
UniversalIndentGUI    http://universalindent.sourceforge.net/



  • Live preview. Directly see how the code is affected by a indenter parameter
  • Configurable ini file, open for many indenters. Not yet known indenters can be added by creating a new ini file for them
  • Supported and included indenters right now are:
    Artistic Styler, BCPP, Cobol Beautifier (executable not included in UiGUI), CSSTidy, Fortran 90 PPR, GNU Indent, GreatCode, hindent, HTB, JsDecoder, JSPPP, PerlTidy, PHP_Beautifier, phpCB (executable not included in UiGUI), phpStylist, pindent, Ruby Script Beautifier, Ruby Formatter, ShellIndent, (HTML) Tidy, Uncrustify and XML Indent
  • By integration of these indenters the following programming languages are supported : C, C++, C#, Cobol, CSS, D, Fortran, HTML, JAVA, Javascript, JSP, Objective-C, Pawn, Perl, PHP, Python, Ruby, Shellscript, VALA, XML and XSL
  • Syntax highlighting for all above languages (except for Pawn and VALA) and many other languages
  • Available as Notepad++ plugin
  • Integration as external tool into any IDE or editor supporting external tool calls
  • Generation of shell scripts for each indenter with possibility to format whole directories
  • Load the settings of an indenter from its existing config file
  • Save parameters as indenters config file for later use
  • ToolTips for each indenter parameter to know what it does
  • Multiple language support. Currently English, French (thanks to Erwan "leg"), German, Taiwanese/Chinese (thanks to Nelson Tai), Ukrainian and Russian (thanks to Oleksandr) and partly Japanese (thanks to Nirvash)

posted on 2010-07-16 00:42  NBSTAR  阅读(194)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报
