

/***************************************************************************** * HTuple.h --- 带中文翻译版 ***************************************************************************** * * Project: HALCON/C++ * Description: Tuple data used for control parameters of HALCON operators * * (c) 2010-2011 by MVTec Software GmbH * www.mvtec.com * ***************************************************************************** * * $Revision: 1.4 $ * $Date: 2012/05/14 17:14:29 $ * ***************************************************************************** * * 翻译:DMM * 时间:2017年11月1日 * *****************************************************************************/ #ifndef HCPP_TUPLE_H #define HCPP_TUPLE_H #include <new> namespace HalconCpp { enum HTupleType { // The empty tuple does not yet have a defined data type //空元组还没有定义的数据类型 eTupleTypeEmpty = UNDEF_PAR, // The tuple is a pure array of integers //元组是一个纯整数数组 eTupleTypeLong = LONG_PAR, // The tuple is a pure array of floating point values //元组是浮点值的纯数组 eTupleTypeDouble = DOUBLE_PAR, // The tuple is a pure array of strings //元组是字符串的纯数组 eTupleTypeString = STRING_PAR, // The tuple is an array of Hcpar. Each element can have a different type //元组是Hcpar数组。每个元素都可以有不同的类型 eTupleTypeMixed = MIXED_PAR }; } #include "HTupleElement.h" namespace HalconCpp { // Smart pointer to internal data representation //智能指针到内部数据表示 template<class T> class HSmartPtr; typedef HSmartPtr<HTupleData> HTupleDataPtr; // Tuple data used for control parameters of HALCON operators //用于控制HALCON运算符控制参数的元组数据 class LIntExport HTuple { friend class HalconAPI; friend class HTupleElement; public: /***************************************************************************/ /* Constructors / Destructor */ /***************************************************************************/ // Empty tuple //空元组 HTuple(); // Integer (machine pointer size) HTuple(Hlong l); // Integer array (machine pointer size) HTuple(Hlong* l, Hlong num); #if defined(HCPP_INT_OVERLOADS) // Integer (possibly smaller size than pointer) HTuple(INT i); // Integer array (possibly smaller size than pointer) HTuple(INT* i, Hlong num); #endif // Single precision floating point value HTuple(float f); // Single precision floating point array HTuple(float* f, Hlong num); // Double precision floating point value HTuple(double d); // Double precision floating point array HTuple(double* d, Hlong num); // String (C style) HTuple(const char *s); // String (object) HTuple(const HString& s); // Mixed HTuple(Hcpar* p, Hlong num); // Constant tuple HTuple(const HTuple& length, const HTuple& value); // Element of another tuple HTuple(const HTupleElement& element); // HTuple HTuple(const HTuple& tuple); // Destructor virtual ~HTuple(); /***************************************************************************/ /* General members 一般成员函数 */ /***************************************************************************/ // Clear all data inside this tuple //清除此元组内的所有数据 void Clear(); // The number of elements of this tuple //这个元组的元素个数 Hlong Length() const; // The data type of this tuple (pure data types or mixed tuple) //此元组的数据类型(纯数据类型或混合元组) HTupleType Type() const; // Create a detached copy duplicating the underlying tuple data //创建一个分离的副本复制底层的元组数据 HTuple Clone() const; // Append data to existing tuple //将数据追加到现有的元组 HTuple &Append(const HTuple& tuple); // Returns a simple string representation of the tuple contents, // mainly intended for debugging purposes //返回元组内容的简单字符串表示形式,主要用于调试目的 HString ToString() const; /***************************************************************************/ /* Data access 数据访问 */ /***************************************************************************/ // Direct array access will raise an exception if tuple type does not match! // Modifications to array will affect data in tuples as well. //如果tuple类型不匹配,直接数组访问将引发异常!