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数学小报4 - 三次方程的求根公式 The root formula for a cubic equation

数学小报4 - 三次方程的求根公式 The root formula for a cubic equation

1. 思考

我们学习过一元二次方程的求根公式 x=b±b24ac2a,思考是否存在一元三次方程的求根公式,便展开讨论。

补充 ω2+ω+1=0ω3=1,将 ω 称为 1 的三次单位根。

2. 证明 卡尔丹公式证明

设一元三次方程 ay3+by2+cy+d=0  (1)

y=xb3a,代入得:x3b23ac3a2x+ab39bc+27a2d27a3=0  (2)

p=b23ac3a2q=2b39bc+27a2d27a3,则 x3px+q=0  (3)

x=u+v,代入至 (3) 式得:u3+v3+(3uvp)(u+v)+q=0  (4)

3uvp=0uv=p3,代入 (4) 式得:u3+v3=q  (5)

u3×v3=p327  (6)

(5)(6):{u3+v3=qu3×v3=q327  {u3=q2+q24p327v3=q2q24p327u={q2+q24p3273q2+q24p3273·ωq2+q24p3273·ω2    v={q2q24p3273q2q24p3273·ωq2q24p3273·ω2uv=p3x={q2+q24p3273+q2q24p3273q2+q24p3273·ω+q2q24p3273·ω2q2+q24p3273·ω2+q2q24p3273·ω

3. 总结


条件 情况
Δ>0 方程有一个实根和一对共轭虚根
Δ=0 pq0 方程有一个两重实根和一个单重实根
Δ<0 方程有三个互异实根
p=q=0 方程有一个三重实根

4. 另一种证法(出自数学女孩)

设一元三次方程 ay3+by2+cy+d=0  (1)

y=xb3a,代入得:x3b23ac3a2x+ab39bc+27a2d27a3=0  (2)

p=b23ac3a2q=2b39bc+27a2d27a3,则 x3+px+q=0  (3)

令方程的三个解分别为 α,β,γ

则有 (xα)(xβ)(xγ)=0,即:

x3+(α+β+γ)x2(αβ+αγ+βγ)xαβγ=0{α+β+γ=0αβ+αγ+βγ=pαβγ=q            {L=ωα+ω2β+γR=ω2α+ωβ+γ{L+R+α+β=L+Rγ=2γ,γ=L+R3ω2L+ωR+β+γ=ω2L+ωRα=2α,α=ω2L+ωR3ωL+ω2R+β+γ=ωL+ω2Rβ=2β,β=ωL+ω2R3{α=ω2L+ωR3β=ωL+ω2R3γ=L+R3L3+R3=(L+R)(L+ωR)(L+ω2)=(ωα+ω2β+γ+ω2α+ωβ+γ)·(ωα+ω2β+γ+α+ω2β+ωγ)·(ωα+ω2β+γ+ωα+β+ω2γ)=(3γ)(3ω2β)(3ωα)=27ω3αβγ=27qL3R3=(LR)3=(α+ωαβ+ω2αγ+ω2αβ+β2+ω2βγ+ωβγ+ωαγ+ω2βγ+γ2)3=[(α+β+γ)23αβ3βγ3αγ]=3(αβ+βγ+αγ)=27p3{L3+R3=27qL3R3=27p3              {L3=27q+(27q)2+108p323R3=27q(27q)2+108p323:{A=27q2B=(27q)2+108p32  {L=A+B3R=AB3{α=ω2L+ωR3β=ωL+ω2R3γ=L+R3                 {α=13(ω2A+B3+ωAB3)β=13(ωA+B3+ω2AB3)γ=13(A+B3+AB3){p=b23ac3a2q=2b39bc+27a2d27a3{A=2b39bc+27a2d2a3B=27(27a2d218abcd+4b3d+4ac2b2c2)4a4{α=13(ω2A+B3+ωAB3)b3aβ=13(ωA+B3+ω2AB3)b3aγ=13(A+B3+AB3)b3a



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  1. 1 使一颗心免于哀伤 知更鸟
使一颗心免于哀伤 - 知更鸟
00:00 / 00:00
An audio error has occurred.

作词 : 黑金雨

作曲 : 王可鑫 Eli.W (HOYO-MiX)

编曲 Arranger : 王可鑫 Eli.W (HOYO-MiX)

制作人 Producer : 王可鑫 Eli.W (HOYO-MiX)

Birds are born with no shackles

Then what fetters my fate?

Blown away, the white petals

Leave me trapped in the cage.

The endless isolation

Can't wear down my illusion

Someday, I’ll make a dream unchained

Let my heart bravely spread the wings

Soaring past the night

To trace the bright moonlight

Let the clouds heal me of the stings

Gently wipe the sorrow off my life

I dream

What is meant by “miracle”,

What is meant by “miracle”,

A word outside my days?

Once again, repeat warbles

But how could I escape?

No further hesitation

On those unanswered questions

So now, I’ll make a dream unchained

Let my heart bravely spread the wings

Soaring past the night

To trace the bright moonlight

Let the clouds heal me of the stings

Gently wipe the sorrow off my life

I dream

Let my heart bravely spread the wings

Soaring past the night

To trace the bright moonlight

Let the clouds heal me of the stings

Gently wipe the sorrow off my life

I dream

I dream

人声 Vocal Artist:Chevy

人声 Vocal Artist:Chevy

木吉他 Acoustic Guitar:赵新博

电吉他 Electric Guitar:赵新博

架子鼓 Drums:眭逸凡Patrick

乐队 Orchestra:国际首席爱乐乐团 International Master Philharmonic Orchestra

人声录音棚 Vocal Recording Studio:The Hideout Recording Studio

人声录音师 Vocal Recording Engineer:Luis Pacheco

乐器录音棚 Instrumental Recording Studio:升赫录音棚Soundhub Studio/九紫天诚录音棚 SKY FIRE STUDIO

乐器录音师 Instrumental Recording Engineer:Kevin刘瀚文@Soundhub Studios/董方昱

混音师 Mixing Engineer:宫奇Gon (HOYO-MiX)

母带制作 Mastering Engineer:宫奇Gon (HOYO-MiX)

出品 Produced by:HOYO-MiX