Migration from J2EE to .NET
Migration from J2EE to .NET
by vivek devarajan.
Hi all, here are some quick tips to get you started, in case you need to migrate a J2EE based application to a .NET based application.
We approach the migration tier wise. Firstly, a technology mapping between both the platforms :--
Service or Feature | .NET | J2EE |
GUI | WinForms | SWING & AWT |
Web Scripting | ISAPI, HttpHandler, HttpModule | Servlet, Filter |
Server Side Business Logic Component | Serviced Component (COM+) | EJB Session Beans |
Server side Data component | Serviced Component (COM+) with DB Logic | EJB BMP Entity Beans |
Server Side Data Component | Object Spaces | EJB CMP Entity Beans |
Naming | ADSI | JNDI |
Remote Invocation | .NET Remoting | RMI or RMI-IIOP |
Data Access | ADO.NET | JDBC |
Messaging | MSMQ | JMS |
Transactions | COM+ or MTS | JTA |
Highlights of the migration strategy
- Presentation Tier JSP -> ASP.NET
- Business Logic Tier EJB -> COM+ (.NET Enterprise Service)
- Data Access Tier JDO/JDBC -> ADO.NET
i. Presentation tier migration
- JSP -> ASP .NET (sample code snippets)
JSP scriptlet :--<!--Scriptlet--> <% for(int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { out.println(i + "<br>"); } %>
ASP .NET scriptlet :--<!--Scriptlet--> <% for(int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { Response.Write(i + "<br>"); } %>
JSP expression :--<%= new java.math.BigDecimal(10.1).negate() %>
ASP .NET expression :--<%= System.Decimal.Negate(new System.Decimal(10.1)) %>
JSP declaration :--<%! public String foo() { return "foo"; } %>
ASP .NET declaration :--<script runat="server" language="c#"> public virtual string foo() { return "foo"; } </script>
- Implicit objects :--
JSP ASP .NET application Application session Session request Request response Response out Response.Write
- Cookies :--
Creating a cookie and setting its expiry time.
Code in J2EE :--<% Cookie userCookie = new Cookie("user", "uid123"); userCookie.setMaxAge(60*60*24*365); // 1 year response.addCookie(userCookie); %>
Code in .NET :--<% System.Web.HttpCookie userCookie = new System.Web.HttpCookie("user", "uid123"); System.DateTime dateTime = System.DateTime.Now; System.TimeSpan timeSpan = new System.TimeSpan(0, 0, 60*60*24*365); // 1 year cookie.Expires = dateTime.Add(timeSpan); Response.Cookies.Add(userCookie); %>
- Beans :--
Java code :--public class Bean1 { private String text = "Hello"; public Bean1 () {} public String getText() { return this.text; } public String setText(String text) { this.text = text; } }
C# code :--using System; public class Bean1{ private string text = "Hello"; public Bean1() {} public string Text { get { return text; } set { text = value; } } }
- Converting Servlets to ASP .NET code behind :--
Servlet sample code :--import javax.servlet.*; import javax.servlet.http.*; import java.io.*; public class SimpleServlet extends HttpServlet { public void doGet(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException, java.io.IOException { response.setContentType("text/html"); PrintWriter out = response.getWriter(); out.println("<html><body>"); out.println("Simple Servlet Body"); out.println("</body></html>"); out.close(); } }
ASP .NET code-behind sample :--using System; using System.Web; using System.Web.UI; public class SimpleServlet : System.Web.UI.Page { private void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs args) { Response.ContentType = "text/html"; Response.Write("<html><body>"); Response.Write("Simple Servlet Body"); Response.Write("</body></html>"); } }
- Tag Library :--
JSP ASP .NET Tag Handler Class
JSP Tag Library Descriptor
JSP Tag Library DirectiveASP.NET Web User Controls
ASP.NET Web Custom Control
JSP tag lib Sample code :--<!?JSP --> <!?the source file is specified in the TLD --> <%@ taglib uri="taglib.tld" prefix="tags" %> <tags:sample />
ASP .NET tag lib Sample code :--<!?ASP.NET --> <%@ Register TagPrefix="tags" TagName="sample" Src="ExampleTag.ascx" %> <tags:sample id="mySample" runat="server" />