对数组的修改也会影响元组中的数据 Hlong* LArr(); double* DArr(); char** SArr(); Hcpar* PArr(); // Safer but less efficient access is provided by copying the data. // Mismatched elements will be initialized with default values. Caller // is responsible for using HTuple::FreeArr() to free the array (do // not use "delete []" directly as transferring memory ownership // across DLL boundaries may cause problems with the C++ runtime) //更安全但更低效的访问是通过复制数据提供的。不匹配的元素将使用默认值初始化。 //调用者负责使用HTuple::FreeArr()来释放数组(不要直接使用“delete[]”,因为 //在DLL边界上传输内存所有权可能会导致c++运行时出现问题) // Returns the tuple data as an array of Hlong. Release using DeleteArr()! //将tuple数据作为Hlong数组返回。使用DeleteArr()释放! Hlong* ToLArr() const; // Returns the tuple data as an array of double. Release using DeleteArr()! //将tuple数据作为double数组返回。使用DeleteArr()释放! double* ToDArr() const; // Returns the tuple data as an array of HString. Release using DeleteArr()! //将tuple数据作为HString数组返回。使用DeleteArr()释放! HString* ToSArr() const; static void DeleteArr(Hlong* arr); static void DeleteArr(double* arr); static void DeleteArr(HString* arr); // Intentionally no ToPArr() as correctly releasing memory // for a Hcpar* array is problematic for the library user. // Assignment operator HTuple& operator = (const HTuple& obj); // Element access HTupleElement operator [] (Hlong index); const HTupleElement operator [] (Hlong index) const; HTupleElement operator [] (const HTuple& index); const HTupleElement operator [] (const HTuple& index) const; // Convenience access for first element //第一个元素的方便访问 #if defined(HCPP_INT_OVERLOADS) // Access integer value in first tuple element //在第一个元组元素中访问整数值 int I() const { return (*this)[0].I(); } #endif // Access integer value in first tuple element //在第一个元组元素中访问整数值 Hlong L() const { return (*this)[0].L(); } // Access floating-point value in first tuple element //在第一个元组元素中访问浮点值 double D() const { return (*this)[0].D(); } // Access string value in first tuple element //在第一个元组元素中访问字符串值 HString S() const { return (*this)[0].S(); } /*************************************************************************** * Operators 操作函数 * ***************************************************************************/ // Test whether the types of the elements of a tuple are of type string. //测试元组的元素类型是否为字符串类型 HTuple TupleIsStringElem() const; // Test whether the types of the elements of a tuple are of type real. //测试元组元素的类型是否为实数类型 HTuple TupleIsRealElem() const; // Test whether the types of the elements of a tuple are of type integer. //测试元组元素的类型是否为整数类型 HTuple TupleIsIntElem() const; // Return the types of the elements of a tuple. //返回元组元素的类型 HTuple TupleTypeElem() const; // Test whether a tuple is of type mixed. //测试一个元组是否是混合类型 HTuple TupleIsMixed() const; // Test whether a tuple is of type string. //测试一个元组是否为字符串类型 HTuple TupleIsString() const; // Test whether the types of the elements of a tuple are of type real. //测试元组元素的类型是否为实数类型 HTuple TupleIsReal() const; // Test whether a tuple is of type integer. //测试一个元组是否为整数 HTuple TupleIsInt() const; // Return the type of a tuple. //返回元组的类型 HTuple TupleType() const; // Calculate the value distribution of a tuple within a certain value range. //计算一个元组在一定值范围内的值分布 HTuple TupleHistoRange(const HTuple& Min, const HTuple& Max, const HTuple& NumBins, HTuple* BinSize) const; // Select tuple elements matching a regular expression. // 选择与正则表达式匹配的元组元素 HTuple TupleRegexpSelect(const HTuple& Expression) const; // Test if a string matches a regular expression. //测试字符串是否匹配正则表达式 HTuple TupleRegexpTest(const HTuple& Expression) const; // Replace a substring using regular expressions. //使用正则表达式替换子字符串 HTuple TupleRegexpReplace(const HTuple& Expression, const HTuple& Replace) const; // Extract