4.1 ENGLISH 学术写作

Academic Writing:

1.No 'I','we','us','you'…
2.多用动词的名词形式 使得更加客观
3.不写简写 don't--->do not can't--->cannot won't--->will not
4.不用 so on etc. 等
7.adverb 不放在句子开头结尾 尽量跟verb就近搭配
8.不用 设问引出下文


Industrial sites cause vast amounts of environmental pollution,so why do we still use them?


The question surrounding the continued use of industrial sites given their vast pollution production,still remains.

十分好的一个用法 The question surrounding …… ,still remains.


Consequent to the appreciation in the exchange value of Sterling against other currencies,necessary fiscal measures were introduced by the government in order to reduce the likelihood of an import-led consumer spending surge.

The relative disadvantage of women with regard to their earnings and levels of asset ownership indicates that within classes there is further economic inequity based on gender.


beyond a shadow of doubt == definitely

unleash---释放 v.
huddle---挤在一起 v.
inflict---使遭受打击 造成 v.
laboriously---费力的 辛苦的 adj.
perspire---流汗 v.
deign---屈尊 俯就 v.
slit---切口 裂缝 n.
salvage---打捞 抢救 v./n.
gauche---笨拙的 adj.
perturb---使焦虑 使不安 v.
espionage---间谍活动 n.
illiterate---文盲的 adj.
handstand---倒立 v.
truculent---爱争吵的 寻衅的 adj
frivolity---可笑的表现 轻浮的举止 n.
casting---铸造 投以 投射 v.

posted @ 2023-04-01 16:01  N0zoM1z0  阅读(5)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报