【Ansys Maxwell 学习笔记】Case02_Basic Eddy Current Analysis基本涡流分析

Eddy Current Solver

• Solves sinusoidally-varying magnetic fields in frequency domain. Solves only for liner materials in 3D. It is a full wave solver thus considers displacement currents. Induced fields such as skin and proximity effects are also considered.




• Introduction to the Eddy Current Solver

– This workshop introduces the Eddy Current solver based on a simple example with a disk above a coil. This solver calculates the magnetic fields at a specified sinusoidal frequency. Both linear and nonlinear (for saturation effects) magnetic materials can be used. Also, eddy, skin and proximity effects are considered.


• 2D Geometry:

Iron Disk above a Spiral Coil – A sinusoidal 500 Hz current will be assigned to an eight turn spiral coil underneath of a cast iron disk. The coil induces eddy currents and losses in plate. The 2D model will be setup as shown below using the 2D RZ axisymmetric solver.


螺旋线圈上方的铁盘正弦500 Hz电流将分配给铸铁盘下面的八匝螺旋线圈。线圈在板中感应出涡流和损耗。如下所示,将使用2D RZ轴对称求解器建立2D模型。



Step01 Create Design 创建设计文件

– Select the menu item Project -> Insert Maxwell 2D Design

Step02 Set Solution Type 设置解算器类型

– Select the menu item Maxwell 2D -> Solution Type

– Solution Type Window:

1. Geometry Mode: Cylindrical about Z

2. Choose Magnetic > Eddy Current

3. Click the OK button


Step03 Set Default Units 设置默认单位

– Select the menu item Modeler -> Units

• Set units to cm (centimeters) and press OK


Step04 Create Coil 创建线圈


– Select the menu item Draw-> Rectangle

1. Using the coordinate entry fields, enter the position of rectangle

X: 17, Y: 0, Z: -1, Press the Enter key

2. Using the coordinate entry fields, enter the opposite corner

– dX: 2, dY: 0, dZ: 2, Press the Enter key

– Change the name of resulting sheet to Coil and color to Yellow

– Change the material of the object to Copper



Duplicate Coil

– Select the sheet Coil from history tree

– Select the menu item Edit-> Duplicate -> Along Line 线性排列

1. Using the coordinate entry fields, enter the first point of duplicate vector

– X: 0, Y: 0, Z: 0, Press the Enter key

2. Using the coordinate entry fields, enter the second point

– dX: 3.1, dY: 0, dZ: 0, Press the Enter key

• Total Number: 8

• Press OK

Step05 Create Plate 创建 plate


– Select the menu item Draw -> Rectangle

1. Using the coordinate entry fields, enter the position of rectangle

– X: 0, Y: 0, Z: 1.5, Press the Enter key

2. Using the coordinate entry fields, enter the opposite corner

– dX: 41, dY: 0, dZ: 1, Press the Enter key

– Change the name of resulting sheet to Plate and color to Orange

– Change the material of the object to cast_iron

Step06 Create Solution Region 创建解算区域

– Select the menu item Draw-> Rectangle

1. Using the coordinate entry fields, enter the position of rectangle

X: 0, Y: 0, Z: -100, Press the Enter key

2. Using the coordinate entry fields, enter the opposite corner

dX: 120, dY: 0, dZ: 200, Press the Enter key

– Change the name of resulting sheet to Region

Step07 Assign Excitations 创建激励

• Assign Excitation

– Press Ctrl and select all Coils from history tree

– Select the menu item Maxwell 2D -> Excitations -> Assign -> Current

– In Current Excitation window,

• Base Name: Current

• Value: 125 A

• Type: Solid

• Ref. Direction: Positive

• Press OK

注意:选择"Solid "指定将考虑线圈中的涡流效应。另一方面,如果选择"Stranded ",则仅会计算出直流电阻,而不会考虑线圈中的交流电影响。当趋肤深度比绞合导体的厚度大得多时,例如使用利兹线时,绞合是合适的。注意,在两种情况下,都将计算板中的涡流效应。

