02 2023 档案
摘要:find the core of a language, for example, 100 most frequent words. Then, use them to express what ever you want. Some stage could be specified: You ar
摘要:TODO: adj, adv, verb Here are the 100 most frequent words in German, along with their English translations: der - the (masculine) die - the (feminine)
摘要:TODO: adj, adv, verb Here are the 100 most frequent words in English, based on analysis of various corpora: the be to of and a in that have I it for n
摘要:2.26 Started Resources - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wpBPaDI5IgI&ab_channel=SunnySu (1 time) - difficult R sound - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v
摘要:Coming to Java 19: Virtual threads and platform threads virtual thread will mount on platform thread, to better exploit platform threads when virtual
摘要:题目:https://leetcode.cn/problems/best-time-to-buy-and-sell-stock/ 穷举 O(n^2) for buy in 0..len(price_at)-1 for sell in buy+1..len(price_at)-1 ans = max(
摘要:Look, I was gonna go easy on you not to hurt your feelings But I'm only going to get this one chance (six minutes-, six minutes-) Something's wrong, I
摘要:Contries and nationalities [Refine:1. 人工输入漏掉了几个国家。2. 书里的插图,其国家的位置并不是按照国家的首都确定的,而ChatGPT是按照首都的经度排序的] [Country appears by their longitude, from 0 to 180
摘要:堂妹快要读初中了,需要阅读大量的书籍。列出一些不错的书籍做备忘,想到一本会再来更新。 1. 如何阅读一本书 2. 别闹了,费曼先生 3. 小狗钱钱 4. 自私的基因 5. 从1到无穷大 6. G.E.B 7. 富兰克林自传 8. 马斯克传记(FIRST PRINCIPLE) 9. 亨利福特自传 10