

 1 // 面包屑导航 
 2 function get_breadcrumbs()
 3 {
 4 global $wp_query;
 5 if ( !is_home() ){
 6 // Start the UL
 7 echo '<ul id="crumbs">';
 8 // Add the Home link
 9 echo '<li><a href="'. get_settings('home') .'">'. get_bloginfo('name') .'</a></li>';
10 if ( is_category() )
11 {
12 $catTitle = single_cat_title( "", false );
13 $cat = get_cat_ID( $catTitle );
14 echo "<li> > ". get_category_parents( $cat, TRUE, ">" ) ."</li>";
15 }
16 elseif ( is_archive() && !is_category() )
17 {
18 echo "<li> > Archives</li>";
19 }
20 elseif ( is_search() ) {
21 echo "<li> > Search Results</li>";
22 }
23 elseif ( is_404() )
24 {
25 echo "<li> > 404 Not Found</li>";
26 }
27 elseif ( is_single() )
28 {
29 $category = get_the_category();
30 $category_id = get_cat_ID( $category[0]->cat_name );
31 echo '<li> >'. get_category_parents( $category_id, TRUE, "" );
32 //echo the_title('','', FALSE) ."</li>";如果需要把文章标题也显示出来,把这行显示出来就行
33 }
34 elseif ( is_page() )
35 {
36 $post = $wp_query->get_queried_object();
37 if ( $post->post_parent == 0 ){
38 echo "<li> » ".the_title('','', FALSE)."</li>";
39 } else {
40 $title = the_title('','', FALSE);
41 $ancestors = array_reverse( get_post_ancestors( $post->ID ) );
42 array_push($ancestors, $post->ID);
43 foreach ( $ancestors as $ancestor ){
44 if( $ancestor != end($ancestors) ){
45 echo '<li> » <a href="'. get_permalink($ancestor) .'">'. strip_tags( apply_filters( 'single_post_title', get_the_title( $ancestor ) ) ) .'</a></li>';
46 } else {
47 echo '<li> » '. strip_tags( apply_filters( 'single_post_title', get_the_title( $ancestor ) ) ) .'</li>';
48 }
49 }
50 }
51 }
52 // End the UL
53 echo "</ul>";
54 }
55 }


<?php get_breadcrumbs(); ?>


posted @ 2018-01-20 15:55  兔子先生i  阅读(371)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报