工欲善其事,必先利其器:分享一套Code Smith 搭建N层架构模板
- 字符串的拼接:StringBuilder的使用,其AppendLine()自动换行。
- 将字符串写入文本文件:File.WriteAllText()
- 使用了部分类(partial)
- 使用可空类型:由于数据库中表中数据很有可能是NULL,可空类型使得数据从表中读取出来赋值给值类型更加兼容。
说起代码生成器,不得不说Code Smith,基于Template的编程,下面举例的NTier架构是很基础的,除了熟悉的三层架构,还生成了抽象工厂、缓存、单例、反射、存储过程等,当然这个Demo只是学习用,大家可以继续扩展,打造自己的铜墙铁壁。
Code Smith
CodeSmith 是一种语法类似于asp.net的基于模板的代码生成器,程序可以自定义模板,从而减少重复编码的劳动量,提高效率。Code Smith提供自定义Template,语法也不复杂,类似于asp.net的标识符号,<%%>、<%=%>、<script runat="template">...</script>
Code Smith API
N层架构-实体类模板-Entity Template
- 首先创建一个C# template,创建指令集,导入程序集和名称空间:
<%@ CodeTemplate Inherits="CodeTemplate" Language="C#" TargetLanguage="Text" Description="NetTiers main template." Debug="True" ResponseEncoding="UTF-8"%> <%@ Assembly Name="SchemaExplorer" %> <%@ Assembly Name="System.Design" %> <%@ Assembly Name="System.DirectoryServices" %> <%@ Assembly Name="System.Web" %> <%@ Assembly Name="System.Xml" %> <%@ Import Namespace="SchemaExplorer" %> <%@ Import NameSpace="System.IO" %> <%@ Import NameSpace="System.Text" %> <%@ Import NameSpace="System.Text.RegularExpressions" %> <%@ Import NameSpace="System.Diagnostics" %> <%@ Import NameSpace="System.Xml" %> <%@ Import NameSpace="System.Xml.Xsl" %> <%@ Import NameSpace="System.Xml.XPath" %>
- 添加属性Property:
<%--DataSourse--%> <%@ Property Name="CurrentTable" Type="SchemaExplorer.TableSchema" Default="" Optional="False" DeepLoad="True" Category="" Description="" OnChanged="" Editor="" EditorBase="" Serializer="" %> <%@ Property Name="RootNamespace" Default="MyOffice.Models" Type="System.String" Category="Context" Description="TargetTable that the object is based on." %>
- 一个简单的实体类模板内容,可以这样写:
using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Text; namespace <%=this.RootNamespace%>.Entity { public class <%= CurrentTable.Name%> { <% foreach(ColumnSchema col in CurrentTable.Columns) {%> public <%=col.DataType%> <%=col.Name%> {get;set;} <%}%> } }
N层架构-数据访问层接口模板,IDao Template
- Script标签里可以自定义调用的方法,属性等。数据访问层接口大家肯定烂熟于心。
- 常用的CRUD方法以及主表找子表,子表找主表。
- Script里面的方法,你需要熟悉一下Code Smith的API,我在上面已经贴出了常用的API,供大家参考。
<%@ CodeTemplate Inherits= "CodeTemplate" Language= "C#" TargetLanguage= "Text" Description= "NetTiers main template." Debug= "True" ResponseEncoding= "UTF-8" %> <%@ Assembly Name= "SchemaExplorer" %> <%@ Assembly Name= "System.Design" %> <%@ Assembly Name= "System.DirectoryServices" %> <%@ Assembly Name= "System.Web" %> <%@ Assembly Name= "System.Xml" %> <%@ Import Namespace= "SchemaExplorer" %> <%@ Import NameSpace= "System.IO" %> <%@ Import NameSpace= "System.Text" %> <%@ Import NameSpace= "System.Text.RegularExpressions" %> <%@ Import NameSpace= "System.Diagnostics" %> <%@ Import NameSpace= "System.Xml" %> <%@ Import NameSpace= "System.Xml.Xsl" %> <%@ Import NameSpace= "System.Xml.XPath" %> <%-- 1. Datasource --%> <%@ Property Name= "CurrentTable" Type= "SchemaExplorer.TableSchema" DeepLoad= "True" Optional= "False" %> <%@ Property Name= "RootNamespace" Default= "MyOffice.Models" Type= "System.String" Category= "Context" Description= "TargetTable that the object is based on." %> using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using <%= this .RootNamespace%>.Model; namespace <%= this .RootNamespace%>.IDao { public interface I<%= this .CurrentTable.Name %>Dao { int Add(Model.<%= this .CurrentTable.Name %> entity); int Update(Model.<%= this .CurrentTable.Name %> entity); int Delete(Model.<%= this .CurrentTable.Name %> entity); List<Model.<%= this .CurrentTable.Name %>> LoadAllEntities(); Model.<%= this .CurrentTable.Name %> LoadByPK(<%= PKArgsForTable()%>); #region 主表找子表 <% foreach (TableKeySchema fk in this .CurrentTable.ForeignKeys) { %> List<Model.<%= this .CurrentTable.Name%>> Query_<%= this .CurrentTable.Name%>List_By<%=fk.Name%>(<%= this .FKArgsForTable(fk)%>); <%}%> #endregion } } <script runat= "template" > //方法:生成列的主键列构成的参数列表 public string PKArgsForTable() { string args= "" ; foreach (MemberColumnSchema pkCol in this .CurrentTable.PrimaryKey.MemberColumns) { args += string .Format( "{0} {1}," ,pkCol.Column.DataType,pkCol.Column.Name); } return args.Substring(0,args.Length-1); } //主键在子表中的外键所包含的列的参数列表带数据类型 public string FKArgsForTable(TableKeySchema key){ string args= "" ; foreach (MemberColumnSchema Col in key.ForeignKeyMemberColumns) { args += string .Format( "{1} {0}," ,Col.Column.Name,Col.DataType); } return args.Substring(0,args.Length-1); } </script> |
N层架构-抽象工厂-AbstactFactory Template
