- 首先,Hardware Drivers Config都是必要的的配置不能减少
- 接着,RT-Thread Online Packages中:
- peripherarl libraries and drivers中是senosrs 驱动,这个裁剪找到aht10(温湿度传感器),把The number of averaging改成1看看是否能够运行,结果运行成功;
- IoT - internet of things中,在RT-Thread AT component porting or samples for different device → Espressif ESP8266中把The maximum length of receive line buffer改成128
- 在 Paho MQTT: Eclipse Paho MQTT C/C++ client for Embedded platforms中去掉Enable debug log output
(再小就会报错,显示[E/at.clnt] read line failed. The line data length is out[W/UART] Warning: There is no enough buffer for saving data, please increase the RT_SERIAL_RB_BUFSZ option.)
- RT-Thread Components
- RT-Thread Components → Device virtual file system下的 The maximal number of opened files改成8
- RT-Thread Components → Device virtual file system → elm-chan's FatFs, Generic FAT Filesystem Module下的 Maximum sector size to be handled改成2048
- Network → Network interface device下的Enable ifconfig features,Enable ping features,Enable netstat features,Enable default netdev automatic change features全部去掉
- RT-Thread Kernel
- The maximal size of kernel object name改成6
- The stack size of idle thread改成128
- RT-Thread Kernel → Inter-Thread communication 中去掉 mailbox和message queue
- 去掉 Enable debugging features
我有删除了spi flash的使用,直接把读取到的温度上传到onenet,使得工程大小进一步缩小;