设计模式 之 《工厂方法模式》
#ifndef __FACTORY_METHOD_MODEL__ #define __FACTORY_METHOD_MODEL__ #include <iostream> using namespace std; //实例基类 相当于Product class LeiFeng { public: virtual void sweep(){ cout<<"雷锋扫地"<<endl; } }; //学雷锋的大学生,相当于 ConcreteProduct class Student : public LeiFeng { public: virtual void sweep(){ cout<<"大学生扫地"<<endl; } }; //学雷锋的志愿者,相当于 ConcreteProduct class Volenter : public LeiFeng { public: virtual void sweep(){ cout<<"志愿者扫地"<<endl; } }; //工厂基类 Creator class LeiFengFactory { public: virtual LeiFeng* createLeiFeng(){ return new LeiFeng(); } }; //工厂具体类 class StudentFactory : public LeiFengFactory { public: virtual LeiFeng* createLeiFeng(){ return new Student();} }; class VolentorFactory : public LeiFengFactory { public: virtual LeiFeng* createLeiFeng(){ return new Volenter(); } }; #endif //__FACTORY_METHOD_MODEL__
《客户端代码》 #include "FactoryMethodModel.h" int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[]) { //创建一个学生工厂的实例 调用学生工厂的createLeiFeng()函数 //创建学生的实例 调用学生的行为 LeiFengFactory* sf = new StudentFactory(); LeiFeng* s = sf->createLeiFeng(); s->sweep(); delete s; delete sf; return 0; }
Dreams are one of those things that keep you going and happy!!!