Graph and Chart Study

1.选择主题 “Themes”,以"Graph"——“preset7” 为例;

2.选择“Canvas”——“GraphChart”预制体,1.Set data categories  即“设置数据类型”,each category has it's own visual settings 每个类别都有自己的视觉设置,Line Thickness等‘

3.Now lets feed the chart with data _现在让我们用数据填充图表;   Use category names from the inspector(使用检查器中的类别名称)

4.Drag the chart in to  the script property(将图表拖到script属性中)


 1 using System.Collections;
 2 using System.Collections.Generic;
 3 using UnityEngine;
 4 using ChartAndGraph;
 6 public class MyGraphSample : MonoBehaviour
 7 {
 8     public GraphChart chart;
10     private float Timer = 1f;
12     private float X = 10f; 
13     // Start is called before the first frame update
14     void Start()
15     {
16         //It is also best practice to enclose graph changes in StartBatch and EndBatch calls
18         chart.DataSource.StartBatch();
20         //It is best practice to clear a category before filing it with new data
21         chart.DataSource.ClearCategory("KOKO");
22         chart.DataSource.AddPointToCategory("KOKO",0,0);
23         chart.DataSource.AddPointToCategory("KOKO", 1, 1);
24         chart.DataSource.AddPointToCategory("KOKO",2,3);
25         chart.DataSource.AddPointToCategory("KOKO", 5, 8);
27         ////now we do the same for the second category
28         //chart.DataSource.ClearCategory("Juhnko");
29         //chart.DataSource.AddPointToCategory("KOKO", 0, 0);
30         //chart.DataSource.AddPointToCategory("KOKO", 5, 5);
31         //chart.DataSource.AddPointToCategory("KOKO", 8, 7);
32         //chart.DataSource.AddPointToCategory("KOKO", 15, 10);
34         //now we do the same for the three category
35         chart.DataSource.ClearCategory("liang");
36         chart.DataSource.AddPointToCategory("liang", 0, 0);
37         chart.DataSource.AddPointToCategory("liang", 3, 3);
38         chart.DataSource.AddPointToCategory("liang", 5, 7);
39         chart.DataSource.AddPointToCategory("liang", 7, 11);
42         //each startBatch call must be matched with an EndBath call !!!
43         chart.DataSource.EndBatch();
45         //graph is redrawn after EndBath is called
46     }
47     //lets handle a click event
48     public void OnItemClick(GraphChartBase.GraphEventArgs args)
49     {
50         Debug.Log("点击的类型是:"+args.Category+" 索引点为:"+args.Index);
51     }
55     // Update is called once per frame
56     void Update()
57     {
58         //now let's add a streaming data update the goes every 1 second.
59         Timer -= Time.deltaTime;
60         if (Timer<=0f)
61         {
62             Timer = 1f; 
63             chart.DataSource.AddPointToCategory("KOKO",X, Random.value);
64             chart.DataSource.AddPointToCategory("liang", X, Random.value);
65             X++;
66         }
67     }
68 }



posted @ 2019-09-18 14:36  MR_L先生  阅读(589)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报