<%@ CodeTemplate Inherits= "CodeTemplate" Language= "C#" TargetLanguage= "Text" Description= "NetTiers main template." Debug= "True" ResponseEncoding= "UTF-8" %> <%@ Assembly Name= "SchemaExplorer" %> <%@ Assembly Name= "System.Design" %> <%@ Assembly Name= "System.DirectoryServices" %> <%@ Assembly Name= "System.Web" %> <%@ Assembly Name= "System.Xml" %> <%@ Import Namespace= "SchemaExplorer" %> <%@ Import NameSpace= "System.IO" %> <%@ Import NameSpace= "System.Text" %> <%@ Import NameSpace= "System.Text.RegularExpressions" %> <%@ Import NameSpace= "System.Diagnostics" %> <%@ Import NameSpace= "System.Xml" %> <%@ Import NameSpace= "System.Xml.Xsl" %> <%@ Import NameSpace= "System.Xml.XPath" %> <%-- 1. Datasource --%> <%@ Property Name= "SourceDatabase" Type= "SchemaExplorer.DatabaseSchema" DeepLoad= "True" Optional= "False" %> <%@ Property Name= "RootNamespace" Default= "MyOffice.Models" Type= "System.String" Category= "Context" Description= "TargetTable that the object is based on." %> using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Text; namespace <%= this .RootNamespace%>.AbstractFactory { public abstract class DaoFactory { <% foreach (TableSchema table in this .SourceDatabase.Tables) { %> public abstract IDao.I<% = table.Name %>Dao <% = table.Name %>SqlProviderDao { get ; } <% } %> } } |
N层架构-DaoSqlFactory Template
<%@ CodeTemplate Inherits= "CodeTemplate" Language= "C#" TargetLanguage= "Text" Description= "NetTiers main template." Debug= "True" ResponseEncoding= "UTF-8" %> <%@ Assembly Name= "SchemaExplorer" %> <%@ Assembly Name= "System.Design" %> <%@ Assembly Name= "System.DirectoryServices" %> <%@ Assembly Name= "System.Web" %> <%@ Assembly Name= "System.Xml" %> <%@ Import Namespace= "SchemaExplorer" %> <%@ Import NameSpace= "System.IO" %> <%@ Import NameSpace= "System.Text" %> <%@ Import NameSpace= "System.Text.RegularExpressions" %> <%@ Import NameSpace= "System.Diagnostics" %> <%@ Import NameSpace= "System.Xml" %> <%@ Import NameSpace= "System.Xml.Xsl" %> <%@ Import NameSpace= "System.Xml.XPath" %> <%-- 1. Datasource --%> <%@ Property Name= "SourceDatabase" Type= "SchemaExplorer.DatabaseSchema" DeepLoad= "True" Optional= "False" %> <%@ Property Name= "RootNamespace" Default= "MyOffice.Models" Type= "System.String" Category= "Context" Description= "TargetTable that the object is based on." %> using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Text; namespace <%= this .RootNamespace%>.SqlProviderDao { public class DaoSqlFactory : <%= this .RootNamespace%>.AbstractFactory.DaoFactory { <% foreach (TableSchema table in this .SourceDatabase.Tables) { %> public override <%= this .RootNamespace%>.IDao.I<% = table.Name %>Dao <% = table.Name %>SqlProviderDao { get { //TODO:效率考虑,可考虑使用缓存 SqlProviderDao.<% = table.Name %>SqlProviderDao obj = System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Cache.Get( "<%=this.RootNamespace%>.IDao.I<% = table.Name %>Dao" ) as SqlProviderDao.<% = table.Name %>SqlProviderDao; if (obj == null ) { var instance = new SqlProviderDao.<% = table.Name %>SqlProviderDao(); System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Cache.Add( "<%=this.RootNamespace%>.IDao.I<% = table.Name %>Dao" ,instance , null , System.Web.Caching.Cache.NoAbsoluteExpiration, System.Web.Caching.Cache.NoSlidingExpiration, System.Web.Caching.CacheItemPriority.Normal, null ); //System.Web.HttpRuntime.Cache.Insert( return instance; } return obj; } } <% } %> } } |
N层架构-数据访问层-SqlProviderDao Template
- 数据访问层(DAAB)可以使用微软企业级框架 Microsoft Enterprise Library
<%@ CodeTemplate Inherits= "CodeTemplate" Language= "C#" TargetLanguage= "Text" Description= "NetTiers main template." Debug= "True" ResponseEncoding= "UTF-8" %> <%@ Assembly Name= "SchemaExplorer" %> <%@ Assembly Name= "System.Design" %> <%@ Assembly Name= "System.DirectoryServices" %> <%@ Assembly Name= "System.Web" %> <%@ Assembly Name= "System.Xml" %> <%@ Import Namespace= "SchemaExplorer" %> <%@ Import NameSpace= "System.IO" %> <%@ Import NameSpace= "System.Text" %> <%@ Import NameSpace= "System.Text.RegularExpressions" %> <%@ Import NameSpace= "System.Diagnostics" %> <%@ Import NameSpace= "System.Xml" %> <%@ Import NameSpace= "System.Xml.Xsl" %> <%@ Import NameSpace= "System.Xml.XPath" %> <%-- 1. Datasource --%> <%@ Property Name= "CurrentTable" Type= "SchemaExplorer.TableSchema" DeepLoad= "True" Optional= "False" %> <%@ Property Name= "RootNamespace" Default= "MyOffice.Models" Type= "System.String" Category= "Context" Description= "TargetTable that the object is based on." %> using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using Microsoft.Practices.EnterpriseLibrary.Data; using System.Data.SqlClient; using <%= this .RootNamespace%>.Model; namespace <%= this .RootNamespace%>.SqlProviderDao { /// <summary> /// 对*<%= this.CurrentTable.Name %>*操作数据库(针对SQL Server)的实现 /// </summary> public class <%= this .CurrentTable.Name %>SqlProviderDao:IDao.I<%= this .CurrentTable.Name %>Dao { public int Add(Model.