Step08 Assign Boundary and Parameters 创建边界和参数


• Assign Boundary

– Select the object Region from history tree

– Select the menu item Edit -> Select ->All Object Edges

– Select the menu item Maxwell 2D -> Boundaries -> Assign -> Balloon

– In Balloon Boundary window,

• Press OK



• Assign Matrix Parameters

– Select the menu item Maxwell 2D -> Parameters -> Assign -> Matrix

– In Matrix window,

• For all current Sources

– Include: þ Checked

• Press OK


Step09 Analyze 分析

• Create an analysis setup:

– Select the menu item Maxwell 2D -> Analysis Setup -> Add Solution Setup

– Solution Setup Window:

1. General Tab

– Maximum Number of Passes: 15

2. Solver Tab

– Adaptive Frequency: 500 Hz

3. Click the OK button

•Start the solution process:

1. Select the menu item Maxwell 2D -> Analyze All


Step10 Solution Data 结果数据

• View Solution Information

– Select the menu item Maxwell 2D -> Results -> Solution Data

• To view Convergence

– Select the Convergence tab

• To View Impedance matrix

– Select Matrix tab

– By default, the results are displayed as [R,Z] but can be also shown as [R,L] or as coupling coefficients.




Flux Linkage 磁链

Inductive Coupling Coefficient:电感耦合系数


Step11 Compute Power Loss 计算功率损耗

• Compute Total Power Loss in the Plate

– Select the menu item Maxwell 2D > Fields > Calculator

– In Fields Calculator window,

• Select Input > Quantity > OhmicLoss

• Select Input > Geometry

– Select Volume

– Select Plate

– Press OK

• Select Scalar > Integral > RZ

• Select Output > Eval




Step12 Create Field Plots 创建场图

Plot Mesh

– Select the menu item Edit > Select All

– Select the menu item Maxwell 2D > Fields > Plot Mesh

– In Create Mesh Plot window, press Done

Plot Flux Lines

– Select the menu item Edit > Select All

– Select the menu item Maxwell 2D > Fields > Fields > A > Flux _Lines

– In Create Field Plot window, Press Done



Step13 Create Field Plots (Contd)

Plot Current Density Scalar on Plate

– Select the sheet Plate from history tree

– Select the menu item Maxwell 2D Fields > Fields > J > JAtPhase

– In Create Field Plot window, Press Done

Plot Current Density Scalar on Coils

– Press Ctrl and select all coils from history tree

– Select the menu item Maxwell 2D > Fields > Fields > J > JAtPhase

– In Create Field Plot window, Press Done

Step14 Plot Ohmic Loss Distribution

Plot Ohmic Losses

– Press Ctrl and select all coils and Plate

– Select the menu item Maxwell 2D > Fields > Fields > Other > Ohmic_Loss

– In Create Field Plot window, Press Done

Modify Plot Attributes

– Double click on the Legend to modify plot

– In the window,

Scale tab

– Select Log

• Press Apply and Close


Step15 Plot Current Density Vectors

Plot Current Density vectors

– Select the sheet Plate from history tree

– Select the menu item Maxwell 2D >Fields >Fields > J > J_Vector

– In Create Field Plot window, Press Done

– Double click on the Legend to modify plot

– In the window,

Plots tab

– Plot: Change to J_Vector1

– Change Vector plot spacing

• Min: 0.5

• Max: 0.5

• Press Apply and Close

Animate Plot

– Select the Vector plot from Project Manager tree, right click and select Animate

– In Setup Animation window,

• Press OK with default settings

– A window will appear to start, stop, pause or save the animation


Step16 将解算频率设置为1e-6Hz仿真DC情况下的情况




posted @ 2020-06-17 11:15  LivingTowardTheSun  阅读(3549)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报