Alertmanager 告警介绍和部署(1)
告警是整个监控系统中重要的组成部分,在Prometheus监控体系中,指标的采集存储与告警是分开的。告警规则是在Prometheus server端定义的,告警规则被触发后,才会将信息发送给独立组件Alertmanager上,经过对告警的处理后,最终通过接收器(email)通知用户。
我们使用Prometheus server采集各类监控指标,然后基于promQL对这些指标定义阀值告警规则(Rules), Prometheus server对告警规则周期性地进行计算,如果满足告警触发条件,便生成一条告警信息,并将其推送到Alertmanager组件。收到告警后,Alertmanager会处理告警,进行分组(grouping)并将它们路由(routing)到正确的接收器(receiver),如Eamil、PagerDuty、HipChat等。
1. 告警分组
2. 告警抑制
[root@iZwz97yqubb71vyxhuskfyZ alertmanager]# pwd /root/prometheus/alertmanager [root@iZwz97yqubb71vyxhuskfyZ alertmanager]# ./alertmanager --version alertmanager, version 0.24.0 (branch: HEAD, revision: f484b17fa3c583ed1b2c8bbcec20ba1db2aa5f11) build user: root@265f14f5c6fc build date: 20220325-09:31:33 go version: go1.17.8 platform: linux/amd64
Alertmanager选项说明,说几个重要的参数,全部参数查看: ./alertmanager -h
选项名 | 解释 |
--config.file | 指定alertmanager.yml配置文件路径 |
--web.external-url | 指定地址和端口,默认9093 格式: |
--data.retention | 历史数据最大保留时间,默认120小时 |
nohup ./alertmanager --config.file=alertmanager.yml --web.external-url= > nohup.out&
global: # The smarthost and SMTP sender used for mail notifications. smtp_smarthost: 'localhost:25' smtp_from: '' # The root route on which each incoming alert enters. route: # The root route must not have any matchers as it is the entry point for # all alerts. It needs to have a receiver configured so alerts that do not # match any of the sub-routes are sent to someone. receiver: 'team-X-mails' # The labels by which incoming alerts are grouped together. For example, # multiple alerts coming in for cluster=A and alertname=LatencyHigh would # be batched into a single group. # # To aggregate by all possible labels use '...' as the sole label name. # This effectively disables aggregation entirely, passing through all # alerts as-is. This is unlikely to be what you want, unless you have # a very low alert volume or your upstream notification system performs # its own grouping. Example: group_by: [...] group_by: ['alertname', 'cluster'] # When a new group of alerts is created by an incoming alert, wait at # least 'group_wait' to send the initial notification. # This way ensures that you get multiple alerts for the same group that start # firing shortly after another are batched together on the first # notification. group_wait: 30s # When the first notification was sent, wait 'group_interval' to send a batch # of new alerts that started firing for that group. group_interval: 5m # If an alert has successfully been sent, wait 'repeat_interval' to # resend them. repeat_interval: 3h # All the above attributes are inherited by all child routes and can # overwritten on each. # The child route trees. routes: # This routes performs a regular expression match on alert labels to # catch alerts that are related to a list of services. - match_re: service: ^(foo1|foo2|baz)$ receiver: team-X-mails # The service has a sub-route for critical alerts, any alerts # that do not match, i.e. severity != critical, fall-back to the # parent node and are sent to 'team-X-mails' routes: - match: severity: critical receiver: team-X-pager - match: service: files receiver: team-Y-mails routes: - match: severity: critical receiver: team-Y-pager # This route handles all alerts coming from a database service. If there's # no team to handle it, it defaults to the DB team. - match: service: database receiver: team-DB-pager # Also group alerts by affected database. group_by: [alertname, cluster, database] routes: - match: owner: team-X receiver: team-X-pager - match: owner: team-Y receiver: team-Y-pager # Inhibition rules allow to mute a set of alerts given that another alert is # firing. # We use this to mute any warning-level notifications if the same alert is # already critical. inhibit_rules: - source_matchers: - severity="critical" target_matchers: - severity="warning" # Apply inhibition if the alertname is the same. # CAUTION: # If all label names listed in `equal` are missing # from both the source and target alerts, # the inhibition rule will apply! equal: ['alertname'] receivers: - name: 'team-X-mails' email_configs: - to: ',' - name: 'team-X-pager' email_configs: - to: '' pagerduty_configs: - routing_key: <team-X-key> - name: 'team-Y-mails' email_configs: - to: '' - name: 'team-Y-pager' pagerduty_configs: - routing_key: <team-Y-key> - name: 'team-DB-pager' pagerduty_configs: - routing_key: <team-DB-key>
3.1 global
smtp_from: 发送邮件的名称。
smtp_auth_username: 邮箱用户名称。
smtp_auth_password: 邮箱授权密码。
3.2 templates
templates: - 'templates/*.tmpl'
3.3 route
告警路由模块描述了在收到Prometheus server生成的告警后,将告警发送到receiver指定的目的地址的规则。下面来看一个示例
route: receiver: 'admin-receiver' group_wait: 30s group_interval: 5m repeat_interval: 4h group_by: [cluster,alertname] routes: -match: team: developers group_by: [product, environment] receiver: 'developer-pager' -match_re: service: mysql|redis receiver: 'database-pager'
3.4 receivers
3.5 inhibit_rules
四. 默认的Alertmanager配置介绍
route: #路由配置模块 group_by: ['alertname'] #告警分组 group_wait: 30s #30秒内收到的同组告警在同一条告警通知中发送出去 group_interval: 5m #同组之间发送告警通知的时间间隔 repeat_interval: 1h #相同告警信息发送重复告警的周期 receiver: 'web.hook' #使用的接收器为web.hook receivers: #接收器模块设置 - name: 'web.hook' #设置接收器名称为web.hook webhook_configs: #设置webhook地址 - url: '' inhibit_rules: #告警抑制功能模块 - source_match: severity: 'critical' #当存在源标签告警触发时,抑制含有目标标签的告警 target_match: severity: 'warning' equal: ['alertname', 'dev', 'instance'] #保证该配置下标签内容相同才会被抑制