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        .circle-bubble {
            margin-top: 25px;
            text-align: center;
            color: #fff;

        .circle-bubble .name {
            font-size: 14px;
            font-weight: bold;

        .circle-bubble .count {
            margin-top: 5px;
            font-size: 12px;

        .house-bubble {
            display: block;
            position: relative;
            height: 30px;
            line-height: 30px;
            padding: 0 10px;
            text-align: center;
            color: #fff;

        .house-bubble .triangle-down {
            position: absolute;
            left: 40%;
            border-width: 8px;
            border-style: solid;
            border-color: #11a43c transparent transparent transparent;
            opacity: .9;

        .house-bubble:hover .triangle-down {
            border-color: #f60 transparent transparent transparent;

        .house-bubble .price {
            font-weight: bold;

        .house-bubble em {
            padding: 0 10px;
            color: #ccc;

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                        <li id="house_prop_5" data-value="5">写字楼</li>
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                                <p class="item house-name" href="javascript:void(0);">金隅上城郡</p>
                                <p class="item">
                                    <span class="house-price">800万元/套</span>
                                <p class="item house-address" title="[樊城区]团山大道与邓城大道交叉口北150米">[樊城区]团山大道与邓城大道交叉口北150米</p>
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                        <img src="//static.fczx.com/www/assets/icons/house_empty.png" alt="">
                        <p class="empty-text">很抱歉,没有找到符合条件的房源信息!</p>
    $(document).ready(function () {

        new FCZX.map.Index({
            city: '襄阳',
            position: {},
            source_url: 'http://xiangyang.fczx.com/house/list', //测试接口
            // source_url: app.areaApiUrl(/house/list),
            city_regions: [
                    "id": "1001",
                    "name": "樊城区",
                    "longitude": "112.146049",
                    "latitude": "32.051797",
                    "id": "1002",
                    "name": "襄州区",
                    "longitude": "112.328604",
                    "latitude": "32.207599",
                    "id": "1003",
                    "name": "谷城县",
                    "longitude": "111.477729",
                    "latitude": "32.125439",
                    "id": "1004",
                    "name": "老河口市",
                    "longitude": "111.774385",
                    "latitude": "32.416571",
                    "id": "1005",
                    "name": "宜城",
                    "longitude": "112.264608",
                    "latitude": "31.726207",
                    "id": "1006",
                    "name": "保康",
                    "longitude": "110.939608",
                    "latitude": "31.905982",
                    "id": "1007",
                    "name": "枣阳",
                    "longitude": "112.778475",
                    "latitude": "32.136441",
                    "id": "1008",
                    "name": "东津",
                    "longitude": "112.24564738403",
                    "latitude": "32.037933183676",
                    "id": "1009",
                    "name": "高新区",
                    "longitude": "112.20214023493",
                    "latitude": "32.124717768712",
                    "id": "1010",
                    "name": "襄城区",
                    "longitude": "112.14737978321",
                    "latitude": "32.022001683487",

        // let lng = 112.129108;
        // let lat = 32.015532;



(function (win, $) {

    FCZX.map.Index = function (opt) {
        this.opt = {
            defaultZoom: 11,
            regionZoom: 12,
            navSelector: '.main-nav',
            menuOpt: {
                menuSelector: '.map-search-menu',
                itemSelector: '.menu-item',
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                selectListS: '.item-select-list',
                optionS: 'li',
                city_regions: opt.city_regions
        $.extend(true, this.opt, opt || {});

        this.headerHeight = this._getHeaderHeight();
    $.extend(FCZX.map.Index.prototype, {
        _init: function () {
            let _this = this;
            let _opt = _this.opt;
            this.load = new FCZX.map.Load(_this, _opt.source_url);

            this.list = new FCZX.map.List(_this);

            this.menu = new FCZX.map.Menu(_this, _this.opt.menuOpt);

            this.bMap = new FCZX.map.SearchMap(_this, {
                headerHeight: _this.headerHeight,
                city: _opt.city,
                position: _opt.position,
                defaultZoom: _opt.defaultZoom,
                regionZoom: _opt.regionZoom


