 * zip: 邮编
393 * number:数字(0-9)
394 * string: 常规字符
395 * stringorinteger:数字与字符(a-Z,0-9)
396 * stringInteger:首位字符,其余为数字
397 * curreny: 货币
398 * reg: 正则表达式,并且需提供 regex 属性
399 * }
400 * maxLength:最大长度
401 * minLength:最小长度
402 * minValue:最小值
403 * maxValue:最大值,minValue,maxValue只对regType值为integer与float有效
404 * notnull:不能为空(如果可以为空,则不用设置
405 * errorMsg:错误提示
406 * 页面应用举例:
407 * <input regtype='integer' notnull maxLength="16" minLength="6" />
408 *
409 *调用说明:
410 * var formCheck = new System.FormCheck("btnid",{focus:true,formid:"form1" });
411 *
412 */
413 /**//************************************
414 * function System.FormCheck
415 ************************************/
416System.FormCheck = function(btnid,options)
418 ///<summary>Provide support from form validate</summary>
419 ///<param name="btnid">The Button's identifier,the button which sumit the form to server </param>
421 System.FormCheck.base.constructor.call(this);
423 System.merge(this.options,
424 {
425 formid:'',
426 focus:false
427 });
428 this.btnid = btnid;
430 this.setOptions(options);
431 this.addEventListener("onload",System.createDeletegate(this,this.onLoad));
432 window.setTimeout(System.createDeletegate(this, this.checkLoadStatus),100);
433 //this.init();
437 checkLoadStatus:function()
438 {
439 if(document.readyState && document.readyState !='loaded' && document.readyState != 'complete')return;
461 window.setTimeout(System.createDeletegate(this, this.checkLoadStatus),100);
462 return;
463 }
464 this.fireEvent("onload");
465 },
466 onLoad:function()
467 {
468 this.controls = [];
469 var doc = null;
470 if(typeof this.options.formid=='undefined' || this.options.formid=='')
471 {
472 doc = document.compatMode == "CSS1Compat" ? document.documentElement : document.body;
473 }
474 else
475 {
476 doc = document.getElementById(this.options.formid);
477 }
478 if(!doc)return;
480 var inputs = doc.getElementsByTagName("INPUT");
481 for(var i = 0;i<inputs.length;i++)
482 {
483 if(inputs[i].type.toLowerCase() =='text')
484 {
485 this.controls.push(inputs[i]);
486 if(this.options.focus)
487 {
488 inputs[i].onblur = System.createDeletegate(this,this.Validate);
489 }
490 }
491 }
492 var textArea = doc.getElementsByTagName("TEXTAREA");
493 for(var i = 0;i<textArea.length;i++)
494 {
495 this.controls.push(textArea[i]);
496 if(this.options.focus)
497 {
498 textArea[i].onblur = this.Validate;
499 }
500 }
501 this.register(this.btnid);
502 },
503 register:function(id)
504 {
505 var ctrl = document.getElementById(id);
506 if(!ctrl)
507 throw new Error("控件ID为"+id的对象不存在);
508 var _oldClick = ctrl.onclick;
509 if(_oldClick)
510 {
511 var obj = this;
512 ctrl.onclick = function()
513 {
514 var flag = obj.Validate();
515 if(flag)
516 {
517 _oldClick();
518 return true;
519 }
520 return false;
521 }
522 }
523 else
524 {
525 ctrl.onclick =System.createDeletegate(this,this.Validate);
526 }
527 //ctrl.onclick = System.createDeletegate(this,this.Validate);
528 //ctrl.onclick = this.Validate;
529 //this.addEventListener("onclick",System.createDeletegate(ctrl,this.Validate));
530 },
531 //判断控件是否可见,style.display,visibility
532 isHidden:function(ctrl)
533 {
534 if(ctrl.display == 'none' && ctrl.style.visibility=='hidden')
535 {
536 return true;
537 }
538 ctrl = ctrl.parentNode;
539 while(ctrl.tagName != 'BODY')
540 {
541 if(ctrl.style.display == 'none' || ctrl.style.visibility=='hidden')
542 {
543 return true;
544 }
545 ctrl = ctrl.parentNode;
546 }
547 return false;
548 },
549 Validate:function()
550 {
551 var sign = true;
552 var msg = "";