<%= this .CurrentTable.Name %> entity) { //通过DataBaseFactory获得当前数据库连接对象 Database db=DatabaseFactory.CreateDatabase(); SqlCommand cmd=db.GetStoredProcCommand( "usp_<%=this.CurrentTable.Name%>_Insert" ) as SqlCommand; //cmd参数赋值 <% foreach (ColumnSchema col in this .CurrentTable.Columns) { %> cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue( "@<%=col.Name%>" ,entity.<%=col.Name%>); <%}%> return db.ExecuteNonQuery(cmd); } public int Update(Model.<%= this .CurrentTable.Name %> entity) { //通过DataBaseFactory获得当前数据库连接对象 Database db=DatabaseFactory.CreateDatabase(); SqlCommand cmd=db.GetStoredProcCommand( "usp_<%=this.CurrentTable.Name%>_Update" ) as SqlCommand; //cmd参数赋值 <% foreach (ColumnSchema col in this .CurrentTable.Columns) { %> cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue( "@<%=col.Name%>" ,entity.<%=col.Name%>); <%}%> return db.ExecuteNonQuery(cmd); } public int Delete(Model.<%= this .CurrentTable.Name %> entity) { //根据主键进行删除数据,需要考虑出现复合主键 //通过DataBaseFactory获得当前数据库连接对象 Database db=DatabaseFactory.CreateDatabase(); SqlCommand cmd=db.GetStoredProcCommand( "usp_<%=this.CurrentTable.Name%>_Delete" ) as SqlCommand; //cmd参数赋值 <% foreach (MemberColumnSchema pkCol in this .CurrentTable.PrimaryKey.MemberColumns) { %> cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue( "@<%=pkCol.Name%>" ,entity.<%=pkCol.Name%>); <%}%> return db.ExecuteNonQuery(cmd); } public List<Model.<%= this .CurrentTable.Name %>> LoadAllEntities() { //1.通过database工厂得到当前数据库连接的对象 db Database db = DatabaseFactory.CreateDatabase(); //2.通过db 获得一个sp构成的cmd SqlCommand cmd = db.GetStoredProcCommand( "usp_<% = this.CurrentTable.Name %>_LoadAll" ) as SqlCommand; //3.通过db执行一个DBReader SqlDataReader reader = db.ExecuteReader(cmd) as SqlDataReader; //4.遍历DBReader,生成新的Entity对象,然后添加到List List<Model.<%= this .CurrentTable.Name %>> entitiesList= new List<Model.<%= this .CurrentTable.Name %>>(); while (reader.Read()) { entitiesList.Add( new Model.<%= this .CurrentTable.Name%>(){ <%= this .SetValueToProperty %> }); } return entitiesList; } public Model.<%= this .CurrentTable.Name %> LoadByPK(<%= PKArgsForTable()%>) { //1.通过database工厂得到当前数据库连接的对象 db Database db = DatabaseFactory.CreateDatabase(); //2.通过db 获得一个sp构成的cmd SqlCommand cmd = db.GetStoredProcCommand( "usp_<% = this.CurrentTable.Name %>_LoadByPK" ) as SqlCommand; <% foreach (MemberColumnSchema pkCol in this .CurrentTable.PrimaryKey.MemberColumns) {%> cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue( "@<% = pkCol.Name%>" , <% = pkCol.Name%>); <%}%> //3.通过db执行一个DBReader SqlDataReader reader = db.ExecuteReader(cmd) as SqlDataReader; //4.遍历DBReader,生成新的Entity对象,然后添加到List Model.<%= this .CurrentTable.Name%> one<%= this .CurrentTable.Name%>= null ; if (reader.Read()) { one<%= this .CurrentTable.Name%>= new <%= this .CurrentTable.Name%>(){ <%= this .SetValueToProperty %> }; } return one<%= this .CurrentTable.Name%>; } #region ,当前表是子表,主表找子表 <% foreach (TableKeySchema fk in this .CurrentTable.ForeignKeys) { %> public List<Model.<%= this .CurrentTable.Name%>> Query_<%= this .CurrentTable.Name%>List_By<%=fk.Name%>(<%= this .FKArgsForTable(fk)%>) { Database db = DatabaseFactory.CreateDatabase(); SqlCommand cmd = db.GetStoredProcCommand( "usp_<% = this.CurrentTable.Name %>_LoadBy_<%= fk.Name%>" ) as SqlCommand; //赋值:传递一个ForeignKey <%= this .SetPropertyValueByFK(fk)%> SqlDataReader reader = db.ExecuteReader(cmd) as SqlDataReader; List<Model.<%= this .CurrentTable.Name %>> entitiesList= new List<Model.<%= this .CurrentTable.Name %>>(); while (reader.Read()) { entitiesList.Add( new Model.