substrings using regular expressions. //使用正则表达式提取子字符串 HTuple TupleRegexpMatch(const HTuple& Expression) const; // Return a tuple of random numbers between 0 and 1. //返回0到1之间的随机数字的一个元组 static HTuple TupleRand(const HTuple& Length); // Return the number of elements of a tuple. //返回元组的元素个数 HTuple TupleLength() const; // Calculate the sign of a tuple. //计算一个元组的符号 HTuple TupleSgn() const; // Calculate the elementwise maximum of two tuples. //计算两个元组的最大元素 HTuple TupleMax2(const HTuple& T2) const; // Calculate the elementwise minimum of two tuples. //计算两个元组的最小最小值? HTuple TupleMin2(const HTuple& T2) const; // Return the maximal element of a tuple. //返回元组的最大元素 HTuple TupleMax() const; // Return the minimal element of a tuple. //返回元组的最小元素 HTuple TupleMin() const; // Calculate the cumulative sums of a tuple. //计算元组的累计和 HTuple TupleCumul() const; // Select the element of rank n of a tuple. //选择一个元组的排序n的元素 HTuple TupleSelectRank(const HTuple& RankIndex) const; // Return the median of the elements of a tuple. //返回元组元素的中位数 HTuple TupleMedian() const; // Return the sum of all elements of a tuple. //返回元组所有元素的和 HTuple TupleSum() const; // Return the mean value of a tuple of numbers. //返回一组数字的平均值 HTuple TupleMean() const; // Return the standard deviation of the elements of a tuple. //返回元组元素的标准偏差 HTuple TupleDeviation() const; // Discard all but one of successive identical elements of a tuple. //将一个元组的连续相同元素丢弃 HTuple TupleUniq() const; // Return the indices of all occurrences of a tuple within another tuple. //返回另一个元组中所有出现的元组的索引 HTuple TupleFind(const HTuple& ToFind) const; // Sort the elements of a tuple and return the indices of the sorted tuple. //对元组的元素进行排序,并返回已排序的元组的索引 HTuple TupleSortIndex() const; // Sort the elements of a tuple in ascending order. //按升序对元组的元素进行排序 HTuple TupleSort() const; // Invert a tuple. //反转一个元组 HTuple TupleInverse() const; // Concatenate two tuples to a new one. //将两个元组连接到一个新的元组 HTuple TupleConcat(const HTuple& T2) const; // Select several elements of a tuple. //选择一个元组的几个元素 HTuple TupleSelectRange(const HTuple& Leftindex, const HTuple& Rightindex) const; // Select all elements from index "n" to the end of a tuple. //从索引“n”中选择所有元素到一个元组的末尾 HTuple TupleLastN(const HTuple& Index) const; // Select the first elements of a tuple. //选择元组的第一个元素 HTuple TupleFirstN(const HTuple& Index) const; // Inserts one or more elements into a tuple at index. //将一个或多个元素插入到一个tuple中 HTuple TupleInsert(const HTuple& Index, const HTuple& InsertTuple) const; // Replaces one or more elements of a tuple. //替换元组中的一个或多个元素 HTuple TupleReplace(const HTuple& Index, const HTuple& ReplaceTuple) const; // Remove elements from a tuple. //从元组中删除元素 HTuple TupleRemove(const HTuple& Index) const; // Select in mask specified elements of a tuple. //选择一个元组的指定元素 HTuple TupleSelectMask(const HTuple& Mask) const; // Select single elements of a tuple. //选择一个元组的单个元素 HTuple TupleSelect(const HTuple& Index) const; // Select single character or bit from a tuple. //从元组中选择单个字符或位 HTuple TupleStrBitSelect(const HTuple& Index) const; // Generate a tuple with a sequence of equidistant values. //生成一个带有等距值序列的元组 static HTuple TupleGenSequence(const HTuple& Start, const HTuple& End, const HTuple& Step); // Generate a tuple of a specific length and initialize its elements. //生成一个特定长度的元组并初始化其元素 static HTuple TupleGenConst(const HTuple& Length, const HTuple& Const); // Read one or more environment variables. //读取一个或多个环境变量 HTuple TupleEnvironment() const; // Split strings into substrings between predefined separator symbol(s). //将字符串拆分为预定义分隔符符号(s)之间的子字符串 HTuple TupleSplit(const HTuple& Separator) const; // Cut characters from position "n1" through "n2" out of a string tuple. //从字符串元组的“n2”中从位置“n1”中剪切字符 HTuple TupleSubstr(const HTuple& Position1, const