<dependency> <groupid>p6spy</groupid> <artifactid>p6spy</artifactid> <version>3.6.0</version> </dependency> <dependency> <groupid>com.alibaba</groupid> <artifactid>druid</artifactid> <version>1.1.9</version> </dependency>
<bean id="dataSourceTarget" class="com.mchange.v2.c3p0.ComboPooledDataSource">
<property name="driverClass" value="${jdbc.driver}" />
<property name="jdbcUrl" value="${jdbc.url}" />
<property name="user" value="${jdbc.username}" />
<property name="password" value="${jdbc.password}" />
<property name="initialPoolSize" value="${connection_pools.initial_pool_size}" />
<property name="minPoolSize" value="${connection_pools.min_pool_size}" />
<property name="maxPoolSize" value="${connection_pools.max_pool_size}" />
<property name="maxIdleTime" value="${connection_pools.max_idle_time}" />
<property name="acquireIncrement" value="${connection_pools.acquire_increment}" />
<property name="checkoutTimeout" value="${connection_pools.checkout_timeout}" />
<bean id="dataSource" class="com.p6spy.engine.spy.P6DataSource">
<constructor-arg ref="dataSourceTarget"></constructor-arg>
import java.util.Properties; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import com.p6spy.engine.logging.Category; import com.p6spy.engine.spy.appender.StdoutLogger; import com.ruiec.web.util.RuiecStringUtil; public class P6SpyLogger extends StdoutLogger { protected final Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(this.getClass()); /** * 重写输出方法 * @param connectionId 连接id * @param now 当前时间 * @param elapsed 执行时长,包括执行 SQL 和处理结果集的时间(可以参考来调优) * @param category 语句分类,statement、resultset 等 * @param prepared 查询语句。可能是 prepared statement,表现为 select * from table1 where c1=?,问号参数形式 * @param sql 含参数值的查询语句,如 select * from from table1 where c1=7 */ @Override public void logSQL(int connectionId, String now, long elapsed, Category category, String prepared, String sql) {
//我做了一个开关在application.properties中,sqlLogger等于true时输出sql方便调试,不需要使用时设置为false则不输出sql Properties properties = new Properties(); Boolean flag = false; try { properties.load(P6SpyLogger.class.getClassLoader().getResourceAsStream("application.properties")); flag = Boolean.valueOf(properties.getProperty("sqlLogger")); } catch (Exception e) { flag = false; } if (flag) { if(!Category.COMMIT.equals(category) && !prepared.startsWith("select count(")){ this.logText(this.strategy.formatMessage(connectionId, now, elapsed, category.toString(), "-prepared-", sql)); } }
// 要是想一直打开输出,去掉if条件以外的代码即可
} @Override public void logText(String text) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); //匹配到最后一个|作为分隔符 String[] arrString = text.split("\\|(?![^\\|]*\\|)"); if (arrString.length > 1) { sb.append(arrString[0]); //去最后一段语句做替换进行格式化 String sss=arrString[1].trim(); if(!RuiecStringUtil.checkNull(sss) && !";".equalsIgnoreCase(sss)){ String sql = new SQLFormatter().format(arrString[1]); sb.append("\r\n"); sb.append(sql); sb.append("\r\n"); }else { sb.append(sss); } //this.getStream().println(sb.toString()); logger.info(sb.toString()); } else { //this.getStream().println(text); logger.info(text); } arrString = null; } }
import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.Set; import java.util.StringTokenizer; public class SQLFormatter { private static final Set<String> BEGIN_CLAUSES = new HashSet<String>(); private static final Set<String> END_CLAUSES = new HashSet<String>(); private static final Set<String> LOGICAL = new HashSet<String>(); private static final Set<String> QUANTIFIERS = new HashSet<String>(); private static final Set<String> DML = new HashSet<String>(); private static final Set<String> MISC = new HashSet<String>(); public static final String WHITESPACE = " \n\r\f\t"; static { BEGIN_CLAUSES.add("left"); BEGIN_CLAUSES.add("right"); BEGIN_CLAUSES.add("inner"); BEGIN_CLAUSES.add("outer"); BEGIN_CLAUSES.add("group"); BEGIN_CLAUSES.add("order"); END_CLAUSES.add("where"); END_CLAUSES.add("set"); END_CLAUSES.add("having"); END_CLAUSES.add("join"); END_CLAUSES.add("from"); END_CLAUSES.add("by"); END_CLAUSES.add("join"); END_CLAUSES.add("into"); END_CLAUSES.add("union"); LOGICAL.add("and"); LOGICAL.add("or"); LOGICAL.add("when"); LOGICAL.add("else"); LOGICAL.add("end"); QUANTIFIERS.add("in"); QUANTIFIERS.add("all"); QUANTIFIERS.add("exists"); QUANTIFIERS.add("some"); QUANTIFIERS.add("any"); DML.add("insert"); DML.add("update"); DML.add("delete"); MISC.add("select"); MISC.add("on"); } static final String indentString = " "; static final String initial = "\n "; public String format(String source) { return new FormatProcess(source).perform(); } private static class FormatProcess { boolean beginLine = true; boolean afterBeginBeforeEnd = false; boolean afterByOrSetOrFromOrSelect = false; boolean afterValues = false; boolean afterOn = false; boolean afterBetween = false; boolean afterInsert = false; int inFunction = 0; int parensSinceSelect = 0; private LinkedList<Integer> parenCounts = new LinkedList<Integer>(); private LinkedList<Boolean> afterByOrFromOrSelects = new LinkedList<Boolean>(); int indent = 1; StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder(); StringTokenizer tokens; String lastToken; String token; String lcToken; public FormatProcess(String sql) { tokens = new StringTokenizer( sql, "()+*/-=<>'`\"[]," + WHITESPACE, true ); } public String perform() { result.append(initial); while (tokens.hasMoreTokens()) { token = tokens.nextToken(); lcToken = token.toLowerCase(); if ("'".equals(token)) { String t; do { t = tokens.nextToken(); token += t; } while (!"'".equals(t) && tokens.hasMoreTokens()); // cannot handle single quotes } else if ("\"".equals(token)) { String t; do { t = tokens.nextToken(); token += t; } while (!"\"".equals(t)); } if (afterByOrSetOrFromOrSelect && ",".equals(token)) { commaAfterByOrFromOrSelect(); } else if (afterOn && ",".equals(token)) { commaAfterOn(); } else if ("(".equals(token)) { openParen(); } else if (")".equals(token)) { closeParen(); } else if (BEGIN_CLAUSES.contains(lcToken)) { beginNewClause(); } else if (END_CLAUSES.contains(lcToken)) { endNewClause(); } else if ("select".equals(lcToken)) { select(); } else if (DML.contains(lcToken)) { updateOrInsertOrDelete(); } else if ("values".equals(lcToken)) { values(); } else if ("on".equals(lcToken)) { on(); } else if (afterBetween && lcToken.equals("and")) { misc(); afterBetween = false; } else if (LOGICAL.contains(lcToken)) { logical(); } else if (isWhitespace(token)) { white(); } else { misc(); } if (!isWhitespace(token)) { lastToken = lcToken; } } return result.toString(); } private void commaAfterOn() { out(); indent--; newline(); afterOn = false; afterByOrSetOrFromOrSelect = true; } private void commaAfterByOrFromOrSelect() { out(); newline(); } private void logical() { if ("end".equals(lcToken)) { indent--; } newline(); out(); beginLine = false; } private void on() { indent++; afterOn = true; newline(); out(); beginLine = false; } private void misc() { out(); if ("between".equals(lcToken)) { afterBetween = true; } if (afterInsert) { newline(); afterInsert = false; } else { beginLine = false; if ("case".equals(lcToken)) { indent++; } } } private void white() { if (!beginLine) { result.append(" "); } } private void updateOrInsertOrDelete() { out(); indent++; beginLine = false; if ("update".equals(lcToken)) { newline(); } if ("insert".equals(lcToken)) { afterInsert = true; } } @SuppressWarnings({"UnnecessaryBoxing"}) private void select() { out(); indent++; newline(); parenCounts.addLast(Integer.valueOf(parensSinceSelect)); afterByOrFromOrSelects.addLast(Boolean.valueOf(afterByOrSetOrFromOrSelect)); parensSinceSelect = 0; afterByOrSetOrFromOrSelect = true; } private void out() { result.append(token); } private void endNewClause() { if (!afterBeginBeforeEnd) { indent--; if (afterOn) { indent--; afterOn = false; } newline(); } out(); if (!"union".equals(lcToken)) { indent++; } newline(); afterBeginBeforeEnd = false; afterByOrSetOrFromOrSelect = "by".equals(lcToken) || "set".equals(lcToken) || "from".equals(lcToken); } private void beginNewClause() { if (!afterBeginBeforeEnd) { if (afterOn) { indent--; afterOn = false; } indent--; newline(); } out(); beginLine = false; afterBeginBeforeEnd = true; } private void values() { indent--; newline(); out(); indent++; newline(); afterValues = true; } @SuppressWarnings({"UnnecessaryUnboxing"}) private void closeParen() { parensSinceSelect--; if (parensSinceSelect < 0) { indent--; parensSinceSelect = parenCounts.removeLast().intValue(); afterByOrSetOrFromOrSelect = afterByOrFromOrSelects.removeLast().booleanValue(); } if (inFunction > 0) { inFunction--; out(); } else { if (!afterByOrSetOrFromOrSelect) { indent--; newline(); } out(); } beginLine = false; } private void openParen() { if (isFunctionName(lastToken) || inFunction > 0) { inFunction++; } beginLine = false; if (inFunction > 0) { out(); } else { out(); if (!afterByOrSetOrFromOrSelect) { indent++; newline(); beginLine = true; } } parensSinceSelect++; } private static boolean isFunctionName(String tok) { final char begin = tok.charAt(0); final boolean isIdentifier = Character.isJavaIdentifierStart(begin) || '"' == begin; return isIdentifier && !LOGICAL.contains(tok) && !END_CLAUSES.contains(tok) && !QUANTIFIERS.contains(tok) && !DML.contains(tok) && !MISC.contains(tok); } private static boolean isWhitespace(String token) { return WHITESPACE.indexOf(token) >= 0; } private void newline() { result.append("\n"); for (int i = 0; i < indent; i++) { result.append(indentString); } beginLine = true; } } public static void main(String[] args) { String sql = new SQLFormatter().format("select * from t_sss"); System.out.println(sql); } }
