
; Script config. Do NOT change value here, might working inproperly!
global Version := "v20200909"    ; The version number of this script
global FishAddress := "0xF1ABCC"    ; The memory address for fishing

; Tooltip settings
global TooltipX := 80    ; Tooltip's X position
global TooltipY := 150    ; Tooltip's Y position

; Hotkeys settings, change the hotkeys here
global HK_AutoFish := "F11"    ; Hotkey for auto fishing
global HK_AutoBoot := "F10"    ; Hotkey for auto boot throw
global HK_AntiAFK := "F9"    ; Hotkey for anti-AFK
global HK_Info := "F8"    ; Hotkey for info tooltip toggle
global HK_Exit := "F6"    ; Hotkey for exit the script

; Auto Boot Throw settings
global Interval_Boot := 2000    ; Auto Throw Boot trigger interval in milliseconds.  The default is 2000ms.  Set longer interval to save CPU usage.  Set shorter interval to throw boot faster.
global worddir = A_WorkingDir
global BootImgPath := worddir . "\boot.bmp"    ; set your Old Boot image path here
global ABootImgPath := worddir . "\Aboot.bmp"    ; set your Ancient Boot image path here
global TraserImgPath := worddir . "\traser.bmp"    ; set your Traser image path here
global ClickImgPath := worddir . "\click.bmp" ; set your Traser image path here
global FastABTDelay := 0.5    ; Long press delay before triggering Fast ABT.  The default is 0.5 seconds

; Anti-AFK settings
global Interval_AFK := 10000    ; Anti-AFK trigger interval in milliseconds.  The default is 10 seconds (10000ms)
global AFK_Key := "End"    ; The key to send to prevent AFK by Anti-AFK.  The default is "End" key which will not effect Trove gameplay

; Flags startup settings. Do NOT change value here, might working inproperly!
global Flag_ABT := false    ; Auto boot throw default setting, 1 is on, 0 is off
global Flag_AFK := false    ; Anti-AFK default setting, 1 is on, 0 is off
global Flag_Tooltip := true    ; 1 for showing tooltip, 0 for hiding tooltip
global Flag_Fishing := false    ; If auto fishing started, set to 1

; Fishing info settings. Do NOT change value here, might working inproperly!
global TimerS := 0    ; Fishing timer seconds
global TimerM := 0    ; Fishing timer minutes
global TimerH := 0    ; Fishing timer hours
global LureCount := 0    ; Used lure count

CoordMode, ToolTip, Screen

Hotkey, %HK_AutoFish%, L_AutoFish
Hotkey, %HK_AutoBoot%, L_AutoBoot
Hotkey, %HK_AntiAFK%, L_AntiAFK
Hotkey, %HK_Info%, L_Info
Hotkey, %HK_Exit%, L_Exit

L_AutoFish:    ; Auto Fishing
    if (Flag_Fishing) {
        Flag_Fishing := false
        TimerS := 0
        TimerM := 0
        TimerH := 0
        LureCount := 0
        ; Stop fishing timer
        SetTimer, UpdateTimer, Off
    } else {
        Flag_Fishing := true
        SetTimer, AutoFish, -1
        ; Start fishing timer
        SetTimer, UpdateTimer, 1000

    WinGet, pidn, PID, A
    pid := pidn
    WinGet, hwnds, ID, A
    Handle := hwnds

    Lure := 9999    ; Set max lure
    Base := getProcessBaseAddress()
    WaterAddress := GetAddressWater(Base,FishAddress)    ; Water memory address
    LavaAddress := GetAddressLava(Base,FishAddress)        ; Lava memory address
    ChocoAddress := GetAddressChoco(Base,FishAddress)    ; Choco memory address
    PlasmaAddress := GetAddressPlasma(Base,FishAddress) ; Plasma memory address

    Loop %Lure% {
    ; If still have lure (by counting)
        if (!Flag_Fishing)

        NatualPress("b", pid)    ; Open backpack to prevent camera rotate while moving mouse, and also for ImageSearch to find the Old Boot

        LureCount := LureCount +1

        ; Anti-AFK
        Gosub, AntiAFK

        NatualPress("f", pid)    ; Casting the line
        Sleep, 15000    ; Check for bite after 15 seconds.  Players must wait for 20-30 seconds for the lure to start splashing in order to reel in a fish. Reduce the pole checking loop.
        FishingTimeCount := 0
        Loop {
        ; Line casted and pole checking loop, 1 second per check
            if (!Flag_Fishing)

            ; Already cast and checking for biting
            CaughtWater := ReadMemory(WaterAddress)
            CaughtLava := ReadMemory(LavaAddress)
            CaughtChoco := ReadMemory(ChocoAddress)
            CaughtPlasma := ReadMemory(PlasmaAddress)

            if (CaughtWater || CaughtLava || CaughtChoco || CaughtPlasma) {
            ; Fish caught, reel in
                NatualPress("f", pid)
                Random, Wait, 2000, 3500 ; Wait a few seconds
                Sleep, %Wait%
                NatualPress("b", pid)
            ; caught nothing, wait 1 second and continue checking
            Sleep, 1000
            if (FishingTimeCount++ > 20) {    ; If waiting time is over 35 seconds, it must be a miss or something wrong.  Re-cast.
                NatualPress("b", pid)