<%= this .CurrentTable.Name%>(){ <%= this .SetValueToProperty %> }); } return entitiesList; } <%}%> #endregion } } <script runat= "template" > private string SetPropertyValueByFK(TableKeySchema fk) { StringBuilder sb= new StringBuilder(); foreach (MemberColumnSchema fkCol in fk.ForeignKeyMemberColumns) { sb.AppendFormat( "cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue(\"@{0}\",{0});\r\n" ,fkCol.Column.Name); } return sb.ToString(); } private string SetValueToProperty { get { string args= "" ; foreach (ColumnSchema col in this .CurrentTable.Columns) { args+= string .Format( "{0}=({2})reader[\"{1}\"]," ,col.Name,col.Name,col.DataType); } return args.Substring(0,args.Length-1); } } //方法:生成列的主键列构成的参数列表 public string PKArgsForTable() { string args= "" ; foreach (MemberColumnSchema pkCol in this .CurrentTable.PrimaryKey.MemberColumns) { args += string .Format( "{0} {1}," ,pkCol.Column.DataType,pkCol.Column.Name); } return args.Substring(0,args.Length-1); } //主键在子表中的外键所包含的列的参数列表带数据类型 public string FKArgsForTable(TableKeySchema key){ string args= "" ; foreach (MemberColumnSchema Col in key.ForeignKeyMemberColumns) { args += string .Format( "{1} {0}," ,Col.Column.Name,Col.DataType); } return args.Substring(0,args.Length-1); } </script> |
N层架构-SP存储过程-ScriptSp Template
- 创建存储过程之前首先需要判读存储过程是否存在
<%@ CodeTemplate Inherits= "CodeTemplate" Language= "C#" TargetLanguage= "Text" Description= "NetTiers main template." Debug= "True" ResponseEncoding= "UTF-8" %> <%@ Assembly Name= "SchemaExplorer" %> <%@ Assembly Name= "System.Design" %> <%@ Assembly Name= "System.DirectoryServices" %> <%@ Assembly Name= "System.Web" %> <%@ Assembly Name= "System.Xml" %> <%@ Import Namespace= "SchemaExplorer" %> <%@ Import NameSpace= "System.IO" %> <%@ Import NameSpace= "System.Text" %> <%@ Import NameSpace= "System.Text.RegularExpressions" %> <%@ Import NameSpace= "System.Diagnostics" %> <%@ Import NameSpace= "System.Xml" %> <%@ Import NameSpace= "System.Xml.Xsl" %> <%@ Import NameSpace= "System.Xml.XPath" %> <%-- 1. Datasource --%> <%@ Property Name= "SourceDatabase" Type= "SchemaExplorer.DatabaseSchema" DeepLoad= "True" Optional= "False" %> --检查是否存在 use <%= this .SourceDatabase%> go <% foreach (TableSchema table in this .SourceDatabase.Tables){ %> if exists ( select * from dbo.sysobjects where id = object_id(N '[dbo].[usp_<% = table.Name %>_Insert]' ) and OBJECTPROPERTY(id, N 'IsProcedure' ) = 1) drop procedure [dbo].[usp_<% = table.Name %>_Insert] GO if exists ( select * from dbo.sysobjects where id = object_id(N '[dbo].[usp_<% = table.Name %>_Update]' ) and OBJECTPROPERTY(id, N 'IsProcedure' ) = 1) drop procedure [dbo].[usp_<% = table.Name %>_Update] GO if exists ( select * from dbo.sysobjects where id = object_id(N '[dbo].[usp_<% = table.Name %>_Delete]' ) and OBJECTPROPERTY(id, N 'IsProcedure' ) = 1) drop procedure [dbo].[usp_<% = table.Name %>_Delete] GO if exists ( select * from dbo.sysobjects where id = object_id(N '[dbo].[usp_<% = table.Name %>_LoadAll]' ) and OBJECTPROPERTY(id, N 'IsProcedure' ) = 1) drop procedure [dbo].[usp_<% = table.Name %>_LoadAll] GO if exists ( select * from dbo.sysobjects where id = object_id(N '[dbo].[usp_<% = table.Name %>_LoadByPK]' ) and OBJECTPROPERTY(id, N 'IsProcedure' ) = 1) drop procedure [dbo].[usp_<% = table.Name %>_LoadByPK] GO ------------------ <% foreach (TableKeySchema pk in table.ForeignKeys){ %> if exists ( select * from dbo.sysobjects where id = object_id(N '[dbo].[usp_<%= table.Name %>_LoadBy_<%= pk.Name%>]' ) and OBJECTPROPERTY(id, N 'IsProcedure' ) = 1) drop procedure [dbo].[usp_<%= table.Name %>_LoadBy_<%= pk.Name%>] GO <% } %> <% }%> --生成存储过程 <% foreach (TableSchema table in SourceDatabase.Tables) {%> --当前表示:<%=table.Name%> create proc usp_<%=table.Name%>_Insert ( <%= this .CreateAllColumnsArgs(table)%> ) as insert into <%=table.Name%>(<%= this .CreateAllColumnsWithoutNativeType(table)%>) values(<%= this .CreateAllColumnsArgsWithoutNativeType(table)%>); go -------- create proc usp_<%=table.Name%>_LoadAll as select <%= this .CreateAllColumnsWithoutNativeType(table)%> from <%=table.Name%> go -------- create proc usp_<%=table.Name%>_Delete ( <%= this .CreatePKColumnsArgs(table)%> ) as Delete from <%=table.Name%> where <%= this .CreatePKColumnsArgsWithoutNativeTypeAppendToWhere(table)%>; go -------- create proc usp_<%=table.Name%>_Update ( <%= this .CreateAllColumnsArgs(table)%> ) as update <%=table.Name%> set <%= this .CreateAllColumnsArgsWithoutPK(table)%> where <%= this .CreatePKColumnsArgsWithoutNativeTypeAppendToWhere(table)%>; go --------------- create proc usp_<%=table.Name%>_LoadByPK ( <%= this .CreatePKColumnsArgs(table)%> ) as select <%= this .CreateAllColumnsWithoutNativeType(table)%> from <%=table.Name%> where <%= this .CreatePKColumnsArgsWithoutNativeTypeAppendToWhere(table)%> go ----------主外键关系,类的单一职责 <% foreach (TableKeySchema fk in table.ForeignKeys) {%> create proc usp_<%=table.Name%>_LoadBy_<%=fk.Name%> ( <%= this .CreateFK(fk)%> ) as select <%= this .CreateAllColumnsWithoutNativeType(table)%> from <%=table.Name%> where <%= this .CreateFKSetValues(fk,table)%> go <%}%> <%}%> <script runat= "template" > //生成所有列的参数列表 private string CreateAllColumnsArgs(TableSchema table) { string args= "" ; foreach (ColumnSchema col in table.Columns) { if (col.NativeType== "varchar" || col.NativeType== "nvarchar" ||col.NativeType== "char" ||col.NativeType== "nchar" ) { args+= string .Format( "@{0} {1}({2})," ,col.Name,col.NativeType,col.Size); } else { args+= string .Format( "@{0} {1}," ,col.Name,col.NativeType); } } return args.Substring(0,args.Length-1); } //生成所有列的列表,不带参数类型 private string CreateAllColumnsWithoutNativeType(TableSchema table) { string args= "" ; foreach (ColumnSchema col in table.Columns) { args+= string .Format( "{0}," ,col.Name); } return args.Substring(0,args.Length-1); } //生成所有列的参数列表,不带参数类型 private string CreateAllColumnsArgsWithoutNativeType(TableSchema table) { string args= "" ; foreach (ColumnSchema col in table.Columns) { args+= string .Format( "@{0}," ,col.Name); } return args.Substring(0,args.Length-1); } //生成PK的参数列表 private string CreatePKColumnsArgs(TableSchema table) { string args= "" ; foreach (ColumnSchema col in table.Columns) { if (col.IsPrimaryKeyMember) { if (col.NativeType== "varchar" ||col.NativeType== "nvarchar" ||col.NativeType== "char" ||col.NativeType== "nchar" ) { args+= string .Format( "@{0} {1}({2})," ,col.Name,col.NativeType,col.Size); } else { args+= string .Format( "@{0} {1}," ,col.Name,col.NativeType); } } } return args.Substring(0,args.Length-1); } //生成主键列不带参数类型Where ID=@ID and... private string CreatePKColumnsArgsWithoutNativeTypeAppendToWhere(TableSchema table) { string args= "" ; for ( int i=0;i<table.PrimaryKey.MemberColumns.Count;i++) { args+= string .Format( "{0}=@{0}" ,table.PrimaryKey.MemberColumns[i].Column.Name); if (i<table.PrimaryKey.MemberColumns.Count-1) { args += string .Format( " and" ); } } return args; } //非主键类型参数列表的赋值语句 private string CreateAllColumnsArgsWithoutPK(TableSchema table) { string args= "" ; foreach (ColumnSchema col in table.NonPrimaryKeyColumns) { args= string .Format( "{0}=@{0}," ,col.Name); } if (table.NonPrimaryKeyColumns.Count==0) { return "" ; } return args.Substring(0,args.Length-1); } //主键在子表的引用外键所包含的列 private string CreateFK(TableKeySchema fk) { string args= "" ; foreach (MemberColumnSchema fkCol in fk.ForeignKeyMemberColumns) { if (fkCol.NativeType== "varchar" ||fkCol.NativeType== "nvarchar" ||fkCol.NativeType== "char" ||fkCol.NativeType== "nchar" ) { args+= string .Format( "@{0} {1}({2})," ,fkCol.Column.Name,fkCol.Column.NativeType,fkCol.Column.Size); } else { args+= string .Format( "@{0} {1}," ,fkCol.Column.Name,fkCol.Column.NativeType); } } return args.Substring(0,args.Length-1); } //根据外键表查找子表中多行的Where private string CreateFKSetValues(TableKeySchema fk,TableSchema table) { string args= "" ; foreach (MemberColumnSchema fkCol in fk.ForeignKeyMemberColumns) { args+= string .Format( "{0}.{1}=@{1}," ,table.Name,fkCol.Column.Name); } return args.Substring(0,args.Length-1); } </script> |
- 业务逻辑层上一对多,多对一需要考虑清楚,还要考虑复合主键这类情况
<%@ CodeTemplate Inherits= "CodeTemplate" Language= "C#" TargetLanguage= "Text" Description= "NetTiers main template." Debug= "True" ResponseEncoding= "UTF-8" %> <%@ Assembly Name= "SchemaExplorer" %> <%@ Assembly Name= "System.Design" %> <%@ Assembly Name= "System.DirectoryServices" %> <%@ Assembly Name= "System.Web" %> <%@ Assembly Name= "System.Xml" %> <%@ Import Namespace= "SchemaExplorer" %> <%@ Import NameSpace= "System.IO" %> <%@ Import NameSpace= "System.Text" %> <%@ Import NameSpace= "System.Text.RegularExpressions" %> <%@ Import NameSpace= "System.Diagnostics" %> <%@ Import NameSpace= "System.Xml" %> <%@ Import NameSpace= "System.Xml.Xsl" %> <%@ Import NameSpace= "System.Xml.XPath" %> <%-- 1. Datasource --%> <%@ Property Name= "CurrentTable" Type= "SchemaExplorer.TableSchema" DeepLoad= "True" Optional= "False" %> <%@ Property Name= "RootNamespace" Default= "MyOffice.Models" Type= "System.String" Category= "Context" Description= "TargetTable that the object is based on." %> using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Text; namespace <%= this .RootNamespace%>.BLL { public class <%= CurrentTable.Name%> { private AbstractFactory.DaoFactory dataFactory = DataProvider.DefaultProvider; #region 增 public int Add(Model.