前段时间完成了一个利用libreoffice转换文档进行预览的资源管理系统,用的是jodconvert这个多年未更新的转换项目,由于版本不兼容等原因,导致最新版的libreoffice不能用,浪费了许多事件去寻找兼容的libreoffice版本。不过现在发现可以直接通过命令行实现,这无疑方便许多... 阅读全文
I put some ClickableSpan in EditText, unfortunately, that spans are still not clickable. When I click them, the only thing happened when I tap the clickablespan is the text cursor(selection, position, whatever you call it is) been set to that position.After some search, I find out: I have to do this 阅读全文