553 var firstNode = null;
554 for(var i =0;i<this.controls.length;i++)
555 {
556 if(this.isHidden(this.controls[i]))continue;
557 var type = this.controls[i].getAttribute("regType")||"";
558 var value = this.controls[i].value||"";
559 value = System.trim(value);
560 var falg;
561 switch(type.toLowerCase())
562 {
563 case "integer":
564 flag = this.isInteger(value);
565 if(flag && value != "")
566 {
567 var minValue = this.controls[i].getAttribute("minValue")||"";;
568 var maxValue = this.controls[i].getAttribute("maxValue")||"";
569 if(minValue!="")
570 {
571 if(parseInt(minValue) >parseInt(value))
572 {
573 this.msg = "值不能小于"+minValue+'\r\n';
574 flag = false;
575 }
576 }
577 if(flag && maxValue!="")
578 {
579 if(parseInt(maxValue)<parseInt(value))
580 {
581 this.msg ="值不能大于"+maxValue+'\r\n';
582 flag = false;
583 }
584 }
585 }
586 break;
587 case "float":
588 flag = this.isDouble(value);
589 if(flag && value != "")
590 {
591 var minValue = this.controls[i].getAttribute("minValue")||"";;
592 var maxValue = this.controls[i].getAttribute("maxValue")||"";
593 if(minValue!="")
594 {
595 if(parseFloat(minValue) >parseFloat(value))
596 {
597 this.msg = "值不能小于"+minValue;
598 flag = false;
599 }
600 }
601 if(flag && maxValue!="")
602 {
603 if(parseFloat(maxValue)<parseFloat(value))
604 {
605 this.msg ="值不能大于"+maxValue;
606 flag = false;
607 }
608 }
609 }
610 break;
611 case "date":
612 flag = this.isDate(value);
613 break;
614 case "string":
615 flag = this.isString(value);
616 break;
617 case "stringorinteger":
618 flag = this.isStringOrInteger(value);
619 break;
620 case "stringinteger":
621 flag = this.isStringInteger(value);
622 break;
623 case "letter":
624 flag = this.isLetter(value);
625 break;
626 case "zip":
627 flag = this.isZip(value);
628 break;
629 case "email":
630 flag = this.isEmail(value);
631 break;
632 case "chinese":
633 flag = this.isChinese(value);
634 break;
635 case "number":
636 flag = this.isUnsignInteger(value);
637 break;
638 case "curreny":
639 flag = this.isCurreny(value);
640 break;
641 case "reg":
642 var reg = this.controls[i].getAttribute("regex");
643 if(reg)
644 flag = this.regex(value,reg);
645 flag = true;
646 break;
647 }
648 if(sign)sign = flag;
649 if(sign == false)
650 {
651 if(firstNode == null)
652 {
653 firstNode = this.controls[i];
654 }
655 if(this.controls[i].getAttribute("errorMsg"))
656 msg +=this.controls[i].getAttribute("errMsg")+"\r\n";
657 else if(this.msg != '')
658 {
659 msg +=this.msg;
660 }
661 this.msg = "";
662 if(this.options.focus)
663 {
664 break;
665 }
666 }
667 else
668 {
669 var maxLength = this.controls[i].getAttribute("maxLength");
670 if(maxLength)
671 {
672 flag = this.maxLength(maxLength,value);
673 }
674 sign = flag;
675 var minLen = this.controls[i].getAttribute("minLength");
676 if(minLen)
677 {
678 flag = this.minLength(minLen,value);
679 msg +=this.msg+"\r\n";
680 }
681 if(sign)sign = flag;
682 if(this.controls[i].getAttribute("notnull") !=null)
683 {
684 if(System.trim(value) == "")
685 {
686 if(firstNode == null)
687 {
688 firstNode = this.controls[i];
689 }
690 flag =false;
691 msg = "内容不能为空";
692 }
693 }
694 if(sign)sign = flag;
695 if(this.options.focus && sign==false)
696 {
697 break;
698 }
699 }
700 }
701 if(sign == false)
702 {
703 alert(msg);
704 firstNode.select();
705 firstNode.focus();
706 }
707 delete msg;
708 event.returnValue=sign;
709 return sign;
710 this.firEvent('validateComplete');
711 }
2 * Create by Oceanchip 2008-3-31
3 ***************************************/