- Converting Java Applets to .NET Winforms control :--
Applet code :--package helloWorldPackage; public class HelloWorld extends Applet { public void paint(Graphics g) { g.drawString(getParameter("parameter1"), 25, 25); } public void init() {} public void start() {} public void stop() {} }
.NET Winforms code :--namespace HelloWorldPackage { public class HelloWorld : System.Windows.Forms.UserControl { string parameter1; bool isActive; public HelloWorld() { init(); } protected override void OnPaint(PaintEventArgs e) { e.Graphics.DrawString(parameter1, Font, new SolidBrush(ForeColor), 25, 25); } public void init() { this.GotFocus += new EventHandler(this.helloWorldControl1_Start); this.LostFocus += new EventHandler(this.helloWorldControl1_Stop); } }
ii. Business tier migration
- Migrating EJB to .NET Serviced Component
EJB code :-- (Session bean)public class TellerBean implements SessionBean { public void ejbCreate() {} public void ejbRemove() throws RemoteException {} public void ejbActivate() throws RemoteException {} public void ejbPassivate() throws RemoteException {} public String getData() { return "some data"; } }
.NET code :-- (serviced component corresponding to the java session bean)[Transaction(TransactionOption.Required)] public class TellerBean : System.EnterpriseServices.ServicedComponent { public virtual string Data { get { return "some data"; } } public void Create() {} protected override void Activate() {} protected override void Deactivate() {} protected void Remove { Deactivate(); Dispose(); } }
EJB Code :-- (Entity Bean)public class AccountEntity implements EntityBean { private string accountID; private int balance; public getAccountID() { ?} public getBalance() { ?} public setBalance(int amount) { ?} }
public class AccountProcess implements EntityBean { public AccountEntity[] inquiry() { ?}; public void insert(AccountEntity account) { string strQuery = "SELECT * FROM tb_account"; ? } public void update(AccountEntity account) { ?} public void delete(string accountID) { ?} }
.NET Code :-- (serviced component corresponding to the Java Entity Bean)[Transaction(TransactionOption.Required)] public struct AccountEntity { private string accountID; private int balance; public AccountID { get { ?} } public Balance { get { ?} set { ?} } }
// DSAccount.xsd public class DSAccount : System.Data.DataSet { ? } public class AccountProcess : System.EnterpriseServices.ServicedComponent { public DSAccount Inquiry() { ? } public void Insert(AccountEntity account) { DBAgent.ExecuteNonQuery("sp_getAccount", paramArray, ?; ? } public void Insert(string accountID, int balance, ?) { ? } // Alternative }
CREATE PRODECURE sp_getAccount @accountID char(8), @balance int, ? AS ..
- Business Client Tier
Java Code :--<% try { Context ctx = new InitialContext(); Object ref = ctx.lookup("TellerHome"); tellerHome = (TellerHome)PortableRemoteObject.narrow(ref, TellerHome.class); teller = tellerHome.create(); out.println(teller.getData()); }catch(Exception ex) { out.println(ex.getMessage()); } %>
.NET Code :--<% MyPackage.TellerBean teller = new MyPackage.TellerBean(); Response.Write(teller.Data); %>
iii. Data tier migration
- Database connection
Java :-- (JDBC)Class.forName("com.ms.jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbcDriver"); dbUrl = "jdbc:odbc:ADOTEST"; conn = DriverManager.getConnection(dbUrl,"sa","");
.NET (ADO.NET) :--dbUrl = "Provider=SQLOLEDB;Data Source=dbserver;Initial Catalog=Master;"; using(OleDbConnection conn = new OleDbConnection(dbUrl)) { conn.Open(); ... }
- Statement object :--
Java :-- (JDBC)Statement s = conn.createStatement(); createTableBooks = "SELECT count(au_lname) as nrows FROM authors"; ResultSet rs = s.executeQuery(createTableBooks);
.NET (ADO.NET)string cmdText = "SELECT count(au_lname) as nrows FROM authors"; using(OleDbCommand cmd = new OleDbCommand(cmdText, conn)) { OleDbDataReader rs = cmd.ExecuteReader(); ... }