Most Frequent Words in German From ChatGPT

TODO: adj, adv, verb 

Here are the 100 most frequent words in German, along with their English translations:

  1. der - the (masculine)
  2. die - the (feminine)
  3. und - and
  4. in - in
  5. zu - to
  6. den - the (masculine accusative)
  7. das - the (neuter)
  8. nicht - not
  9. von - from, of
  10. sie - she, they (feminine)
  11. ist - is
  12. des - of the (genitive)
  13. sich - oneself, himself, herself, themselves (reflexive pronoun)
  14. mit - with
  15. dem - the (neuter dative)
  16. dass - that
  17. er - he
  18. es - it
  19. ein - a, an (masculine)
  20. ich - I
  21. auf - on, upon
  22. so - so, thus
  23. eine - a, an (feminine)
  24. auch - also, too
  25. als - as, than
  26. an - at, on
  27. nach - after, to
  28. wie - how, like
  29. im - in the (masculine or neuter dative)
  30. für - for
  31. bei - at, near, with
  32. oder - or
  33. aber - but
  34. vor - before, in front of
  35. diese - this (feminine or plural)
  36. durch - through, by
  37. noch - still, yet
  38. gegen - against
  39. man - one, you
  40. kann - can, may
  41. mehr - more
  42. seine - his
  43. beim - at the (contraction of bei + dem)
  44. schon - already, yet
  45. unter - under, among
  46. hatte - had
  47. wir - we
  48. da - there, then
  49. vom - from the (masculine or neuter dative)
  50. wenn - if, when
  51. wäre - would be
  52. ihr - her, their
  53. ihm - him (dative)
  54. uns - us (dative)
  55. selbst - self
  56. dieses - this (neuter or plural)
  57. über - over, about
  58. einem - a (masculine dative)
  59. immer - always
  60. nur - only, just
  61. etwa - about, approximately
  62. doch - but, however
  63. schon - already, yet
  64. bis - until, up to
  65. einmal - once
  66. andere - other (plural or masculine)
  67. wo - where
  68. ohne - without
  69. ihm - to him (accusative)
  70. sein - his, its
  71. müssen - must, have to
  72. habe - have
  73. seine - her, its, their
  74. dieser - this (masculine or neuter)
  75. unter - among, between
  76. wenn - when, if
  77. immer - always
  78. meisten - most (plural)
  79. dir - to you (dative)
  80. mich - me (accusative)
  81. ihnen - them (dative)
  82. etwas - something, somewhat
  83. ihm - to him (dative)
  84. gemacht - made, done
  85. ihre - her, their
  86. zeit - time
  87. gegenüber - opposite, towards
  88. nichts - nothing
  89. denn -  
  1. durchaus - absolutely, definitely
  2. tun - to do
  3. einer - one (masculine or feminine)
  4. drei - three
  5. lange - long
  6. heute - today
  7. seinen - his
  8. anders - different, other
  9. mal - time, times
  10. besonders - especially, particularly
  11. dafür - for it, in return


Here are the 100 most frequent noun words in German, based on data from the Institut für Deutsche Sprache:

  1. Jahr (year)
  2. Zeit (time)
  3. Tag (day)
  4. Mensch (human being)
  5. Frau (woman)
  6. Leben (life)
  7. Mal (time)
  8. Kind (child)
  9. Welt (world)
  10. Mann (man)
  11. Arbeit (work)
  12. Teil (part)
  13. Land (country)
  14. Fall (case)
  15. Sache (thing/matter)
  16. Familie (family)
  17. Gruppe (group)
  18. Staat (state)
  19. Haus (house/home)
  20. Ort (place/location)
  21. Frage (question)
  22. Name (name)
  23. Seite (page/side)
  24. Augenblick (moment)
  25. Unternehmen (company/enterprise)
  26. Problem (problem)
  27. Stadt (city)
  28. Woche (week)
  29. Schule (school)
  30. Freunde (friends)
  31. Auge (eye)
  32. Jahrhundert (century)
  33. Wissenschaft (science)
  34. Straße (street/road)
  35. Geld (money)
  36. Art (kind/type)
  37. Person (person)
  38. Krieg (war)
  39. Bevölkerung (population)
  40. Prozent (percent)
  41. Regierung (government)
  42. Idee (idea)
  43. Sprache (language)
  44. Liebe (love)
  45. Wirklichkeit (reality)
  46. Hand (hand)
  47. Film (film/movie)
  48. Mutter (mother)
  49. Chance (chance/opportunity)
  50. Grund (reason/cause)
  51. Gegenwart (present)
  52. System (system)
  53. Stunde (hour)
  54. Gesellschaft (society)
  55. Freiheit (freedom)
  56. Zukunft (future)
  57. Buch (book)
  58. Jahrzehnt (decade)
  59. Möglichkeit (possibility)
  60. Gebiet (region/area)
  61. Uhr (clock/watch)
  62. Maler (painter)
  63. Europa (Europe)
  64. Aufgabe (task)
  65. Zeichen (sign/symbol)
  66. Veränderung (change)
  67. Musik (music)
  68. Handel (trade/commerce)
  69. Erfahrung (experience)
  70. Körper (body)
  71. Firma (company/firm)
  72. Kultur (culture)
  73. Natur (nature)
  74. Ziel (goal/aim)
  75. Arbeitnehmer (employee/worker)
  76. Plan (plan)
  77. Kunst (art)
  78. Präsident (president)
  79. Farbe (color)
  80. Gedanke (thought)
  81. Erde (earth)
  82. Einheit (unit)
  83. Gesetz (law)
  84. Militär (military)
  85. Begriff (term/concept)
  86. Kirche (church)
  87. Eltern (parents)
  88. Unterschied (difference)
  89. See (lake/sea)
  90. Arbeitgeber (employer)
  91. Projekt (project)
  92. Baum (tree)
  93. Gespräch (conversation)
  94. Schüler (student/pupil)
  95. Spiel (game)
  96. Moment (moment)
  97. Monat (month)
  98. Weg (way/path)
  99. Recht (right/law)
  100. Fläche (area/surface)


Here are the 100 most frequent adjective words in German, based on data from the Institut für Deutsche Sprache:

  1. gut (good)
  2. groß (big/large)
  3. neu (new)
  4. ander (other)
  5. alt (old)
  6. jung (young)
  7. lang (long)
  8. klein (small/little)
  9. wichtig (important)
  10. politisch (political)
  11. möglich (possible)
  12. stark (strong)
  13. kurz (short)
  14. unterschiedlich (different)
  15. sozial (social)
  16. öffentlich (public)
  17. national (national)
  18. letzte (last)
  19. international (international)
  20. modern (modern)
  21. spät (late)
  22. eigen (own)
  23. schwer (heavy/difficult)
  24. bekannt (known/famous)
  25. schön (beautiful/pretty)
  26. zentral (central)
  27. nötig (necessary)
  28. verfügbar (available)
  29. besonder (special)
  30. wichtigste (most important)
  31. möglicherweise (possibly)
  32. großartig (great/magnificent)
  33. frei (free)
  34. einfach (simple/easy)
  35. hoch (high/tall)
  36. menschlich (human)
  37. nah (near/close)
  38. neuartig (novel/newfangled)
  39. hart (hard/tough)
  40. wirtschaftlich (economic)
  41. privat (private)
  42. weich (soft/gentle)
  43. unterschieden (distinguished)
  44. negativ (negative)
  45. allein (alone/solely)
  46. gesamt (total/entire)
  47. konkret (concrete)
  48. dauerhaft (permanent/durable)
  49. weiter (further/continuing)
  50. politische (political)
  51. zufrieden (satisfied)
  52. gefährlich (dangerous)
  53. geeignet (suitable)
  54. geehrt (honored)
  55. gemeinsam (together/joint)
  56. genügend (sufficient/enough)
  57. finanziell (financial)
  58. mögliche (possible)
  59. ruhig (calm/quiet)
  60. grün (green)
  61. zahlreich (numerous)
  62. schlimm (bad/worse/worst)
  63. süß (sweet)
  64. schwierig (difficult/challenging)
  65. ausreichend (sufficient/adequate)
  66. ehemalig (former)
  67. perfekt (perfect)
  68. beliebt (popular)
  69. offen (open)
  70. total (total/completely)
  71. rot (red)
  72. nützlich (useful/helpful)
  73. heiß (hot)
  74. tief (deep)
  75. jungste (youngest)
  76. typisch (typical)
  77. schrecklich (terrible/horrible)
  78. müde (tired)
  79. ehemalige (former)
  80. ausländisch (foreign)
  81. schwach (weak)
  82. unglaublich (incredible/unbelievable)
  83. kompliziert (complicated)
  84. altmodisch (old-fashioned)
  85. zusammen (together)
  86. besetzt (occupied)
  87. schlecht (bad/poor)
  88. guter (good)
  89. wahrscheinlich (likely/probable)
  90. wahr (true)
  91. künstlerisch (artistic)
  92. altbekannt (well-known)
  1. menschenrechtliche (human rights)
  2. breit (wide)
  3. einzigartig (unique)
  4. städtisch (urban)
  5. bewusst (conscious)
  6. schwierige (difficult)
  7. riesig (huge/gigantic)
  8. positiv (positive)