6 * namespace:System
7 ******************************/
9 window.System = {};
12 * function System.createDeletegate
13 ************************************/
16 ///<summary> Creates a delegate function that executes the specified method in the correct context.</summary>
17 ///<param name="instance">The instance whose method should be executed.</param>
18 ///<param name="method">The method to execute.</param>
19 ///<returns>The delegate function.</returns>
20 return function()
21 {
22 return method.apply(instance,arguments);
23 }
26 * function System.merge
27 ************************************/
28 System.merge = function(destination,source,preventNew)
29 {
30 ///<summary>Merges properties from a source object into a destination object.</summary>
31 ///<param name="destination">The destination object.</param>
32 ///<param name="source">The source object.</param>
33 ///<param name="preventNew">Indicates whether or not new properties are prevented from being added to the destination object.</param>
35 var root = destination;
36 for( var i in source)
37 {
38 var s = source[i],d;
39 var properties = i.split(".");
40 var count = properties.length;
42 for(var j = 0; j < count; j++)
43 {
44 i =properties[j];
45 d = destination[i];
46 if(d)
47 {
48 if(typeof d == "object")
49 destination = d;
50 }
51 else if (j > 0 && j < count -1)
52 {
53 var obj = {};
54 obj[properties.slice(j,count).join(".")]=s;
55 s = obj;
56 break;
57 }
58 }
60 if(d && typeof(d) == "object" && typeof(s) == "object")
61 {
62 this.merge(d,s,false);
63 }
64 else if (preventNew && count<=1 && typeof(d) == "undefined")
65 throw new Error("Undefined property:"+i);
66 else
67 destination[i] = s;
69 destination = root;
70 }
71 }
72 /**//************************************
73 * function System.extend
74 ************************************/
75 System.extend = function(baseClass,derivedClass,deriveMembers)
76 {
77 ///<summary>Provides support for class inheritance.</summary>
78 ///<param name="baseClass">The base class.</param>
79 ///<param name="derivedClass">The derived class.</param>
80 ///<param name="derivedMembers">The members to add to the derived class and override in the base class.</param>
82 var F = function(){};
83 F.prototype = baseClass.prototype;
84 derivedClass.prototype = new F();
85 derivedClass.prototype.constructor = derivedClass;
86 derivedClass.base = baseClass.prototype;
88 if(baseClass.prototype.constructor == Object.prototype.constructor)
89 baseClass.prototype.constructor = baseClass;
91 //Note:IE will not enumerate derived members that exist in the Object
92 //prototype(e.g. toString,valueOf). If overriding these members
93 //is necessary,search for "_IEEnumFix" for one possible solution.
94 if(deriveMembers)
95 {
96 for(var i in deriveMembers)
97 derivedClass.prototype[i] = deriveMembers[i];
98 }
99 }
101 /**//************************************
102 * function System.parseBoolean
103 ************************************/
104 System.parseBoolean = function(value)
105 {
106 ///<summary>Parse a boolean from the specified value.</summary>
107 ///<param name="value">The value to parse.</param>
108 ///<returns>True if the specified value is parsed as true.</returns>
110 return (typeof(value)=="string") ? (value.toLowerCase() == "true"):Boolean(value);
111 }
113 /**//************************************
114 * function System.formatString
115 ************************************/
116 System.formatString = function(value)
117 {
118 ///<summary>FOrmats a string.</summary>