            $(win).resize(function () {
        _getHeaderHeight: function () {
            return $(this.opt.navSelector).outerHeight(true) + $(this.opt.menuOpt.menuSelector).outerHeight(true)
        _resize: function () {
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        _getAllParams: function () {
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            let menuParams = this.menu.getMenuParams();
            return $.extend({}, mapParams, menuParams);
        updateParams: function () {
            let _this = this;
            let params = this._getAllParams();
        setMapCenter: function (zoom, position) {
            this.bMap.setMapCenter(zoom, position);
        updateData: function (result) {
        regionClick: function (region_id) {
            let menuOpt = this.menu.opt;
            let targetRegion = menuOpt.$selectList.find(`${menuOpt.optionS}[data-value=${region_id}]`);
})(window, jQuery);

(function ($) {

    FCZX.map.Load = function (mapIndex, url) {
        this.mapIndex = mapIndex;
        this.url = url;
        this.timestamp = 0;
        this.timer = null;

    $.extend(FCZX.map.Load.prototype, {
        _setParamsFetch: function (params) {
            let _this = this;
            if ($.type(params) !== 'object') {
            this.timestamp += 1;
            $.extend(params, {
                timestamp: _this.timestamp
            this.timer = setTimeout(function () {
                _this._fetchPromise(_this.url, params);
            }, 200);
        _fetchPromise: function (url, params, callback) {
            let _this = this;
                url: url,
                data: params,
                type: 'GET',
                dataType: 'json',
                headers: {},
                done: function (res) {
                    let result = res.data;
                    if ($.type(callback) === 'function') {
                    } else {

(function ($) {

    FCZX.map.Menu = function (mapIndex, opt) {
        this.mapIndex = mapIndex;
        this.keyList = ['region', 'house_type', 'house_area', 'house_prop', 'house_price'];

    $.extend(FCZX.map.Menu.prototype, {
        _init: function (opt) {
            this.opt = {
                menuSelector: '',
                itemSelector: '',
                selectTextS: '',
                selectListS: '',
                optionS: '',
                city_regions: []
            $.extend(true, this.opt, opt || {});
        _initDomEvent: function () {
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            let _opt = _this.opt;
            _opt.$cont = $(_opt.menuSelector);
            _opt.$item = _opt.$cont.find(_opt.itemSelector);
            _opt.$selectList = _opt.$cont.find(_opt.selectListS);

            _opt.$item.each(function () {
                $(this).hover(function () {
                }, function () {
            _opt.$selectList.find(_opt.optionS).each(function () {
                $(this).on('click.mapMenuItem', function () {
                    let text = $(this).text()
                    let id = $(this).attr('id');
                    let value = $(this).data('value');
                    let selectText = $(this).parent().siblings(_opt.selectTextS);
                    let $span = selectText.find('span');
                    let $input = selectText.find('input');
                    if (id) {
                    } else {
                    _this._change($(this).parents(_opt.itemSelector).index(), value);
        _change: function (index, value) {
            if (index == 0) {//更新区域值
                let _this = this;
                let indexOpt = _this.mapIndex.opt;
                let position = _this._getPositionById(value);
                if (position) {
                    _this.mapIndex.setMapCenter(indexOpt.regionZoom, position);
                } else {
        _getPositionById: function (region_id) {
            let position = {};
            for (const item of this.opt.city_regions) {
                if (item.id == region_id) {
                    position.lng = item.longitude;
                    position.lat = item.latitude;
                    return position;
        getMenuParams: function () {
            let obj = {};
            let param = {};
            for (const key of this.keyList) {
                obj[key] = $(`#${key}`).val() || "";
                param = $.extend({}, param, obj);
            return param;
        _updateParams: function () {


(function ($) {

    FCZX.map.List = function (mapIndex, opt) {
        this.mapIndex = mapIndex;