HTuple& Position2) const; // Cut all characters starting at position "n" out of a string tuple. //从字符串元组中从位置“n”处开始切割所有字符 HTuple TupleStrLastN(const HTuple& Position) const; // Cut the first characters up to position "n" out of a string tuple. //将第一个字符剪成字符串tuple中的“n” HTuple TupleStrFirstN(const HTuple& Position) const; // Backward search for characters within a string tuple. //向后搜索字符串元组中的字符 HTuple TupleStrrchr(const HTuple& ToFind) const; // Forward search for characters within a string tuple. //向前搜索字符串元组中的字符 HTuple TupleStrchr(const HTuple& ToFind) const; // Backward search for strings within a string tuple. //向后搜索字符串元组中的字符串 HTuple TupleStrrstr(const HTuple& ToFind) const; // Forward search for strings within a string tuple. // //向前搜索字符串元组中的字符串 HTuple TupleStrstr(const HTuple& ToFind) const; // Determine the length of every string within a tuple of strings. //确定字符串中每个字符串的长度 HTuple TupleStrlen() const; // Test, whether a tuple is elementwise less or equal to another tuple. //测试,一个元组是否小于或等于另一个元组 HTuple TupleLessEqualElem(const HTuple& T2) const; // Test, whether a tuple is elementwise less than another tuple. //测试,一个元组是否比另一个元组更小 HTuple TupleLessElem(const HTuple& T2) const; // Test, whether a tuple is elementwise greater or equal to another tuple. //测试,一个元组是否大于或等于另一个元组 HTuple TupleGreaterEqualElem(const HTuple& T2) const; // Test, whether a tuple is elementwise greater than another tuple. //测试,一个元组是否大于另一个元组 HTuple TupleGreaterElem(const HTuple& T2) const; // Test, whether two tuples are elementwise not equal. //测试,是否两个元组不相等 HTuple TupleNotEqualElem(const HTuple& T2) const; // Test, whether two tuples are elementwise equal. //测试,两个元组是否相等 HTuple TupleEqualElem(const HTuple& T2) const; // Test whether a tuple is less or equal to another tuple. //测试,一个元组是否小于或等于另一个元组 HTuple TupleLessEqual(const HTuple& T2) const; // Test whether a tuple is less than another tuple. //测试一个元组是否小于另一个元组 HTuple TupleLess(const HTuple& T2) const; // Test whether a tuple is greater or equal to another tuple. //测试一个元组是否大于或等于另一个元组 HTuple TupleGreaterEqual(const HTuple& T2) const; // Test whether a tuple is greater than another tuple. //测试一个元组是否大于另一个元组 HTuple TupleGreater(const HTuple& T2) const; // Test whether two tuples are not equal. //测试两个元组是否 - 不相等 HTuple TupleNotEqual(const HTuple& T2) const; // Test whether two tuples are equal. //测试两个元组是否 - 相等 HTuple TupleEqual(const HTuple& T2) const; // Compute the logical not of a tuple. //计算一个元组的逻辑"非" HTuple TupleNot() const; // Compute the logical exclusive or of two tuples. //计算一个元组的逻辑"异或" HTuple TupleXor(const HTuple& T2) const; // Compute the logical or of two tuples. //计算一个元组的逻辑"或" HTuple TupleOr(const HTuple& T2) const; // Compute the logical and of two tuples. //计算一个元组的逻辑"与" HTuple TupleAnd(const HTuple& T2) const; // Compute the bitwise not of a tuple. //按位计算一个元组的逻辑"非" HTuple TupleBnot() const; // Compute the bitwise exclusive or of two tuples. //按位计算一个元组的逻辑"异或" HTuple TupleBxor(const HTuple& T2) const; // Compute the bitwise or of two tuples. //按位计算一个元组的逻辑"或" HTuple TupleBor(const HTuple& T2) const; // Compute the bitwise and of two tuples. //按位计算一个元组的逻辑"与" HTuple TupleBand(const HTuple& T2) const; // Shift a tuple bitwise to the right. //向右移一位 HTuple TupleRsh(const HTuple& Shift) const; // Shift a tuple bitwise to the left. //向左移一位 HTuple TupleLsh(const HTuple& Shift) const; // Convert a tuple of integers into strings with the corresponding ASCII codes. //用相应的ASCII码将一个整数元转换成字符串 HTuple TupleChrt() const; // Convert a tuple of strings into a tuple of their ASCII codes. //将一组字符串转换成它们的ASCII码元组 HTuple TupleOrds() const; // Convert a tuple of integers into strings with the corresponding ASCII codes. //用相应的ASCII码将一个整数元转换成字符串 HTuple TupleChr() const; // Convert a tuple of strings of length 1 