119 ///<param name = "value">The string to format.</param>
120 ///<returns>The formatted string.</returns>
122 for(var i = 1,j = arguments.length;i<j; i++)
123 {
124 value = value.replace("{"+ (i - 1) + "}",arguments[i]);
125 }
126 return value;
127 }
128 System.trim = function(value)
129 {
130 return value.replace(/(^\s*)|(\s*$)/g, "");
131 }
132 /**//*************************************
133 * function System.getUniqueId
134 ************************************/
135 System.getUniqueId = function(prefix)
136 {
137 ///<summary>Get a random unique identifer.</summary>
138 ///<param name="prefix">The prefix to prepend to the generated identifier.</param>
139 ///<returns> The unique identifier.</returns>
141 return prefix + Math.random().toString().substring(2);
142 }
144 /**//************************************
145 * function System.Object
146 ************************************/
147System.Object = function()
148 {
149 ///<summary>Provides a common base class with support for options and events.</summary>
151 this.options = {};
152 this.eventHandlers = {};
153 }
155 System.Object.prototype =
156 {
157 setOptions: function(options)
158 {
159 ///<summary>Merges the specified options with existing options.</summary>
160 ///<param name="options">The options to merge.</summary>
162 System.merge(this.options,options,true);
163 },
165 addEventListener : function(name , handler)
166 {
167 ///<summary>Adds an event handler to the list of handlers to be called when the specified event is fired.</summary>
168 ///<param name="name">The event name.</param>
169 ///<param name="handler">The event handler to add.</param>
170 ///<returns>The identifying token(i.e. index) for the added event handler.</returns>
172 var handlers = this.eventHandlers[name];
174 if(!handlers)
175 this.eventHandlers[name] = handlers = [];
177 var token = handlers.length;
178 handlers[token] = handler;
179 return token;
180 },
182 removeEventListener: function(name,handlerOrToken)
183 {
184 ///<summary>Removes the first matching event handler from the list of handlers to be called when the specified event is fired.</summary>
185 ///<param name="name">The event name.</param>
186 ///<param name="handlerOrToken">The event handler or indentiing token to remove.</param>
188 if(typeof(handlerOrToken) == "function")
189 {
190 var handlers = this.eventHandlers[name];
192 if(handlers)
193 {
194 for(var i = 0, j = handlers.length; i < j; i++)
195 {
196 if(handlers[i] == handlerOrToken)
197 break;
198 }
200 handlers.splice(i,1);
201 }
202 }
203 },
205 fireEvent: function(name, e)
206 {
207 ///<summary> Fires the specified event and calls each listening handler.</summary>
208 ///<param name="name">The name of the event to fire.</param>
209 ///<param name="e">The event arguments to pass to each handler.</param>
211 var handlers = this.eventHandlers[name];
213 if(handlers)
214 for( var i = 0, j = handlers.length; i < j; i++)
215 handlers[i](this,e);
216 },
218 dispose: function()
219 {
220 ///<summary> Release the object from memory.</summary>
222 this.options = null;
223 this.eventHandlers = null;
224 }
225 }
226 /**//************************************
227 * function System.Validate
228 ************************************/
229System.Validate = function(options)
231 ///<summary>Provider support from Validate check</summary>
232 ///<param name="options">The options from Validate.</param>
234 System.Validate.base.constructor.call(this);
236 this.reg = null;
237 this.msg = '';
242 check:function(val)
243 {
244 if(this.reg.test(val))
245 return true;