配置 spy.properties
################################################################# # P6Spy Options File # # See documentation for detailed instructions # # http://p6spy.github.io/p6spy/2.0/configandusage.html # ################################################################# ################################################################# # MODULES # # # # Module list adapts the modular functionality of P6Spy. # # Only modules listed are active. # # (default is com.p6spy.engine.logging.P6LogFactory and # # com.p6spy.engine.spy.P6SpyFactory) # # Please note that the core module (P6SpyFactory) can't be # # deactivated. # # Unlike the other properties, activation of the changes on # # this one requires reload. # ################################################################# #modulelist=com.p6spy.engine.spy.P6SpyFactory,com.p6spy.engine.logging.P6LogFactory,com.p6spy.engine.outage.P6OutageFactory ################################################################ # CORE (P6SPY) PROPERTIES # ################################################################ # A comma separated list of JDBC drivers to load and register. # (default is empty) # # Note: This is normally only needed when using P6Spy in an # application server environment with a JNDI data source or when # using a JDBC driver that does not implement the JDBC 4.0 API # (specifically automatic registration). driverlist=com.mysql.jdbc.Driver # for flushing per statement # (default is false) #autoflush = false # sets the date format using Java's SimpleDateFormat routine. # In case property is not set, miliseconds since 1.1.1970 (unix time) is used (default is empty) dateformat=yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss # prints a stack trace for every statement logged #stacktrace=false # if stacktrace=true, specifies the stack trace to print #stacktraceclass= # determines if property file should be reloaded # Please note: reload means forgetting all the previously set # settings (even those set during runtime - via JMX) # and starting with the clean table # (default is false) #reloadproperties=false # determines how often should be reloaded in seconds # (default is 60) #reloadpropertiesinterval=60 # specifies the appender to use for logging # Please note: reload means forgetting all the previously set # settings (even those set during runtime - via JMX) # and starting with the clean table # (only the properties read from the configuration file) # (default is com.p6spy.engine.spy.appender.FileLogger) #appender=com.p6spy.engine.spy.appender.Slf4JLogger #appender=com.p6spy.engine.spy.appender.StdoutLogger #appender=com.p6spy.engine.spy.appender.FileLogger #自定义的SQL格式化输出,换成文件存放包名 appender=cn.wuxia.ueq.ucm.view.base.support.P6SpyLogger # name of logfile to use, note Windows users should make sure to use forward slashes in their pathname (e:/test/spy.log) # (used for com.p6spy.engine.spy.appender.FileLogger only) # (default is spy.log) #logfile = spy.log # append to the p6spy log file. if this is set to false the # log file is truncated every time. (file logger only) # (default is true) #append=true # class to use for formatting log messages (default is: com.p6spy.engine.spy.appender.SingleLineFormat) logMessageFormat=com.p6spy.engine.spy.appender.SingleLineFormat #logMessageFormat=com.p6spy.engine.spy.appender.MultiLineFormat # format that is used for logging of the date/time/... (has to be compatible with java.text.SimpleDateFormat) # (default is dd-MMM-yy) databaseDialectDateFormat=yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss # whether to expose options via JMX or not # (default is true) #jmx=true # if exposing options via jmx (see option: jmx), what should be the prefix used? # jmx naming pattern constructed is: com.p6spy(.<jmxPrefix>)?:name=<optionsClassName> # please note, if there is already such a name in use it would be unregistered first (the last registered wins) # (default is none) #jmxPrefix= # if set to true, the execution time will be measured in nanoseconds as opposed to milliseconds # (default is false) #useNanoTime=false ################################################################# # DataSource replacement # # # # Replace the real DataSource class in your application server # # configuration with the name com.p6spy.engine.spy.P6DataSource # # (that provides also connection pooling and xa support). # # then add the JNDI name and class name of the real # # DataSource here # # # # Values set in this item cannot be reloaded using the # # reloadproperties variable. Once it is loaded, it remains # # in memory until the application is