<%= CurrentTable.Name%> entity) { //通过工厂获得当前提供程序 //用反射,通过web.config获得当前提供程序的名,再实例化 return dataFactory.<%= CurrentTable.Name%>SqlProviderDao.Add(entity); } public int Add(<%= this .AllArgumentsForTable()%>) { return this .Add( new <%= this .RootNamespace%>.Model.<%= CurrentTable.Name%>() { <%= this .AllPropertiesSetValueForTable()%> }); } #endregion #region 改 public int Update(Model.<%= CurrentTable.Name%> entity) { return dataFactory.<%= CurrentTable.Name%>SqlProviderDao.Update(entity); } public int Update(<%= this .AllArgumentsForTable()%>) { return this .Update( new <%= this .RootNamespace%>.Model.<%= CurrentTable.Name%>() { <%= this .AllPropertiesSetValueForTable()%> }); } #endregion #region 删 public int Delete(Model.<%= CurrentTable.Name%> entity) { return dataFactory.<%= CurrentTable.Name%>SqlProviderDao.Delete(entity); } public int Delete(<%= this .PKArgsForTable()%>) { return this .Delete( new <%= this .RootNamespace%>.Model.<%= CurrentTable.Name%>() { <%= this .PKPropertiesSetValueForTalble()%> }); } #endregion #region Select public Model.<%= CurrentTable.Name%> Get<%= CurrentTable.Name%>ByPK(<%= this .PKArgsForTable()%>) { return dataFactory.<%= this .CurrentTable.Name%>SqlProviderDao.LoadByPK(<%= this .PKArgsWithoutDataTypeForTable()%>); } public List<Model.<%= CurrentTable.Name%>> GetAll<%= this .CurrentTable.Name%>List() { return dataFactory.<%= this .CurrentTable.Name%>SqlProviderDao.LoadAllEntities(); } #endregion #region 当前表如果存在外键,找外键所在的主表 <% foreach (TableKeySchema fk in this .CurrentTable.ForeignKeys) {%> public Model.<%=fk.PrimaryKeyTable.Name%> FindParentBy<%=fk.Name%>(<%= this .GetFKArgs(fk)%>) { return this .dataFactory.<% = fk.PrimaryKeyTable.Name%>SqlProviderDao.LoadByPK(<%=GetFKArgsWithoutDataType(fk)%>);<% //= PKArgsWithoutDataTypeForTable(fk.PrimaryKeyTable)%> } <%}%> #endregion #region 主表找从表 <% foreach (TableKeySchema pk in this .CurrentTable.PrimaryKeys){ %> //从当前表,找子表的List public List<Model.<%= pk.ForeignKeyTable.Name%>> Get<%= pk.ForeignKeyTable.Name%>ListBy<%= pk.Name%>(<%= this .FKArgsForTable(pk)%>) { return this .dataFactory.<%= pk.ForeignKeyTable.Name%>SqlProviderDao.Query_<%=pk.ForeignKeyTable.Name%>List_By<%=pk.Name%>(<%= this . FKArgsForTableWithoutDataType(pk) %>); } <% } %> #endregion } } <script runat= "template" > //方法:根据表,生成所有列构成的参数列表 private string AllArgumentsForTable() { string args= "" ; foreach (ColumnSchema col in CurrentTable.Columns) { args+= string .Format( "{0} {1}," ,col.DataType,col.Name); } return args.Substring(0,args.Length-1); } //生成实力类时初始化属性 private string AllPropertiesSetValueForTable() { string args= "" ; foreach (ColumnSchema col in CurrentTable.Columns) { args+= string .Format( "{0}={1}," ,col.Name,col.Name); } return args.Substring(0,args.Length-1); } //方法:生成列的主键列构成的参数列表 private string PKArgsForTable() { string args= "" ; foreach (MemberColumnSchema pkCol in this .CurrentTable.PrimaryKey.MemberColumns) { args+= string .Format( "{0} {1}," ,pkCol.Column.DataType,pkCol.Column.Name); } return args.Substring(0,args.Length-1); } //方法:生成主键列的赋值: public string PKPropertiesSetValueForTalble() { string args= "" ; foreach (MemberColumnSchema pkCol in this .CurrentTable.PrimaryKey.MemberColumns) { args+= string .Format( "{0}={1}," ,pkCol.Column.Name,pkCol.Column.Name); } return args.Substring(0,args.Length-1); } //方法:生成主键列参数 private string PKArgsWithoutDataTypeForTable() { string args= "" ; foreach (MemberColumnSchema pkCol in this .CurrentTable.PrimaryKey.MemberColumns) { args+= string .Format( "{0}," ,pkCol.Column.Name); } return args.Substring(0,args.Length-1); } private string PKArgsWithoutDataTypeForTable(TableSchema table) { string args= "" ; foreach (MemberColumnSchema pkCol in table.PrimaryKey.MemberColumns) { args += string .Format( "{0}," ,pkCol.Column.Name); } return args.Substring(0,args.Length-1); } //方法:按照某个FK,取他的列构成的参数列表(天啊,难道有复合外键吗) public string GetFKArgs(TableKeySchema fk) { string args= "" ; foreach (MemberColumnSchema fkCol in fk.ForeignKeyMemberColumns) { args+= string .Format( "{0} {1}," ,fkCol.Column.DataType,fkCol.Column.Name); } return args.Substring(0,args.Length-1); } public string GetFKArgsWithoutDataType(TableKeySchema fk) { string args= "" ; foreach (MemberColumnSchema fkCol in fk.ForeignKeyMemberColumns) { args+= string .Format( "{0}," ,fkCol.Column.Name); } return args.Substring(0,args.Length-1); } //主键在子表中的外键所包含的列的参数列表 public string FKArgsForTableWithoutDataType(TableKeySchema key){ string args= "" ; foreach (MemberColumnSchema Col in key.ForeignKeyMemberColumns) { args += string .Format( "{0}," ,Col.Column.Name); } return args.Substring(0,args.Length-1); } //主键在子表中的外键所包含的列的参数列表带数据类型 public string FKArgsForTable(TableKeySchema key){ string args= "" ; foreach (MemberColumnSchema Col in key.ForeignKeyMemberColumns) { args += string .Format( "{1} {0}," ,Col.Column.Name,Col.DataType); } return args.Substring(0,args.Length-1); } </script> |
