深度搜索和宽度搜索对立,宽度搜索是横向搜索(队列实现),而深度搜索是纵向搜索(递归实现);看下面这个例子: 现在需要驾车穿越一片沙漠,总的行驶路程为L。小胖的吉普装满油能行驶X距离,同时其后备箱最多能放下四桶油。在起点有N种汽油,每种汽油都有无限桶,一桶能行驶距离Ai。现在小胖想知道:能不能恰好带... 阅读全文
A great way to get involved in open source is to contribute to the existing projects you’re using. GitHub is home to more than 5 million open source p... 阅读全文
A great way to get involved in open source is to contribute to the existing projects you’re using. GitHub is home to more than 5 million open source p... 阅读全文