Excel自动加载autocad 类型库/autocad 代码引用excel的类型库

Sub AutoADDAutoCADTypeLib()
    Dim Ref    As Variant
    Dim hasAutoTypeLib    As Boolean , hasAXDBLib    As Boolean , acadName    As String
    hasAutoTypeLib =    False : hasAXDBLib =    False
    For Each Ref    In ThisWorkbook.VBProject.References
        If Ref.Name =    "AutoCAD" Then hasAutoTypeLib =    True
        If Ref.Name =    "AXDBLib" Then hasAXDBLib =    True
    Next Ref
    Dim wshell    As Object
    Set wshell = CreateObject(   "WScript.Shell" )
    Dim strAcadShardFd    As String , acadCurVer1    As String , acadCurVer2    As String , acadLanguage    As String
    acadCurVer1 = wshell.regread(   "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Autodesk\AutoCAD\CurVer" )
    acadCurVer2 = wshell.regread(   "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Autodesk\AutoCAD\" & acadCurVer1 & " \CurVer")
    acadLanguage = wshell.regread(   "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Autodesk\AutoCAD\" & acadCurVer1 & " \   " & acadCurVer2 & " \AllUsersFolder")
    Dim LanguagePath    As Variant , acadVer    As String
    LanguagePath = VBA.Split(acadLanguage, "\")
    acadVer = VBA.Mid(acadCurVer1, 2, 2) & LanguagePath(UBound(LanguagePath) - 1)
    acadName = LanguagePath(UBound(LanguagePath) - 3)
    strAcadShardFd = wshell.regread(   "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Autodesk\AutoCAD\" & acadCurVer1 & " \   " & acadCurVer2 & " \AutodeskSharedFolder")
    'strAcad32ShardFd = wshell.regread("HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Autodesk\AutoCAD\" & acadCurVer1 & "\" & acadCurVer2 & "\AutodeskShared32Folder")
    Set wshell =    Nothing
    If hasAutoTypeLib =    False Then
        ThisWorkbook.VBProject.References.AddFromFile (strAcadShardFd &    "acax" & acadVer &    ".tlb" )
        MsgBox acadName &    " AutoCAD Type Lib Already add to referecne scucces"
        MsgBox    "AutoCAD Type Lib Already add to referecne, no need add aagin"
    End If
    If hasAXDBLib =    False Then
        ThisWorkbook.VBProject.References.AddFromFile (strAcadShardFd &    "axdb" & acadVer &    ".tlb" )
        MsgBox acadName &    " AXDBLib Already add to referecne scucces"
        MsgBox    "AXDBLib Already add to referecne, no need add aagin"
    End If
End Sub









补充AUTOCAD 代码添加excel等office程序的类型库的引用


Public Function OfficeProgId2ExeName(ProgId As String) As String
    'Excel,C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Root\Office16\EXCEL.EXE
    'PowerPoint,C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Root\Office16\MSPPT.OLB
    'Word,C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Root\Office16\MSWORD.OLB
    Dim exeName As String
    Select Case VBA.UCase(ProgId)
        Case "EXCEL"
            exeName = "EXCEL.EXE"
        Case "WORD"
            exeName = "MSWORD.OLB"
            '        Case "OUTLOOK"
            '            exeName = "MSOUTL.OLB"
        Case "POWERPOINT"
            exeName = "MSPPT.OLB"
    End Select
    OfficeProgId2ExeName = exeName
End Function



Public Function GetOfficeAppPath(Optional appName As String) As String
    Dim msofficeApp As Object, msofficeAppExePath As String
    Set msofficeApp = CreateObject(appName & ".Application")
    msofficeAppExePath = msofficeApp.Path & "\" & OfficeProgId2ExeName(appName)
    ': LibraryPath : "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Root\Office16\LIBRARY" : String
    Set msofficeApp = Nothing
    GetOfficeAppPath = msofficeAppExePath
End Function


Public Sub AddOfficeReferenceLibray()
    Dim vbeObj As Object, ref As Object, hasExelReference As Boolean, msOfficeExePath As String, msOfficeref As Object
    msOfficeExePath = GetOfficeAppPath("EXCEL")
    Set vbeObj = Application.vbe
    For Each ref In vbeObj.ActiveVBProject.References
        If VBA.StrComp(ref.fullPath, msOfficeExePath, vbTextCompare) = 0 Then
            hasExelReference = True
            Exit For
        End If
    If hasExelReference = False Then
        Set msOfficeref = vbeObj.ActiveVBProject.References.AddFromFile(msOfficeExePath)
    End If
    If Not (msOfficeref Is Nothing) Then Set msOfficeref = Nothing
    If Not (vbeObj Is Nothing) Then Set vbeObj = Nothing
End Sub



Public Sub RemovedOfficeReferenceLibray()
    Dim vbeObj As Object, ref As Object, hasExelReference As Boolean, msOfficeExePath As String, msOfficeref As Object
    msOfficeExePath = GetOfficeAppPath("EXCEL")
    Set vbeObj = Application.vbe
    For Each ref In vbeObj.ActiveVBProject.References
        'Debug.Print ref.Name & "," & ref.fullPath
        If VBA.StrComp(ref.fullPath, msOfficeExePath, vbTextCompare) = 0 Then
            'If VBA.StrComp(ref.Name, msOfficeExePath, vbBinaryCompare) = 0 Then
            hasExelReference = True
            Set msOfficeref = ref
            Exit For
        End If
    If hasExelReference = True Then
        Call vbeObj.ActiveVBProject.References.Remove(msOfficeref)
    End If
    If Not (msOfficeref Is Nothing) Then Set msOfficeref = Nothing
    If Not (vbeObj Is Nothing) Then Set vbeObj = Nothing
End Sub
posted @ 2020-09-03 10:13  南胜NanSheng  阅读(1341)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报