246 return false;
247 },
248 regex:function(val,reg)
249 {
250 if(reg.test(val))
251 {
252 this.msg = "";
253 return true;
254 }
255 return false;
256 },
257 //是否数字
258 isInteger:function(val)
259 {
260 if(System.trim(val) == '')return true;
261 this.reg = /^[-+]?\d*$/;
262 this.msg='请输入阿拉伯数字\r\n';
263 return this.check(val);
264 },
265 //是否浮点数
266 isDouble:function(val)
267 {
268 if(System.trim(val) == '')return true;
269 this.reg =/^[-+]?\d+(\.\d+)?$/;
270 this.msg='请输入数字,如3.14\r\n';
271 return this.check(val);
272 },
273 //电子邮件
274 isEmail:function(val)
275 {
276 if(System.trim(val) == '')return true;
277 this.reg = /^[\w-\.]+@([\w-]+\.)+[\w-]{2,4}$/;
278 this.msg ="请输入合法的email地址\r\n";
279 return this.check(val);
280 },
281 //货币
282 isCurrency:function(val)
283 {
284 if(System.trim(val) == '')return true;
285 this.reg = /^[$¥]?(\d{1,3}(\,d{3})*|(\d+))(\.\d{2})?$/;
286 this.msg="请输入金额,或以美元或人民币符合开头的数字,小数保留两位,如:¥1,000.00\r\n";
287 return this.check(val);
288 },
289 isString:function(val)
290 {
291 if(System.trim(val) == '')return true;
292 this.reg=/^\w+$/;
293 this.msg="请输入规则字符串\r\n";
294 return this.check(val);
295 },
296 isStringInteger:function(val)
297 {
298 if(System.trim(val) == '')return true;
299 this.reg=/^[a-zA-Z][0-9]+$/;
300 this.msg = "请输入首位是字母其他未数字的字符串\r\n";
301 return this.check(val);
302 },
303 isStringOrInteger:function(val)
304 {
305 if(System.trim(val) == '')return true;
306 this.reg=/^[a-zA-Z0-9]+$/;
307 this.msg = "请输入字母或数字\r\n";
308 return this.check(val);
309 },
310 isZip:function(val)
311 {
312 if(System.trim(val) == '')return true;
313 this.reg=/^\d{6}$/;
314 this.msg="请输入邮政编码,如:310000\r\n";
315 return this.check(val);
316 },
317 isUnsignInteger:function(val)
318 {
319 if(System.trim(val) == '')return true;
320 this.reg = /^\d*$/;
321 this.msg = "请输入阿拉伯数字\r\n";
322 return this.check(val);
323 },
324 isLetter:function(val)
325 {
326 if(System.trim(val) == '')return true;
327 this.reg = /^[a-zA-Z]+$/;
328 this.msg = "请输入英文字母\r\n";
329 return this.check(val);
330 },
331 isChinese:function(val)
332 {
333 if(System.trim(val) == '')return true;
334 this.reg=/^[\w\u00ff-\ufffd]+$/;
335 this.msg = "请输入中文\r\n";
336 return this.check(val);
337 },
338 maxLength:function(maxLen,val)
339 {
340 if(maxLen==0)return true;
341 var len =System.trim(val).length;//this.strLength(val);
342 if(len<=parseInt(maxLen))
343 return true;
344 this.msg = "输入的长度是实际"+len+",不能超过"+maxLen+"位\r\n";
345 return false;
346 },
347 minLength:function(minLen,val)
348 {
349 if(minLen == 0)return true;
350 var len = System.trim(val).length;
351 if(len >= minLen)
352 return true;
353 this.msg = "输入的长度实际为"+len+",不能小于"+minLen+"位\r\n";
354 return false;
355 },
356 ///去字符长度,中文一个字占两个字符长度
357 strLength:function(val)
358 {
359 var l = val.length;
360 var n = l;
361 for(var i = 0;i<l;i++)
362 {
363 if(val.charcodeat(i)<0 || val.charcodeat(i)>255)n++;
364 }
365 return n;
366 },
367 isDate:function(val)
368 {
369 if(val == "") return true;
370 if(val.indexOf(':') < 0)
371 val += ' 0:00:00';
372 var r = val.match(/^(\d{1,4})(-|\/)(\d{1,2})\2(\d{1,2}) (\d{1,2}):(\d{1,2}):(\d{1,2})$/);
373 this.msg = "你输入的日期格式不正确\r\n";
374 if(r == null) return false;
375 var d = new Date(r[1], r[3]-1,r[4],r[5],r[6],r[7]);
376 return (d.getFullYear()==r[1]&&(d.getMonth()+1)==r[3]&&d.getDate()==r[4]&&d.getHours()==r[5]&&d.getMinutes()==r[6]&&d.getSeconds()==r[7]);
377 }
381 * 参数说明:
382 * btnid:提交按钮
383 * focus是不是在用户离开控件就开始验证,true为是,false为在提交的时候才开始验证
384 * 页面设置说明:
385 * regType:{
386 * integer: 整型
387 * float: 浮点型