Note: Adjective forms that can also be used as adverbs (e.g. schnell/fast, langsam/slow) are not included in this list.



Here are the 100 most frequent adverb words in German, based on data from the Institut für Deutsche Sprache:

  1. nicht (not)
  2. auch (also)
  3. schon (already)
  4. sehr (very)
  5. hier (here)
  6. so (so)
  7. heute (today)
  8. nur (only)
  9. dann (then)
  10. immer (always)
  11. noch (still/yet)
  12. gerade (just/straight)
  13. doch (however)
  14. wieder (again)
  15. vielleicht (perhaps/maybe)
  16. mal (once/time)
  17. eben (just/simply)
  18. endlich (finally)
  19. fast (almost)
  20. bereits (already)
  21. wiederum (on the other hand)
  22. gern (gladly)
  23. wirklich (really/truly)
  24. kaum (hardly/scarcely)
  25. morgen (tomorrow)
  26. gestern (yesterday)
  27. irgendwie (somehow)
  28. besonders (especially/particularly)
  29. besser (better)
  30. möglichst (as much as possible)
  31. meistens (mostly)
  32. wahrscheinlich (probably)
  33. genau (exactly/precisely)
  34. irgendwann (sometime)
  35. allein (alone/solely)
  36. bereitschaftlich (willingly)
  37. regelmäßig (regularly)
  38. sofort (immediately)
  39. stattdessen (instead)
  40. überhaupt (at all)
  41. dazu (in addition/for that)
  42. ebenso (equally/similarly)
  43. etwa (approximately)
  44. lieber (preferably)
  45. jeweils (each/respectively)
  46. einfach (simply/easily)
  47. allgemein (generally)
  48. erst (only/just)
  49. ziemlich (quite/pretty)
  50. weit (far)
  51. später (later)
  52. plötzlich (suddenly)
  53. ständig (constantly)
  54. trotzdem (nevertheless)
  55. irgendwo (somewhere)
  56. überall (everywhere)
  57. alle (all/every)
  58. nebenbei (incidentally)
  59. ausschließlich (exclusively)
  60. fast nie (hardly ever)
  61. bloß (merely/just)
  62. offensichtlich (obviously/evidently)
  63. niemals (never)
  64. anderswo (elsewhere)
  65. notwendigerweise (necessarily)
  66. hin und wieder (now and then)
  67. gleichzeitig (simultaneously)
  68. ausschließlich (only/exclusively)
  69. ehrlich (honestly)
  70. tatsächlich (in fact/actually)
  71. beispielsweise (for example)
  72. zusammen (together)
  73. alleine (alone)
  74. zufällig (by chance/coincidentally)
  75. häufig (frequently/often)
  76. scheinbar (apparently)
  77. keinesfalls (by no means)
  78. ggf. (if necessary)
  79. auf jeden Fall (in any case)
  80. durchaus (absolutely/certainly)
  81. selten (rarely)
  82. immer noch (still)
  83. endgültig (finally/definitely)
  84. ausreichend (adequately/sufficiently)
  85. daher (therefore/hence)
  86. gelegentlich (occasionally)
  87. fast immer (almost always)
  1. zurzeit (currently/at the moment)
  2. tatsächlich (indeed)
  3. grundsätzlich (basically/fundamentally)
  4. nachher (later/afterwards)
  5. persönlich (personally)
  6. unbedingt (absolutely/definitely)
  7. überhaupt nicht (not at all)
  8. immer wieder (time and again)
  9. letztendlich (ultimately)
  10. zumindest (at least)
  11. irgendwann einmal (at some point)
  12. irgendwie (in some way)
  13. deshalb (that's why/therefore)

Note: Adverbial forms of adjectives (e.g. schnell/fast, langsam/slow) are not included in this list.