restarted. # # # ################################################################# #realdatasource=/RealMySqlDS #realdatasourceclass=com.mysql.jdbc.jdbc2.optional.MysqlDataSource ################################################################# # DataSource properties # # # # If you are using the DataSource support to intercept calls # # to a DataSource that requires properties for proper setup, # # define those properties here. Use name value pairs, separate # # the name and value with a semicolon, and separate the # # pairs with commas. # # # # The example shown here is for mysql # # # ################################################################# #realdatasourceproperties=port;3306,serverName;myhost,databaseName;jbossdb,foo;bar ################################################################# # JNDI DataSource lookup # # # # If you are using the DataSource support outside of an app # # server, you will probably need to define the JNDI Context # # environment. # # # # If the P6Spy code will be executing inside an app server then # # do not use these properties, and the DataSource lookup will # # use the naming context defined by the app server. # # # # The two standard elements of the naming environment are # # jndicontextfactory and jndicontextproviderurl. If you need # # additional elements, use the jndicontextcustom property. # # You can define multiple properties in jndicontextcustom, # # in name value pairs. Separate the name and value with a # # semicolon, and separate the pairs with commas. # # # # The example shown here is for a standalone program running on # # a machine that is also running JBoss, so the JDNI context # # is configured for JBoss (3.0.4). # # # # (by default all these are empty) # ################################################################# #jndicontextfactory=org.jnp.interfaces.NamingContextFactory #jndicontextproviderurl=localhost:1099 #jndicontextcustom=java.naming.factory.url.pkgs;org.jboss.nameing:org.jnp.interfaces #jndicontextfactory=com.ibm.websphere.naming.WsnInitialContextFactory #jndicontextproviderurl=iiop://localhost:900 ################################################################ # P6 LOGGING SPECIFIC PROPERTIES # ################################################################ # filter what is logged # please note this is a precondition for usage of: include/exclude/sqlexpression # (default is false) #filter=false # comma separated list of strings to include # please note that special characters escaping (used in java) has to be done for the provided regular expression # (default is empty) #include = # comma separated list of strings to exclude # (default is empty) #exclude = # sql expression to evaluate if using regex # please note that special characters escaping (used in java) has to be done for the provided regular expression # (default is empty) #sqlexpression = #list of categories to exclude: error, info, batch, debug, statement, #commit, rollback and result are valid values # (default is info,debug,result,resultset,batch) #excludecategories=info,debug,result,resultset,batch # Execution threshold applies to the standard logging of P6Spy. # While the standard logging logs out every statement # regardless of its execution time, this feature puts a time # condition on that logging. Only statements that have taken # longer than the time specified (in milliseconds) will be # logged. This way it is possible to see only statements that # have exceeded some high water mark. # This time is reloadable. # # executionThreshold=integer time (milliseconds) # (default is 0) #executionThreshold= ################################################################ # P6 OUTAGE SPECIFIC PROPERTIES # ################################################################ # Outage Detection # # This feature detects long-running statements that may be indicative of # a database outage problem. If this feature is turned on, it will log any # statement that surpasses the configurable time boundary during its execution. # When this feature is enabled, no other statements are logged except the long # running statements. The interval property is the boundary time set in seconds. # For example, if this is set to 2, then any statement requiring at least 2 # seconds will be logged. Note that the same statement will continue to be logged # for as long as it executes. So if the interval is set to 2, and the query takes # 11 seconds, it will be logged 5 times (at the 2, 4, 6, 8, 10 second intervals). # # outagedetection=true|false # outagedetectioninterval=integer time (seconds) # # (default is false) #outagedetection=false # (default is 60) #outagedetectioninterval=30
1.出于安全需要,我改为使用 logger 在 debug 模式下输出。
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