    $.extend(FCZX.map.List.prototype, {
        _init: function (opt) {
            this.opt = {
                foldSelector: '.fold-btn',
                contSelector: '.map-list-content',
                listSelector: '.map-list',
                itemSelector: '.mli-item',
                emptySelector: '.map-list-empty'
            $.extend(true, this.opt, opt || {});
        _initDomEvent: function () {
            let _this = this;
            let _opt = _this.opt;
            _opt.$foldBtn = $(_opt.foldSelector);
            _opt.$content = $(_opt.contSelector);
            _opt.$empty = $(_opt.emptySelector);
            _opt.$list = $(_opt.contSelector).find(_opt.listSelector);

            _opt.$foldBtn.click(function () {
                let $icon = _opt.$foldBtn.find('i');
                if ($icon.hasClass('open')) {
                    $(this).css('left', 0);
                } else {
                    $(this).css('left', '380px');
        updateListData: function (listData) {
            let _this = this;
            let _opt = _this.opt;
            let _template = '';
            let region_name = '';
            if (!listData || listData.length <= 0) {
            for (const item of listData) {
                if (item.sub_region_name) {
                    region_name = item.region_name + '&nbsp;' + item.sub_region_name;
                } else {
                    region_name = item.region_name;
                _template = _template + `
                    <li class="mli-item clearfix" data-id="${item.id}">
                        <div class="fl">
                            <a class="mli-img" href="${item.house_link}">
                                <img src="${item.image_path}" alt="">
                        <div class="mli-detail fl">
                            <p class="item house-name" href="${item.house_link}">${item.house_name}</p>
                            <p class="item">
                                <span class="house-price">${item.price}${item.price_unit}</span>
                            <p class="item house-address" title="[${region_name}]${item.address}">[${region_name}]${item.address}</p>


(function ($) {

    FCZX.map.SearchMap = function (mapIndex, opt) {
        this.mapIndex = mapIndex;

    $.extend(FCZX.map.SearchMap.prototype, {
        _init: function (opt) {
            this.map = undefined; //地图实例
            this.point = undefined; //地图中心点
            this.polygon = undefined; //行政区域折线
            this.opt = {
                mapWrapId: 'mapContainer',
                lng: '',
                lat: '',
                defaultZoom: 11,
                regionZoom: 12,
                minZoom: 11,
                maxZoom: 18,
                city: '北京'
            $.extend(true, this.opt, opt || {});
        _initMap: function () {
            let _this = this;
            let _opt = _this.opt;
            this.map = new BMap.Map(_opt.mapWrapId, { enableMapClick: false });
            this.setMapCenter(_opt.defaultZoom, _opt.position); // lng ,lat, zoom
            this.map.addControl(new BMap.NavigationControl()); //地图平移缩放控件
            this.map.enableScrollWheelZoom(); // 启用地图缩放
            this.map.enableInertialDragging(); // 启用地图惯性拖拽
            this.map.addControl(new BMap.ScaleControl()); // 比例尺控件,默认位于地图左下方,显示地图的比例关系

            this.map.addEventListener('load', function () {
        _bindMapEvent: function () {
            var func = $.proxy(this._updateParams, this);
            this.map.addEventListener('zoomend', func);
            this.map.addEventListener('moveend', func);
            this.map.addEventListener('dragend', func);
            this.map.addEventListener('resize', func);
        // 更新参数,刷新地图数据
        _updateParams: function () {
        setMapCenter: function (zoom, position = {}) {
            let point = null;
            if ($.isEmptyObject(position)) {
                this.map.centerAndZoom(this.opt.city, zoom)
            } else {
                point = new BMap.Point(position.lng, position.lat);
                this.map.centerAndZoom(point, zoom);
        setMapHeight: function (winHeight) {
            $(`#${this.opt.mapWrapId}`).height(winHeight - this.opt.headerHeight);
        getMapParams: function () {
            let param = {};
            let _this = this;
            let _map = _this.map;
            let bounds = _map.getBounds();
            let sw = bounds.getSouthWest();
            let ne = bounds.getNorthEast();
            param.zoom = _map.getZoom();
            param.swlng = sw.lng;
            param.swlat = sw.lat;
            param.nelng = ne.lng;
            param.nelat = ne.lat;
            return param
        updateMapDataOverlays: function (result) {
            let _this = this;
            let zoomLevel = _this.map.getZoom();
            this.regions = result.gather_regions;
            this.houseLabels = result.label_rows;
            if (zoomLevel <= _this.opt.regionZoom) {
            } else {
        // 根据行政区划绘制边界
        _getBoundary: function (regionName) {
            let _this = this;
            let _map = _this.map;
            let boundary = new BMap.Boundary();
            boundary.get(regionName, function (rs) {
                if (rs.boundaries.length === 0) {
                    // alert('未能获取当前输入行政区域');
                for (const itemBoundary of rs.boundaries) {
                    if (!_this.polygon) {
                        _this.polygon = new BMap.Polygon(itemBoundary, {
                            strokeWeight: 2,
                            strokeColor: "rgb(17,164,60)",
                            fillColor: "rgba(17,164,60, .1)",
                            enableClicking: false
                        }); //建立多边形覆盖物
                        _map.addOverlay(_this.polygon);  //添加覆盖物
                    } else {
                        _map.addOverlay(_this.polygon);  //添加覆盖物
        // 根据行政区划绘制聚合点位
        addRegionLabels: function (dataArr) {
            // 添加marks时先清除之前的覆盖物
            let _this = this;
            for (const item of dataArr) {
                _this.addLabel('region', item);

