ESP8266 RTOS SDK Sniffer 自定义失败记录

记录这段时间试图使用 RTOS 的 SDK 完成和使用 NONOS SDK 一致的sniffer功能的失败记录和可能的原因

代码的编译和运行并没有什么问题. ESP8266 RTOS SDK V3.4 中对于 Wifi 混杂模式的数据接口:

  1. 用于注册混杂模式包回调的处理函数
  * @brief Register the RX callback function in the promiscuous mode.
  * Each time a packet is received, the registered callback function will be called.
  * @param cb  callback
  * @return
  *    - ESP_OK: succeed
  *    - ESP_ERR_WIFI_NOT_INIT: WiFi is not initialized by esp_wifi_init
esp_err_t esp_wifi_set_promiscuous_rx_cb(wifi_promiscuous_cb_t cb);
  1. 混杂模式包处理回调类型的定义, 其输入的数据通过buf进行输入
  * @brief The RX callback function in the promiscuous mode. 
  *        Each time a packet is received, the callback function will be called.
  * @param buf  Data received. Type of data in buffer (wifi_promiscuous_pkt_t or wifi_pkt_rx_ctrl_t) indicated by 'type' parameter.
  * @param type  promiscuous packet type.
typedef void (* wifi_promiscuous_cb_t)(void *buf, wifi_promiscuous_pkt_type_t type);
  1. buf 的类型定义, 在有payload的情况下, 其类型为 wifi_promiscuous_pkt_t, 由于其限制payload的最大长度为112字节, 所以获取的数据包并不是完整的数据包
/** @brief Payload passed to 'buf' parameter of promiscuous mode RX callback.
typedef struct {
    wifi_pkt_rx_ctrl_t rx_ctrl; /**< metadata header */
    uint8_t payload[0];       /**< Data or management frame payload. Length of payload is
                                min(112, (pkt->rx_ctrl.sig_mode ? pkt->rx_ctrl.HT_length : pkt->rx_ctrl.legacy_length))
                                Type of content determined by packet type argument of callback. */
} wifi_promiscuous_pkt_t;
  1. wifi_pkt_rx_ctrl_t的定义, 可以通过其字段以及字段的位数看出, 该包头并不是含有MAC地址的包头. 由于其包含aggregation字段, 其更有可能是一个MSDU或者MPDU或者PHY标头
/** @brief Received packet radio metadata header, this is the common header at the beginning of all promiscuous mode RX callback buffers */
typedef struct {
    signed rssi: 8;           /**< signal intensity of packet */
    unsigned rate: 4;         /**< data rate */
    unsigned is_group: 1;     /**< usually not used */
    unsigned : 1;             /**< reserve */
    unsigned sig_mode: 2;     /**< 0:is not 11n packet; 1:is 11n packet */
    unsigned legacy_length: 12; /**< Length of 11bg mode packet */
    unsigned damatch0: 1;     /**< usually not used */
    unsigned damatch1: 1;     /**< usually not used */
    unsigned bssidmatch0: 1;  /**< usually not used */
    unsigned bssidmatch1: 1;  /**< usually not used */
    unsigned mcs: 7;          /**< if is 11n packet, shows the modulation(range from 0 to 76) */
    unsigned cwb: 1;          /**< if is 11n packet, shows if is HT40 packet or not */
    unsigned HT_length: 16;   /**< Length of 11n mode packet */
    unsigned smoothing: 1;    /**< reserve */
    unsigned not_sounding: 1; /**< reserve */
    unsigned : 1;             /**< reserve */
    unsigned aggregation: 1;  /**< Aggregation */
    unsigned stbc: 2;         /**< STBC */
    unsigned fec_coding: 1;   /**< Flag is set for 11n packets which are LDPC */
    unsigned sgi: 1;          /**< SGI */
    unsigned rxend_state: 8;  /**< usually not used */
    unsigned ampdu_cnt: 8;    /**< ampdu cnt */
    unsigned channel: 4;      /**< which channel this packet in */
    unsigned : 4;             /**< reserve */
    signed noise_floor: 8;    /**< usually not used */
} wifi_pkt_rx_ctrl_t;

由于个人缺乏对于 802.11 协议物理实现以及更深层的理解, 所以在发现 payload 的数据不符合 MAC 包结构之后, 选择放弃该项目.
该项目中的 MAC 地址数据以及其他数据可能已经通过对 payload 限制读取长度进行了丢弃.
所以个人认为, 严格按照 ESP8266 RTOS SDK 提供的接口获取 AP/Sta mac 地址以及 IP 地址的尝试是不会成功的.


经过确认, 依照以下代码可以通过802.11 MAMT 包获取AP和Station的mac地址
Github ESP-EOS/ESP32-WiFi-Sniffer

posted @ 2022-06-30 20:33  NoobSir  阅读(173)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报