Here are the 100 most frequent verb words in German, based on data from the Institut für Deutsche Sprache:

  1. sein (to be)
  2. haben (to have)
  3. werden (to become)
  4. können (can/to be able to)
  5. müssen (must/to have to)
  6. sagen (to say)
  7. machen (to make/do)
  8. geben (to give)
  9. kommen (to come)
  10. gehen (to go)
  11. wollen (to want)
  12. wissen (to know)
  13. sehen (to see)
  14. lassen (to let/allow)
  15. stehen (to stand)
  16. finden (to find)
  17. halten (to hold)
  18. nehmen (to take)
  19. tun (to do)
  20. sprechen (to speak)
  21. liegen (to lie)
  22. leben (to live)
  23. arbeiten (to work)
  24. setzen (to set/put)
  25. bekommen (to get/receive)
  26. führen (to lead)
  27. denken (to think)
  28. fragen (to ask)
  29. meinen (to mean)
  30. helfen (to help)
  31. laufen (to run/walk)
  32. spielen (to play)
  33. schreiben (to write)
  34. ziehen (to pull/move)
  35. reisen (to travel)
  36. nehmen (to take)
  37. erzählen (to tell/narrate)
  38. schaffen (to create/achieve)
  39. sehen (to see)
  40. fahren (to drive/ride)
  41. bleiben (to stay/remain)
  42. zeigen (to show)
  43. bringen (to bring)
  44. suchen (to search/look for)
  45. glauben (to believe)
  46. meinen (to think)
  47. öffnen (to open)
  48. schließen (to close)
  49. kaufen (to buy)
  50. verkaufen (to sell)
  51. fallen (to fall)
  52. sprechen (to speak)
  53. kosten (to cost)
  54. tragen (to wear/carry)
  55. nennen (to call/name)
  56. bedeuten (to mean/signify)
  57. entwickeln (to develop)
  58. entscheiden (to decide)
  59. verlieren (to lose)
  60. vergessen (to forget)
  61. verstehen (to understand)
  62. versuchen (to try)
  63. gewinnen (to win)
  64. schaffen (to manage/cope)
  65. unternehmen (to undertake)
  66. rechnen (to calculate)
  67. benötigen (to require/need)
  68. anfangen (to begin/start)
  69. betreffen (to concern/affect)
  70. darstellen (to represent/portray)
  71. durchführen (to carry out/execute)
  72. betonen (to emphasize/stress)
  73. empfehlen (to recommend)
  74. entsprechen (to correspond to)
  75. erreichen (to achieve/reach)
  76. folgen (to follow)
  77. funktionieren (to function/work)
  78. gelten (to be valid/applicable)
  79. genießen (to enjoy)
  80. merken (to notice)
  81. passieren (to happen/occur)
  82. rechnen (to count)
  83. reduzieren (to reduce)
  84. scheinen (to seem/appear)
  85. schließen (to conclude)
  86. untersuchen (to investigate/examine)
  87. verwenden (to use/employ)
  88. wählen (to
  1. widersprechen (to contradict/oppose)
  2. abhängen (to depend on)
  3. abnehmen (to decrease/take off)
  4. abstimmen (to coordinate/vote)
  5. ändern (to change)
  6. anbieten (to offer)
  7. anfordern (to request/demand)
  8. ankommen (to arrive)
  9. annehmen (to assume/accept)
  10. ärgern (to annoy/anger)
  11. aufnehmen (to record/take up)
  12. aufstellen (to set up/establish)

Note: The German language has many separable verbs (trennbare Verben), where the prefix of the verb is separated from the verb stem in certain grammatical situations. These separable prefixes are not listed separately, but are included in the verb stem.

posted @ 2023-02-26 13:39  rxh1999  阅读(29)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报