        addHouseLabels: function (dataArr) {
            let _this = this;
            for (const item of dataArr) {
                _this.addLabel('house_label', item);
        addLabel: function (type, data) {
            let _this = this;
            let _thisConfig = this.labelConfig(_this, data)[type];
            let point = new BMap.Point(data.longitude, data.latitude);
            let size = new BMap.Size(_thisConfig.offset.x, _thisConfig.offset.y);
            let label = new BMap.Label(_thisConfig.template, { position: point, offset: size });
        labelConfig: function (_this, data) {
            return {
                region: {
                    type: "region",
                    title: data.name,
                    template: `
                    <div class="circle-bubble" data-id="${data.id}">
                        <p class="name">${data.name}</p>
                        <p class="count"><span>${data.count}</span>个楼盘</p>
                    style: {
                        width: "92px",  //
                        height: "92px", //高度
                        border: "0",  //
                        background: "rgba(17,164,60,.9)",    //背景颜色
                        borderRadius: "50%",
                        cursor: "pointer"
                    offset: {
                        x: -65,
                        y: -45
                    bindEvent: function (label) {
                        // 当鼠标悬停在label上时显示行政区划边界
                        label.addEventListener("mouseover", function () {
                            label.setStyle({ background: "rgba(255,102,0,.9)" }); //修改覆盖物背景颜色
                            var regionName = label.getTitle();
                        // 当鼠标离开时在删除边界折线数据
                        label.addEventListener("mouseout", function () {
                            label.setStyle({ background: "rgba(17,164,60,.9)" }); //修改覆盖物背景颜色
                            if (_this.polygon) {

                        label.addEventListener("click", function () {
                            let currZoom = _this.map.getZoom();
                            if (currZoom < _this.opt.regionZoom) {
                            } else {
                                _this.map.centerAndZoom(label.point, currZoom + 1);
                house_label: {
                    type: "house_label",
                    title: data.house_name,
                    template: `
                    <a class="house-bubble" data-id="${data.id}" href="${data.house_link}">
                            <span class="price">${data.price}</span>
                            <span class="unit">${data.price_unit}</span>
                            <span class="name">${data.house_name}</span>
                        <div class="triangle-down"></div>
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                        backgroundColor: "rgba(17,164,60,.9)",
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                        x: -65,
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                    bindEvent: function (label) {
                        label.addEventListener("mouseover", function () {
                            label.setStyle({ background: "rgba(255,102,0,.9)" });
                        label.addEventListener("mouseout", function () {
                            label.setStyle({ background: "rgba(17,164,60,.9)" }); //修改覆盖物背景颜色



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.map-search-menu .item-select-list li.actived {
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.map-search-menu .switch-list .item-select-list {
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.mli-item .mli-detail {
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    margin-left: 15px;

.mli-item .mli-detail .item {
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.mli-item .mli-detail .house-price {
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