Set Next-Hop IP Address

The infrastructure provided by CEF or process switching performs the recursion to the next-hop IP address. The configuration sequence, which affects routing, is as follows:

1. Next-hop

2. Next-hop recursive

3. Interface

4. Default next-hop

5. Default interface

If both a next-hop and a recursive next-hop IP address are present in the same route-map entry, the next-hop is used. If the next-hop is not available, the recursive next-hop is used. If the recursive next-hop is not available and no other IP address is present, the packet is routed using the default routing table; it is not dropped. If the packet is supposed to be dropped, use the set ip next-hop command with the recursive keyword followed by a set interface null0 configuration.

Perform this task to set the IP address for the recursive next-hop router.


If loadsharing is required, CEF loadsharing should be configured for per-packet or per-destination loadsharing. Loadbalancing should be done over all equal-cost routes to the subnet that have been configured by the set ip next-hop recursive command.

This functionality should be available in centralized and distributed systems.


Only one recursive next-hop IP address is supported per route-map entry.


1. enable

2. configure terminal

3. access-list access-list-number {deny | permit} source [source-wildcard] [log]

4. route-map map-tag

5. set ip next-hop ip-address

6. set ip next-hop {ip-address [...ip-address] | recursive ip-address}

7. match ip address access-list-number

8. end

posted @ 2023-02-19 22:43  剪刀石头布Cheers  阅读(64)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报