海洋工作室——网站建设专家:The version of SQL Server in use does not support datatype datetime2 and the Entity Framework.


by mikael 1. January 2009 19:00
This is due to the edmx file being generated or updated from a SQL 2008 instance and run against a SQL 2005 instance. I tried about every trick I could think of before reading about it here. Basically all you need to do is to open the EDMX file with XML Editor and change ProviderManifestToken=”2008” to ProviderManifestToken=”2005”. Thanks a bunch Alex Duggleby for the hint!
2.  Namespace="MobileNordic.MobileCMS.Domain.Store"
3.  Alias="Self"
4.  Provider="System.Data.SqlClient"
5.  ProviderManifestToken="2005"
7.  xmlns
posted @ 2010-03-21 08:16  海洋——海纳百川,有容乃大.  阅读(261)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报