词法分析生成器 之 lexertl 【4】添加文件解析行号功能

目标: 将文件名和行号信息存在Token中以便词法分析和语法分析时输出更详细的信息。这在调试你的分析器时将会有非常大帮助。

做法: 记得之前 Boost.Spirit 有一个 file_iterator类和position_iterator类,仔细看了一下,确实满足 lexertl match_results类 对迭代器的要求。 好,那就写几行代码验证一下吧。




test.txt 文件 内容为:   abcd1234TTTT





lexert 作者 Ben Hanson 似乎正准备自己为lexetl定义一个file_iterator 用于取代Boost.Spirit中  file_iterator。 这里我将Ben Hanson的Blog拷贝了过来。 如果真的另外开发一个file_iterator,我们期待在编译速度以及运行性能上能够超过Boost.Spirit中file_iterator……



The lexertl Blog


As I have recently started a revamp of lexertl I have decided to start a blog to keep everybody up to date. As this version is not feature complete yet, I have added a separate zip file which you can find here.

So far I have implemented the following improvements:

  • Auto compression of wchar_t based state machines (overridable).
  • A generic lookup mechanism based around iterators.
  • Added the lexertl::skip token constant.
  • Removed regex macro length limitation.
  • Made the BOL (^) link a singleton (as it can only occur at the beginning of a token).
  • debug::dump() now compresses ranges.

This dramatically reduces the list of (easier) features I wanted to add and just leaves the following for the immediate future:

  • file_iterator (this will also replace the one in Boost.Spirit)
  • Turn size_t into a templated type for state machine creation.
  • Re-write the code generator.
  • Redo serialisation.

posted on 2010-07-19 00:46  NBSTAR  阅读(565)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报