388 * date: 日期格式
389 * email: 电子游戏
390 * letter: 26个英文字符
391 * chinese: 只允许中文
392 * zip: 邮编
393 * number:数字(0-9)
394 * string: 常规字符
395 * stringorinteger:数字与字符(a-Z,0-9)
396 * stringInteger:首位字符,其余为数字
397 * curreny: 货币
398 * reg: 正则表达式,并且需提供 regex 属性
399 * }
400 * maxLength:最大长度
401 * minLength:最小长度
402 * minValue:最小值
403 * maxValue:最大值,minValue,maxValue只对regType值为integer与float有效
404 * notnull:不能为空(如果可以为空,则不用设置
405 * errorMsg:错误提示
406 * 页面应用举例:
407 * <input regtype='integer' notnull maxLength="16" minLength="6" />
408 *
409 *调用说明:
410 * var formCheck = new System.FormCheck("btnid",{focus:true,formid:"form1" });
411 *
412 */
413 /**//************************************
414 * function System.FormCheck
415 ************************************/
416System.FormCheck = function(btnid,options)
418 ///<summary>Provide support from form validate</summary>
419 ///<param name="btnid">The Button's identifier,the button which sumit the form to server </param>
421 System.FormCheck.base.constructor.call(this);
423 System.merge(this.options,
424 {
425 formid:'',
426 focus:false
427 });
428 this.btnid = btnid;
430 this.setOptions(options);
431 this.addEventListener("onload",System.createDeletegate(this,this.onLoad));
432 window.setTimeout(System.createDeletegate(this, this.checkLoadStatus),100);
433 //this.init();
437 checkLoadStatus:function()
438 {
439 if(document.readyState && document.readyState !='loaded' && document.readyState != 'complete')return;
461 window.setTimeout(System.createDeletegate(this, this.checkLoadStatus),100);
462 return;
463 }
464 this.fireEvent("onload");
465 },
466 onLoad:function()
467 {
468 this.controls = [];
469 var doc = null;
470 if(typeof this.options.formid=='undefined' || this.options.formid=='')
471 {
472 doc = document.compatMode == "CSS1Compat" ? document.documentElement : document.body;
473 }
474 else
475 {
476 doc = document.getElementById(this.options.formid);
477 }
478 if(!doc)return;
480 var inputs = doc.getElementsByTagName("INPUT");
481 for(var i = 0;i<inputs.length;i++)
482 {
483 if(inputs[i].type.toLowerCase() =='text')
484 {
485 this.controls.push(inputs[i]);
486 if(this.options.focus)
487 {
488 inputs[i].onblur = System.createDeletegate(this,this.Validate);
489 }
490 }
491 }
492 var textArea = doc.getElementsByTagName("TEXTAREA");
493 for(var i = 0;i<textArea.length;i++)
494 {
495 this.controls.push(textArea[i]);
496 if(this.options.focus)
497 {
498 textArea[i].onblur = this.Validate;
499 }
500 }
501 this.register(this.btnid);
502 },
503 register:function(id)
504 {
505 var ctrl = document.getElementById(id);
506 if(!ctrl)
507 throw new Error("控件ID为"+id的对象不存在);
508 var _oldClick = ctrl.onclick;
509 if(_oldClick)
510 {
511 var obj = this;
512 ctrl.onclick = function()
513 {
514 var flag = obj.Validate();
515 if(flag)
516 {
517 _oldClick();
518 return true;
519 }
520 return false;
521 }
522 }
523 else
524 {
525 ctrl.onclick =System.createDeletegate(this,this.Validate);
526 }
527 //ctrl.onclick = System.createDeletegate(this,this.Validate);
528 //ctrl.onclick = this.Validate;
529 //this.addEventListener("onclick",System.createDeletegate(ctrl,this.Validate));
530 },
531 //判断控件是否可见,style.display,visibility
532 isHidden:function(ctrl)
533 {
534 if(ctrl.display == 'none' && ctrl.style.visibility=='hidden')
535 {
536 return true;
537 }
538 ctrl = ctrl.parentNode;
539 while(ctrl.tagName != 'BODY')
540 {
541 if(ctrl.style.display == 'none' || ctrl.style.visibility=='hidden')
542 {
543 return true;
544 }
545 ctrl = ctrl.parentNode;
546 }