N层架构-单例模式-DefaultProvieder Template
- 单例+反射
<%@ CodeTemplate Inherits= "CodeTemplate" Language= "C#" TargetLanguage= "Text" Description= "NetTiers main template." Debug= "True" ResponseEncoding= "UTF-8" %> <%@ Assembly Name= "SchemaExplorer" %> <%@ Assembly Name= "System.Design" %> <%@ Assembly Name= "System.DirectoryServices" %> <%@ Assembly Name= "System.Web" %> <%@ Assembly Name= "System.Xml" %> <%@ Import Namespace= "SchemaExplorer" %> <%@ Import NameSpace= "System.IO" %> <%@ Import NameSpace= "System.Text" %> <%@ Import NameSpace= "System.Text.RegularExpressions" %> <%@ Import NameSpace= "System.Diagnostics" %> <%@ Import NameSpace= "System.Xml" %> <%@ Import NameSpace= "System.Xml.Xsl" %> <%@ Import NameSpace= "System.Xml.XPath" %> <%-- 1. Datasource --%> <%@ Property Name= "SourceDatabase" Type= "SchemaExplorer.DatabaseSchema" DeepLoad= "True" Optional= "False" %> <%@ Property Name= "RootNamespace" Default= "MyOffice.Models" Type= "System.String" Category= "Context" Description= "TargetTable that the object is based on." %> using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Text; namespace <%= this .RootNamespace%>.BLL { internal class DataProvider { private static <%= this .RootNamespace%>.AbstractFactory.DaoFactory instance = null ; static DataProvider() { //.NET能保证这里的代码只执行一次 //TODO:根据web.config 动态反射实例化数据工厂的实例 //需要:提供程序的DLL文件名 // 类名(完整名称) 命名空间.类名 string dllfilename = System.Web.Configuration.WebConfigurationManager.AppSettings[ "DataProviderDllFile" ]; string daoFactoryClassName = System.Web.Configuration.WebConfigurationManager.AppSettings[ "DataProviderFactoryName" ]; //抽象工厂 System.Reflection.Assembly dll = System.Reflection.Assembly.LoadFile( System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath( "~/DataProviders/" + dllfilename)); instance = dll.CreateInstance(daoFactoryClassName) as <%= this .RootNamespace%>.AbstractFactory.DaoFactory; } private DataProvider() { } public static <%= this .RootNamespace%>.AbstractFactory.DaoFactory DefaultProvider { get { return instance; } } } } |
N层架构-主模板-Main Template
- 添加指令集
<%@ Import NameSpace="System.Text" %> <%@ Import NameSpace="System.Text.RegularExpressions" %> <%@ Import NameSpace="System.Diagnostics" %> <%@ Import NameSpace="System.Xml" %> <%@ Import NameSpace="System.Xml.Xsl" %> <%@ Import NameSpace="System.Xml.XPath" %>
- 注册子模板
<%@ Register Name="EntityClassTemplate" Template="Eyes.Entity.cst" MergeProperties="False" ExcludeProperties="" %> <%@ Register Name="BizClassTemplate" Template="Eyes.Biz.cst" MergeProperties="False" ExcludeProperties="" %> <%@ Register Name="IDALInterfaceTemplate" Template="Eyes.IDAL.cst" MergeProperties="False" ExcludeProperties="" %> <%@ Register Name="DALFactoryTemplate" Template="Eyes.DALFactory.cst" MergeProperties="False" ExcludeProperties="" %> <%@ Register Name="DALSqlFactoryTemplate" Template="Eyes.DALSqlFactory.cst" MergeProperties="False" ExcludeProperties="" %> <%@ Register Name="SqlSPTemplate" Template="Eyes.SqlSp.cst" MergeProperties="False" ExcludeProperties="" %> <%@ Register Name="DataProvider" Template="Eyes.Provider.cst" MergeProperties="False" ExcludeProperties="" %> <%@ Register Name="DALSqlTemplate" Template="Eyes.DALSql.cst" MergeProperties="False" ExcludeProperties="" %> <%--DataSourse--%> <%@ Property Name="ChooseSourceDatabase" Type="SchemaExplorer.DatabaseSchema" DeepLoad="True" Optional="False" Category="01. Getting Started - Required" Description="Database that the tables views, and stored procedures should be based on. IMPORTANT!!! If SourceTables and SourceViews are left blank, the Entire Database will then be generated." %>
- 添加属性
