node('testhan') { stage('Clone') { echo "1.Clone Stage" git url: "https://github.com/mazhenk/jenkins-sample.git" script { build_tag = sh(returnStdout: true, script: 'git rev-parse --short HEAD').trim() } } stage('Test') { echo "2.Test Stage" } stage('Build') { echo "3.Build Docker Image Stage" sh "docker build -t harbor-ioscar.cbf.com/jenkins-demo/jenkins-demo:${build_tag} ." } stage('Push') { echo "4.Push Docker Image Stage" withCredentials([usernamePassword(credentialsId: 'dockerharbor', passwordVariable: 'dockerHubPassword', usernameVariable: 'dockerHubUser')]) { sh "docker login harbor-ioscar.cbf.com -u ${dockerHubUser} -p ${dockerHubPassword}" sh "docker push harbor-ioscar.cbf.com/jenkins-demo/jenkins-demo:${build_tag}" } } stage('Deploy to dev') { echo "5. Deploy DEV" sh "sed -i 's/<BUILD_TAG>/${build_tag}/' k8s-dev-harbor.yaml" sh "sed -i 's/<BRANCH_NAME>/${env.BRANCH_NAME}/' k8s-dev-harbor.yaml" // sh "bash running-devlopment.sh" sh "kubectl apply -f k8s-dev-harbor.yaml --validate=false" } stage('Promote to qa') { def userInput = input( id: 'userInput', message: 'Promote to qa?', parameters: [ [ $class: 'ChoiceParameterDefinition', choices: "YES\nNO", name: 'Env' ] ] ) echo "This is a deploy step to ${userInput}" if (userInput == "YES") { sh "sed -i 's/<BUILD_TAG>/${build_tag}/' k8s-qa-harbor.yaml" sh "sed -i 's/<BRANCH_NAME>/${env.BRANCH_NAME}/' k8s-qa-harbor.yaml" // sh "bash running-qa.sh" sh "kubectl apply -f k8s-qa-harbor.yaml --validate=false" sh "sleep 6" sh "kubectl get pods -n qatest" } else { //exit } } stage('Promote to pro') { def userInput = input( id: 'userInput', message: 'Promote to pro?', parameters: [ [ $class: 'ChoiceParameterDefinition', choices: "YES\nNO", name: 'Env' ] ] ) echo "This is a deploy step to ${userInput}" if (userInput == "YES") { sh "sed -i 's/<BUILD_TAG>/${build_tag}/' k8s-prod-harbor.yaml" sh "sed -i 's/<BRANCH_NAME>/${env.BRANCH_NAME}/' k8s-prod-harbor.yaml" // sh "bash running-production.sh" sh "cat k8s-prod-harbor.yaml" sh "kubectl apply -f k8s-prod-harbor.yaml --record --validate=false" } } }