--建立学生信息表Students create table Students ( SId char(5) not null primary key, SName nvarchar(20) unique, SGender char(10) default('Male'), SAge int, SSdept nvarchar(250) ) --课程表 create table Course ( CNo Char(4) not null primary key, CName nvarchar(50), CPNo char(4), CCreadit smallint foreign key(cpno) references course(cno) ) --学生选课表 create table StudentCourse ( SCId char(5) not null , SCCNo char(4) not null, SCGrade smallint, primary key(Scid,sccno), foreign key(SCId) references Students(Sid), foreign key(sccno) references Course(cno) ) --查询每个系的学生人数 select COUNT(*) as '人数',SSdept as '所在系' from Students group by SSdept --查询计算机系男女生人数 select COUNT(*) as '人数',SGender 性别 from Students where ssdept='计算机科学与技术' group by SGender --查询每个系男女生人数 select COUNT(*) as '人数',SSdept as '系',SGender as '性别' from students group by ssdept,SGender --查询男生人数超过1的系 select ssdept as '所在系',COUNT(*) as '人数' from Students where SGender='Male' group by ssdept having COUNT(*)>2 --查询和张三同一系的学生学号、姓名 select SId as '学号' ,SName as '姓名' from Students where SSdept=(select ssdept from Students where SName='张三') and SName<>'张三' --查询比张三年纪大的学生的姓名、性别 select SName as '姓名',SGender as '性别' from Students where SAge>(select sage from students where sname='张三') --查询张三的学号和其选修的课程号和成绩 select sc.SCCNo as '课程号',sc.SCGrade as '成绩' from students as s,Course c,StudentCourse sc where s.SId=sc.SCId and sc.SCCNo=c.CNo and s.SName='张三' --查询张三选修高等数学上这门课的成绩 select sc.SCCNo as '课程号',c.CName as '课程名',sc.SCGrade as '成绩' from students as s,Course c,StudentCourse sc where s.SId=sc.SCId and sc.SCCNo=c.CNo and c.CName='高等数学上' and s.SName='张三' --查询与张三一样大的学生姓名,性别,年龄。 select SName as '姓名',SGender as '性别',SAge as '年龄' from Students where SAge=(select SAge from Students where SName='张三') and SName<>'张三' --查询选修了高等数学上的学生的学号、姓名 select s.SId as '学号',s.SName as '姓名' from students as s,Course c,StudentCourse sc where s.SId=sc.SCId and sc.SCCNo=c.CNo and c.CName='高等数学上' --查询张三选修的所有课程号、课程名称、成绩 select sc.SCCNo as '课程号',c.CName as '课程名',sc.SCGrade as '成绩' from students as s,Course c,StudentCourse sc where s.SId=sc.SCId and sc.SCCNo=c.CNo and s.SName='张三' --查询学习了张三选修某门课程的学生学号、姓名、年龄 select * from Students s1,StudentCourse sc1 where sc1.SCCNo in ( select sc.SCCNo from Students s,StudentCourse sc where sc.SCId=s.SId and s.SName='张三' ) and sc1.SCId=s1.SId --查询张三选修的所有课程的课程号、课程名称 select sc.SCCNo as '课程号',c.CName as '课程名' from Students s,Course c,StudentCourse sc where s.SId=sc.SCId and sc.SCCNo=c.CNo and s.SName='张三' --查询比张三年龄大的学生学号、姓名 select SId as '学号',SName as '姓名' from Students where SAge>(select SAge from Students where SName='张三') --查询选修每门课程中成绩小于其平均成绩的学生学号 select sc1.SCId as '学生学号' from StudentCourse sc1 where SCGrade< ( select AVG(SCGrade) from StudentCourse sc2 where sc2.SCCNo=sc1.SCCNo ) --查询张三选修高等数学上的课程的成绩 select * from StudentCourse sc ,Students s,Course c where sc.SCId=s.SId and sc.SCCNo=c.CNo and s.SName='张三' and c.CName='高等数学上' select * from StudentCourse where SCCNo= ( Select Cno from Course where CName='高等数学上' ) and SCId= ( select sid from Students where SName='张三' ) --查询张三选修课程的平均成绩 select AVG(sc.SCGrade) as '平均成绩' from StudentCourse sc ,Students s where sc.SCId=s.SId and s.SName='张三' --查询选修课程的平均成绩小于张三平均成绩的学生学号 select sC.SCId from StudentCourse sc group by sc.SCId having AVG(SC.SCGrade)< ( select AVG(sc.SCGrade) from StudentCourse sc ,Students s where sc.SCId=s.SId and s.SName='张三' ) --查询课程的平均成绩低于张三平均成绩的课程号 select sC.SCCNo from StudentCourse sc group by sc.SCCNo having AVG(SC.SCGrade)< ( select AVG(sc.SCGrade) from StudentCourse sc ,Students s where sc.SCId=s.SId and s.SName='张三' ) --查询选修课程成绩大于等于该课程平均成绩的学生学号 select SCId from StudentCourse sc1 where sc1.SCGrade >= ( select avg( sc2.SCGrade ) from StudentCourse sc2 where sc2.SCCNo=sc1.SCCNo )
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