<%--DataSourse--%> <%@ Property Name="ChooseSourceDatabase" Type="SchemaExplorer.DatabaseSchema" DeepLoad="True" Optional="False" Category="01. Getting Started - Required" Description="Database that the tables views, and stored procedures should be based on. IMPORTANT!!! If SourceTables and SourceViews are left blank, the Entire Database will then be generated." %> <%@ Property Name="RootNamespace" Default="Net.Itcast.CN" Type="System.String" Optional="False"%>
- 调用Script里面的创建模板方法
<%@ Property Name= "RootNamespace" Default= "Net.Itcast.CN" Type= "System.String" Optional= "False" %> <% this .SaveEntityClasses();%> <% this .GenerateBizClasses();%> <% this .GenerateIDALInterface();%> <% this .GenerateDALFactory();%> <% this .GenerateDALSqlFactory();%> <% this .GenerateDALSqlTemplate();%> <% this .GenerateDataProvider();%> <% this .GenerateSqlStoredProcedure();%> <script runat= "template" > private string templateOutputDirectory= @"C:\Users\thinkpad\Desktop\ERPSolution\ERPSolution" ; [Editor( typeof (System.Windows.Forms.Design.FolderNameEditor), typeof (System.Drawing.Design.UITypeEditor))] [Optional, NotChecked] [Category( "01. Getting Started - Required" )] [Description( "The directory to output the results to." )] [DefaultValue( "" )] public string OutputDirectory { get { return templateOutputDirectory; } set { if (value.EndsWith( "\\" )) value = value.Substring(0, value.Length - 1); templateOutputDirectory = value; } } private void SaveEntityClasses() { CodeTemplate entityTemplate= new EntityClassTemplate(); foreach (TableSchema table in this .ChooseSourceDatabase.Tables) { entityTemplate.SetProperty( "CurrentTable" ,table); entityTemplate.SetProperty( "RootNamespace" , this .RootNamespace); entityTemplate.RenderToFile( this .templateOutputDirectory+ @"\" + this .RootNamespace+ @".Model\" +table.Name+".cs", true ); Debug.WriteLine(table.Name); } } private void GenerateBizClasses() { CodeTemplate template = new BizClassTemplate(); foreach (TableSchema table in this .ChooseSourceDatabase.Tables) { template.SetProperty( "CurrentTable" ,table); template.SetProperty( "RootNamespace" , this .RootNamespace); template.RenderToFile( this .templateOutputDirectory + @"\" + this .RootNamespace+ @".BLL\" + table.Name+".cs", true ); } } private void GenerateIDALInterface() { CodeTemplate template = new IDALInterfaceTemplate(); foreach (TableSchema table in this .ChooseSourceDatabase.Tables) { template.SetProperty( "CurrentTable" ,table); template.SetProperty( "RootNamespace" , this .RootNamespace); template.RenderToFile( this .templateOutputDirectory + @"\" + this .RootNamespace+ @".IDAL\" + "I "+table.Name+" Dao "+" .cs", true ); } } private void GenerateDALSqlTemplate() { CodeTemplate template = new DALSqlTemplate(); foreach (TableSchema table in this .ChooseSourceDatabase.Tables) { template.SetProperty( "CurrentTable" ,table); template.SetProperty( "RootNamespace" , this .RootNamespace); template.RenderToFile( this .templateOutputDirectory + @"\" + this .RootNamespace+ @".SqlProviderDao\" + table.Name+"SqlDao "+" .cs", true ); } } private void GenerateDALFactory() { CodeTemplate template = new DALFactoryTemplate(); template.SetProperty( "SourceDatabase" , this .ChooseSourceDatabase); template.SetProperty( "RootNamespace" , this .RootNamespace); template.RenderToFile( this .templateOutputDirectory + @"\" + this .RootNamespace+ @".DaoFactory\DaoFactory.cs" , true ); } private void GenerateDataProvider() { CodeTemplate template = new DataProvider(); template.SetProperty( "SourceDatabase" , this .ChooseSourceDatabase); template.SetProperty( "RootNamespace" , this .RootNamespace); template.RenderToFile( this .templateOutputDirectory + @"\" + this .RootNamespace+ @".BLL\DataProvider.cs" , true ); } private void GenerateDALSqlFactory() { CodeTemplate template = new DALSqlFactoryTemplate(); template.SetProperty( "SourceDatabase" , this .ChooseSourceDatabase); template.SetProperty( "RootNamespace" , this .RootNamespace); template.RenderToFile( this .templateOutputDirectory + @"\" + this .RootNamespace+ @".SqlProviderDao\DaoSqlFactory.cs" , true ); } private void GenerateSqlStoredProcedure() { CodeTemplate template = new SqlSPTemplate(); template.SetProperty( "SourceDatabase" , this .ChooseSourceDatabase); template.SetProperty( "RootNamespace" , this .RootNamespace); template.RenderToFile( this .templateOutputDirectory + @"\" + this .RootNamespace+ @".SqlSPScript\SqlSPScript.sql" , true ); } </script> |
上面的Ntier Tempalte不是最优化的,还有很多细节需要你考虑,比如数据类型的转换:
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