547 return false;
548 },
549 Validate:function()
550 {
551 var sign = true;
552 var msg = "";
553 var firstNode = null;
554 for(var i =0;i<this.controls.length;i++)
555 {
556 if(this.isHidden(this.controls[i]))continue;
557 var type = this.controls[i].getAttribute("regType")||"";
558 var value = this.controls[i].value||"";
559 value = System.trim(value);
560 var falg;
561 switch(type.toLowerCase())
562 {
563 case "integer":
564 flag = this.isInteger(value);
565 if(flag && value != "")
566 {
567 var minValue = this.controls[i].getAttribute("minValue")||"";;
568 var maxValue = this.controls[i].getAttribute("maxValue")||"";
569 if(minValue!="")
570 {
571 if(parseInt(minValue) >parseInt(value))
572 {
573 this.msg = "值不能小于"+minValue+'\r\n';
574 flag = false;
575 }
576 }
577 if(flag && maxValue!="")
578 {
579 if(parseInt(maxValue)<parseInt(value))
580 {
581 this.msg ="值不能大于"+maxValue+'\r\n';
582 flag = false;
583 }
584 }
585 }
586 break;
587 case "float":
588 flag = this.isDouble(value);
589 if(flag && value != "")
590 {
591 var minValue = this.controls[i].getAttribute("minValue")||"";;
592 var maxValue = this.controls[i].getAttribute("maxValue")||"";
593 if(minValue!="")
594 {
595 if(parseFloat(minValue) >parseFloat(value))
596 {
597 this.msg = "值不能小于"+minValue;
598 flag = false;
599 }
600 }
601 if(flag && maxValue!="")
602 {
603 if(parseFloat(maxValue)<parseFloat(value))
604 {
605 this.msg ="值不能大于"+maxValue;
606 flag = false;
607 }
608 }
609 }
610 break;
611 case "date":
612 flag = this.isDate(value);
613 break;
614 case "string":
615 flag = this.isString(value);
616 break;
617 case "stringorinteger":
618 flag = this.isStringOrInteger(value);
619 break;
620 case "stringinteger":
621 flag = this.isStringInteger(value);
622 break;
623 case "letter":
624 flag = this.isLetter(value);
625 break;
626 case "zip":
627 flag = this.isZip(value);
628 break;
629 case "email":
630 flag = this.isEmail(value);
631 break;
632 case "chinese":
633 flag = this.isChinese(value);
634 break;
635 case "number":
636 flag = this.isUnsignInteger(value);
637 break;
638 case "curreny":
639 flag = this.isCurreny(value);
640 break;
641 case "reg":
642 var reg = this.controls[i].getAttribute("regex");
643 if(reg)
644 flag = this.regex(value,reg);
645 flag = true;
646 break;
647 }
648 if(sign)sign = flag;
649 if(sign == false)
650 {
651 if(firstNode == null)
652 {
653 firstNode = this.controls[i];
654 }
655 if(this.controls[i].getAttribute("errorMsg"))
656 msg +=this.controls[i].getAttribute("errMsg")+"\r\n";
657 else if(this.msg != '')
658 {
659 msg +=this.msg;
660 }
661 this.msg = "";
662 if(this.options.focus)
663 {
664 break;
665 }
666 }
667 else
668 {
669 var maxLength = this.controls[i].getAttribute("maxLength");
670 if(maxLength)
671 {
672 flag = this.maxLength(maxLength,value);
673 }
674 sign = flag;
675 var minLen = this.controls[i].getAttribute("minLength");
676 if(minLen)
677 {
678 flag = this.minLength(minLen,value);
679 msg +=this.msg+"\r\n";
680 }
681 if(sign)sign = flag;
682 if(this.controls[i].getAttribute("notnull") !=null)
683 {
684 if(System.trim(value) == "")
685 {
686 if(firstNode == null)
687 {
688 firstNode = this.controls[i];
689 }
690 flag =false;
691 msg = "内容不能为空";
692 }
693 }
694 if(sign)sign = flag;
695 if(this.options.focus && sign==false)
696 {
697 break;
698 }
699 }
700 }
701 if(sign == false)
702 {
703 alert(msg);
704 firstNode.select();
705 firstNode.focus();
706 }
707 delete msg;
708 event.returnValue=sign;
709 return sign;
710 this.firEvent('validateComplete');
711 }