
记得有几天我查一些关于Technorati的文章,通过搜索引擎进入了一些国外的博客网站,我发现:国内的博客研究对象和博客的专业化程度与国外的博客至少有三年以上的差距。国内绝大多数把博客当成了自己的日记或摘抄文章的存储地,只有一少部分博客的定位清晰,能够给他的读者提供有价值的知识。国外博客与国内博客的比较如同英语网站和汉语网站的比较一样,虽然两者在互联网上的存储数据已经大体相当,但相差的就是质量问题。下面,我把Dailyblogtips推荐的英文博客整理了一下,提供给大家去阅读。Dailyblogtips推荐的基础数据来源于:analysis on Google’s Pagerank, Alexa rank, Bloglines subscribersTechnorati authority 等。

研究 SEO 的 BLOG 网站

1 Search Engine Land
2 SEOBook
3 SEO Moz
4 Matt Cutts
5 Search Engine Watch
6 Search Engine Roundtable
7 Search Engine Journal
8 Online Marketing Blog
9 Pronet Advertising
10 Marketing Pilgrim
11 SEO Chat
12 Search Engine Guide
13 SEO Blackhat
14 Stuntdubl
15 Graywolf’s SEO
16 SEO by the SEA
17 Link Building Blog
18 Jim Boykin
19 SEOpedia
20 DaveN
21 Bruce Clay
22 Blue Hat SEO
23 Tropical SEO
24 SEO Refugee
25 Small Business SEM


1 Problogger
2 Copyblogger
3 John Chow
4 Quick Online Tips
5 Daily Blog Tips
6 Lorelle on Wordpress
7 Dosh Dosh
8 Performancing
9 Weblog Tools Collection
10 Blog Herald
11 Blogging Pro
12 Successful-Blog
13 JohnTP
14 Engtech
15 Bloggers Blog
16 Andy Beard
17 ChrisG
18 Converstations
19 The Wrong Advices
20 Business Blog Wire
21 Alister Cameron
22 Blog About Your Blog
23 Blogtrepreneur
24 I Help You Blog
25 Build A Better Blog


1 A List Apart
2 Smashing Magazine
3 456 Berea Street
4 Meyer Web
5 Simple Bits
6 Pearsonified
7 Tutorial Blog
8 CSS Beauty
9 Snook.ca
10 Bartelme Design
11 The Man in Blue
12 Andy Budd
13 Particle Tree
14 Warpspire
15 Brian Gardner
16 Sitepoint Design Blog
17 The Undersigned
18 Bitt Box
19 Fadtastic
20 Colour Lovers
21 David Airey
22 Design Meltdown
23 Clagnut
24 Dev Lounge
25 Smiley Cat


posted @ 2009-02-10 01:46  海洋——海纳百川,有容乃大.  阅读(1051)  评论(1编辑  收藏  举报