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SharePoint 2013 Backup Farm Automatically With a Powershell and Windows Task Schedule

In this post,I will show you SharePoint 2013 How to Backup Farm Automatically with a PowerShell and Windows Task Schedule.

First,to backup your Farm,you can use the powershell command Backup-SPFarm.

You can use the command to backup the farm a Full backup as in the following example.

Backup-SPFarm -BackupMethod Full -Directory D:\backup

And to Backup the farm a differential backup,you can use the command as in the following example.

Backup-SPFarm -BackupMethod Differential -Directory D:\backup

So Let's Create two PowreShell Script File,One for the full backup and another for the differential backup.

Step 1:Create a PowerShell for the full farm backup

Add-PSSnapin Microsoft.SharePoint.PowerShell

Set-ExecutionPolicy -ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted -Force

Backup-SPFarm -BackupMethod Full -Directory D:\backup

Save the file and name SPFarmFullBackup.ps1

Step 2:Create a PowerShell for the differential farm backup

Add-PSSnapin Microsoft.SharePoint.PowerShell

Set-ExecutionPolicy -ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted -Force

Backup-SPFarm -BackupMethod Differential -Directory D:\backup

Save the file and name SPFarmDiffBackup.ps1

Now,follow the steps below to create the tasks for Task Schedule to automate the execution of backup files.Assume we will full-backup weekly and differerntial-backup daily.

Step 3: Schedule a batch file to Run Automatically

  • Click On Start
  • Select "任务计划程序"
  • In the center pane,right-click ,and click "创建基本任务"

  • Assigning the task a meaningful name-such as SharePoint-BackupFarmFullWeekly

  • Choose "每周"

  • Specific the parameters for the weekly task schedule
  • Next Choose "启动程序"

  • Type in the command as the screenshot below

  • The Task scheduler is intelligent enough to recognize that you want to run PowerShell and that you supplied arguments

Now,that we have created a Task,we have to make sure it runs highest Privilege. we have to make sure that when you run the file it not should fail.

  • Right Click the task you just created and Select Property
  • Click on "使用最高权限运行" then click OK.

  • Repeate the steps above to create a diff-backup task schedule






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