into a tuple of their ASCII codes. //将长度为1的一组字符串转换成它们的ASCII码元组 HTuple TupleOrd() const; // Convert a tuple into a tuple of strings. //将一个元组转换成一个字符串元组 HTuple TupleString(const HTuple& Format) const; // Check a tuple (of strings) whether it represents numbers. //检查一个元组(字符串)是否表示数字 HTuple TupleIsNumber() const; // Convert a tuple (of strings) into a tuple of numbers. //将一个元组(字符串)转换成数字的元组 HTuple TupleNumber() const; // Convert a tuple into a tuple of integer numbers. //将一个元组转换成整数的元组 HTuple TupleRound() const; // Convert a tuple into a tuple of integer numbers. //将一个元组转换成整数的元组 HTuple TupleInt() const; // Convert a tuple into a tuple of floating point numbers. //将一个元组转换成浮点数的元组 HTuple TupleReal() const; // Calculate the ldexp function of two tuples. //计算两个元组的ldexp函数(ldexp:计算value乘以2的exp次幂) HTuple TupleLdexp(const HTuple& T2) const; // Calculate the remainder of the floating point division of two tuples. //计算两个元组浮点除法的 - 余数 HTuple TupleFmod(const HTuple& T2) const; // Calculate the remainder of the integer division of two tuples. //计算两个元组的整数除数的 - 余数 HTuple TupleMod(const HTuple& T2) const; // Compute the ceiling function of a tuple. //向上取整:取大于等于数值n的最小整数 HTuple TupleCeil() const; // Compute the floor function of a tuple. //向下取整:取小于等于数值n的最小整数 HTuple TupleFloor() const; // Calculate the power function of two tuples. //计算两个元组的幂函数 HTuple TuplePow(const HTuple& T2) const; // Compute the base 10 logarithm of a tuple. //计算一个元组的10对数 HTuple TupleLog10() const; // Compute the natural logarithm of a tuple. //计算一个元组的对数Log HTuple TupleLog() const; // Compute the exponential of a tuple. //计算一个元组的指数 HTuple TupleExp() const; // Compute the hyperbolic tangent of a tuple. //计算一个元组的双曲正切 HTuple TupleTanh() const; // Compute the hyperbolic cosine of a tuple. //计算一个元组的双曲余弦 HTuple TupleCosh() const; // Compute the hyperbolic sine of a tuple. //计算一个元组的双曲正弦 HTuple TupleSinh() const; // Convert a tuple from degrees to radians. //将一个元组从角度转换成弧度 HTuple TupleRad() const; // Convert a tuple from radians to degrees. //将一个元组从弧度转换成角度 HTuple TupleDeg() const; // Compute the arctangent of a tuple for all four quadrants. //计算所有四个象限的一个元组的arctan HTuple TupleAtan2(const HTuple& X) const; // Compute the arctangent of a tuple. //计算一个元组的arctan() HTuple TupleAtan() const; // Compute the arccosine of a tuple. //计算一个元组的反余弦 HTuple TupleAcos() const; // Compute the arcsine of a tuple. //计算一个元组的反正弦 HTuple TupleAsin() const; // Compute the tangent of a tuple. //计算一个元组的正切 HTuple TupleTan() const; // Compute the cosine of a tuple. //计算一个元组的cos() HTuple TupleCos() const; // Compute the sine of a tuple. //计算一个元组的sin() HTuple TupleSin() const; // Compute the absolute value of a tuple (as floating point numbers). //计算元组的绝对值(浮点数) HTuple TupleFabs() const; // Compute the square root of a tuple. //计算元组的平方根 HTuple TupleSqrt() const; // Compute the absolute value of a tuple. //计算元组的绝对值 HTuple TupleAbs() const; // Negate a tuple. //一个元组的非? HTuple TupleNeg() const; // Divide two tuples. //两个元组相除 HTuple TupleDiv(const HTuple& Q2) const; // Multiply two tuples. //两个元组相乘 HTuple TupleMult(const HTuple& P2) const; // Subtract two tuples. //两个元组相减 HTuple TupleSub(const HTuple& D2) const; // Add two tuples. //两个元组相加 HTuple TupleAdd(const HTuple& S2) const; // Deserialize a serialized tuple. //反序列化一个序列化元组 static HTuple DeserializeTuple(const HSerializedItem& SerializedItemHandle); // Serialize a tuple. //序列化一个元组 HSerializedItem SerializeTuple() const; // Write a tuple to a file. //将一个元组写入文件 void WriteTuple(const HTuple& FileName) const; // Read a tuple from a file. //从文件读取一个元组 static HTuple ReadTuple(const HTuple& FileName); /***************************************************************************/ /* Compatibility Layer 兼容性层 */ /***************************************************************************/ #if defined(HCPP_LEGACY_API) #include "HTupleLegacy.h" #endif #if (!defined(HCPP_LEGACY_API) || defined(_LIntDLL)) // Casts from a HTuple to element data types are disabled in legacy mode, // as they may lead to ambiguous operator calls in existing user code // 从HTuple到元素数据类型的强制转换在遗留模式下是禁用的,因为它们可能会导致现有用户代码中的不明确的操作调用 #if defined(HCPP_INT_OVERLOADS) // Access integer value in first tuple element //在第一个元组元素中访问整数值 operator int() const { return I(); } #endif // Access integer value in first tuple element //在第一个元组元素中访问整数值 operator Hlong() const { return L(); } // Access floating-point value in first tuple element //在第一个元组元素中访问浮点值 operator float() const { return (float) D(); } // Access floating-point value in first tuple element //在第一个元组元素中访问浮点值 operator double() const { return D(); } // Access string value in first tuple element //在第一个元组元素中访问字符串值 operator HString() const { return S(); } #endif /***************************************************************************/ /* Operator overloads 运算符重载 */ /***************************************************************************/ /* Unary operators 一元操作符 */ bool operator ! (void) const; HTuple operator ~ (void) const; HTuple operator - (void) const; HTuple &operator ++ (void); /* Binary operators are declared below outside class HTuple 二元运算符被声明在类的外部*/ /* Selected compound operators 选择复合算子*/ HTuple& operator += (const HTuple &val); H_COMPOUND_OP_OVERLOAD_DECLARATION(HTuple,+=) HTuple& operator -= (const HTuple &val); H_COMPOUND_OP_OVERLOAD_DECLARATION(HTuple,-=) HTuple& operator *= (const HTuple &val); H_COMPOUND_OP_OVERLOAD_DECLARATION(HTuple,*=) /***************************************************************************/ /* Helpers for code export or extension packages, do not call in used code 用于代码导出或扩展包的助手,不要调用使用过的代码*/ /***************************************************************************/ bool Continue(const HTuple &final_value, const HTuple &increment); // Internal use, exposed for extension packages and hdevengine only //内部使用,只用于扩展包和hdevengine HTuple(const Hctuple& tuple, bool copy=true); // Internal use, exposed for extension packages and hdevengine only //内部使用,只用于扩展包和hdevengine Hctuple GetHctuple(bool copy) const; const Hctuple &GetHctupleRef() const; //被保护的! protected: // Create tuple wrapping internal representation //创建元组包装内部表示 HTuple(HTupleData* data); // Initialize during construction or from cleared tuple state //在构造或清除元组状态期间初始化 void InitFromTupleData(HTupleData* data); void InitFromTuple(const HTuple& tuple); // Internal use, exposed for extension packages and hdevengine only //内部使用,只用于扩展包和hdevengine void SetFromHctuple(const Hctuple& tuple, bool copy/*=true*/); // Revert internal representation to mixed tuple //将内部表示还原为混合元组 void ConvertToMixed(); // Resolve lazy copying on write access //解决写访问时的延迟复制 bool AssertOwnership(); protected: // Smart pointer to typed data container //智能指针到类型化数据容器 HTupleDataPtr* mData; // Direct pointer for small tuple optimizations //用于小型元组优化的直接指针 HTupleData* mDataPtr; }; /***************************************************************************/ /* Operator overloads 运算符重载 */ /***************************************************************************/ #if defined(HCPP_OVERLOAD_TUPLE_OPERATORS) #define H_BIN_OP_OVERLOAD_DECLARATION(RET,OP) \ LIntExport RET operator OP (const HTuple& op1, int op2 ); \ LIntExport RET operator OP (const HTuple& op1, Hlong op2 ); \ LIntExport RET operator OP (const HTuple& op1, float op2 ); \ LIntExport RET operator OP (const HTuple& op1, double op2 ); \ LIntExport RET operator OP (const HTuple& op1, const HString& op2); \ LIntExport RET operator OP (const HTuple& op1, const char* op2 ); \ LIntExport RET operator OP (const HTuple& op1, const HTupleElement& op2); \ \ LIntExport RET operator OP (const HTupleElement& op1, int op2 ); \ LIntExport RET operator OP (const HTupleElement& op1, Hlong op2 ); \ LIntExport RET operator OP (const HTupleElement& op1, float op2 ); \ LIntExport RET operator OP (const HTupleElement& op1, double op2 ); \ LIntExport RET operator OP (const HTupleElement& op1, const HString& op2 ); \ LIntExport RET operator OP (const HTupleElement& op1, const char* op2 ); \ LIntExport RET operator OP (const HTupleElement& op1, const HTupleElement &op2); \ LIntExport RET operator OP (const HTupleElement& op1, const HTuple& op2 ); \ \ LIntExport RET operator OP (int op1 ,const HTuple& op2); \ LIntExport RET operator OP (Hlong op1 ,const HTuple& op2); \ LIntExport RET operator OP (float op1 ,const HTuple& op2); \ LIntExport RET operator OP (double op1 ,const HTuple& op2); \ LIntExport RET operator OP (const HString& op1 ,const HTuple& op2); \ LIntExport RET operator OP (const char* op1 ,const HTuple& op2); \ \ LIntExport RET operator OP (int op1 ,const HTupleElement& op2); \ LIntExport RET operator OP (Hlong op1 ,const HTupleElement& op2); \ LIntExport RET operator OP (float op1 ,const HTupleElement& op2); \ LIntExport RET operator OP (double op1 ,const HTupleElement& op2); \ LIntExport RET operator OP (const HString& op1 ,const HTupleElement& op2); \ LIntExport RET operator OP (const char* op1 ,const HTupleElement& op2); #else #define H_BIN_OP_OVERLOAD_DECLARATION(RET,OP) #endif /* Arithmetic operators */ LIntExport HTuple operator +(const HTuple& val1, const HTuple &val2); H_BIN_OP_OVERLOAD_DECLARATION(HTuple,+) LIntExport HTuple operator - (const HTuple& val1, const HTuple &val2); H_BIN_OP_OVERLOAD_DECLARATION(HTuple,-) LIntExport HTuple operator * (const HTuple& val1, const HTuple &val2); H_BIN_OP_OVERLOAD_DECLARATION(HTuple,*) LIntExport HTuple operator / (const HTuple& val1, const HTuple &val2); H_BIN_OP_OVERLOAD_DECLARATION(HTuple,/) LIntExport HTuple operator % (const HTuple& val1, const HTuple &val2); H_BIN_OP_OVERLOAD_DECLARATION(HTuple,%) /* Boolean operators */ LIntExport bool operator == (const HTuple& val1, const HTuple &val2); H_BIN_OP_OVERLOAD_DECLARATION(bool,==) LIntExport bool operator != (const HTuple& val1, const HTuple &val2); H_BIN_OP_OVERLOAD_DECLARATION(bool,!=) LIntExport bool operator >= (const HTuple& val1, const HTuple &val2); H_BIN_OP_OVERLOAD_DECLARATION(bool,>=) LIntExport bool operator <= (const HTuple& val1, const HTuple &val2); H_BIN_OP_OVERLOAD_DECLARATION(bool,<=) LIntExport bool operator > (const HTuple& val1, const HTuple &val2); H_BIN_OP_OVERLOAD_DECLARATION(bool,>) LIntExport bool operator < (const HTuple& val1, const HTuple &val2); H_BIN_OP_OVERLOAD_DECLARATION(bool,<) LIntExport bool operator && (const HTuple& val1, const HTuple &val2); // it is regarded as bad practice to overload logical operators as this leeds // to the unexpected behaviour that both operands must be evaluated // H_BIN_OP_OVERLOAD_DECLARATION(bool,&&) LIntExport bool operator || (const HTuple& val1, const HTuple &val2); // H_BIN_OP_OVERLOAD_DECLARATION(bool,||) /* Bitwise operators */ LIntExport HTuple operator | (const HTuple& val1, const HTuple &val2); H_BIN_OP_OVERLOAD_DECLARATION(HTuple,|) LIntExport HTuple operator & (const HTuple& val1, const HTuple &val2); H_BIN_OP_OVERLOAD_DECLARATION(HTuple,&) LIntExport HTuple operator ^ (const HTuple& val1, const HTuple &val2); H_BIN_OP_OVERLOAD_DECLARATION(HTuple,^) LIntExport HTuple operator << (const HTuple& val1, const HTuple &val2); H_BIN_OP_OVERLOAD_DECLARATION(HTuple,<<) LIntExport HTuple operator >> (const HTuple& val1, const HTuple &val2); H_BIN_OP_OVERLOAD_DECLARATION(HTuple,>>) } #endif


posted on 2017-11-01 09:59  Moyu_Ding  阅读(3427)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报
