Android CoordinatorLayout与滚动的处理

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CoordinatorLayout 实现了多种Material Design中提到的滚动效果。目前这个框架提供了几种不用写动画代码就能工作的方法,这些效果包括:

  • 让浮动操作按钮上下滑动,为Snackbar留出空间。

  • 扩展或者缩小Toolbar或者头部,让主内容区域有更多的空间。

  • 控制哪个view应该扩展还是收缩,以及其显示大小比例,包括视差滚动效果动画。


遵循Design Support Library设计规范


The support design library has the following key features:

  • 1.FloatingActionButton - A round button at the bottom right denoting a primary action on your interface. Promoting key actions within a modern material design app.

  • 2.TabLayout - An easier way to put tabs around a ViewPager which acts as sliding tabs between fragments within an app.

  • 3.NavigationView - An easier way to provide a modern navigation drawer from the left with a header and a series of navigation items.

  • 4.SnackBar - Shown on the bottom of the screen and contains text with an optional single action. They automatically time out after the given time length by animating off the screen.

  • 5.TextInputLayout - Float the hint above any text field as the user is entering information and/or add a character counter.

  • 6.CoordinatorLayout - Provides an additional level of control over scroll and touch events between child views.

    • AppBarLayout allows your toolbar and other views to react to scroll events.

    • CollapsingToolbarLayout extend this to allow the toolbar to collapse as the user scrolls through a view.

    • Bottom Sheets to expose a sheet of material that slides up from the bottom of the screen.

  • 7.PercentRelativeLayout and PercentFrameLayout to enable views to occupy percentage-based dimensions.

  • 8.Vector Drawables to reduce the need to include images for every density size.

    • Vector drawables are compatible back to Android 2.1 (API 7), but animated vector drawables are only back-ported to Android 3.0 (API 11).
  • 9.Animating view hierarchies using the Transitions framework down to Android 4.0 (API 14) . Currently, there is no backported support for activity/fragment transitions used in this API.

  • 10.Bottom Navigation Views for easily switching from 3 to 5 tabbed items.

posted @ 2018-03-15 23:45  秦川德利齐  阅读(2166)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报