L_AutoBoot:    ; Toggle auto boot throw
    KeyWait, %HK_AutoBoot%, T%FastABTDelay%    ;Detect how long HK_AutoBoot has been pressed. Set 0.5 second
    if (errorlevel) {
        loop {
            if (!GetKeyState(HK_AutoBoot, "P"))
            Gosub, AutoBootThrow
            Random, Wait, 10, 50 ; Wait a few milliseconds
            Sleep, %Wait%
    } else {
        if (Flag_ABT) {
            Flag_ABT := false
            SetTimer, AutoBootThrow, Off
        } else {
            Flag_ABT := true
            Gosub, AutoBootThrow
            SetTimer, AutoBootThrow, %Interval_Boot%

L_AntiAFK:    ; Anti-AFK
    if (Flag_AFK) {
        SetTimer, AntiAFK, Off
        Flag_AFK := false
    } else {
        WinGet, pidn, PID, A
        pid := pidn

        SetTimer, AntiAFK, %Interval_AFK%
        Flag_AFK := true

L_Info:    ; Toggle tooltip
    if (Flag_Tooltip) {
        Flag_Tooltip := false
    } else {
        Flag_Tooltip := true

L_Exit:    ; Stop the script

    Imagesearch, OBFoundX, OBFoundY, 0, 0, A_ScreenWidth, A_ScreenHeight, *70 %BootImgPath%
    if (errorlevel = 0) {
        if (GetKeyState(HK_AutoBoot, "P")) {
            DragSpeed = 2    ; Fast ABT
        } else {
            Random, DragSpeed, 4, 10    ; Throw naturally
        Imagesearch, TFoundX,TFoundY,0,0, A_ScreenWidth, A_ScreenHeight, *70 %TraserImgPath%
        MouseClickDrag, Left, %OBFoundX%, %OBFoundY%, %TFoundX%, %TFoundY% ,%DragSpeed%
        sleep , 500
        Imagesearch, CFoundX,CFoundY,0,0, A_ScreenWidth, A_ScreenHeight, *70 %ClickImgPath%
        Random, DragSpeed, 4, 10
        MouseClick, Left, CFoundX, CFoundY, 1, DragSpeed
    Imagesearch, ABFoundX, ABFoundY, 0, 0, A_ScreenWidth, A_ScreenHeight, *70 %ABootImgPath%
    if (errorlevel = 0) {
        if (GetKeyState(HK_AutoBoot, "P")) {
            DragSpeed = 2    ; Fast ABT
        } else {
            Random, DragSpeed, 4, 10    ; Throw naturally
        Imagesearch, TFoundX,TFoundY,0,0, A_ScreenWidth, A_ScreenHeight, *70 %TraserImgPath%
        MouseClickDrag, Left, %ABFoundX%, %ABFoundY%, %TFoundX%, %TFoundY% ,%DragSpeed%
        sleep , 500
        Imagesearch, CFoundX,CFoundY,0,0, A_ScreenWidth, A_ScreenHeight, *70 %ClickImgPath%
        Random, DragSpeed, 4, 10
        MouseClick, Left, CFoundX, CFoundY, 1, DragSpeed

; Sending key to prevent AFK
    NatualPress(AFK_Key, pid)

    if (TimerS = 59) { 
        TimerS = 0 
        TimerM += 1
    if (TimerM = 60) { 
        TimerM = 0 
        TimerH += 1 
    TimerS += 1

GetAddressWater(Base, Address) {
    pointerBase := Base + Address
    y1 := ReadMemory(pointerBase)
    y2 := ReadMemory(y1 + 0x68)
    y3 := ReadMemory(y2 + 0xe4)
    Return WaterAddress := (y3 + 0x3c4)  ;1

GetAddressLava(Base, Address) {
    pointerBase := Base + Address
    y1 := ReadMemory(pointerBase)
    y2 := ReadMemory(y1 + 0x68)
    y3 := ReadMemory(y2 + 0xe4)
    Return LavaAddress := (y3 + 0x898) ;3

GetAddressChoco(Base, Address) {
    pointerBase := Base + Address
    y1 := ReadMemory(pointerBase)
    y2 := ReadMemory(y1 + 0x68)
    y3 := ReadMemory(y2 + 0xe4)
    Return ChocoAddress := (y3 + 0x62c) ;2

GetAddressPlasma(Base, Address){
    pointerBase := Base + Address
    y1 := ReadMemory(pointerBase)
    y2 := ReadMemory(y1 + 0x68)
    y3 := ReadMemory(y2 + 0xe4)
    Return PlasmaAddress := (y3 + 0xb00) ;4

getProcessBaseAddress() {
    global Handle
    return DllCall( A_PtrSize = 4
        ? "GetWindowLong"
        : "GetWindowLongPtr"
        , "Ptr", Handle
        , "Int", -6
        , "Int64") ; Use Int64 to prevent negative overflow when AHK is 32 bit and target process is 64bit
    ; if DLL call fails, returned value will = 0

ReadMemory(MADDRESS) {
    global pid
    ProcessHandle := DllCall("OpenProcess", "Int", 24, "Char", 0, "UInt", pid, "UInt")
    ;DllCall("ReadProcessMemory", "UInt", ProcessHandle, "UInt", MADDRESS, "Str", MVALUE, "UInt", 4, "UInt *", 0)
    DllCall("ReadProcessMemory", "UInt", ProcessHandle, "Ptr", MADDRESS, "Ptr", &MVALUE, "Uint", 4)
    Loop 4
    result += *(&MVALUE + A_Index-1) << 8*(A_Index-1)
    return, result

NatualSleep() {
    Random, SleepTime, 66, 122
    Sleep, %SleepTime%

NatualPress(npbtn, nppid) {
    ControlSend, , {%npbtn% down}, ahk_pid %nppid%
    ControlSend, , {%npbtn% up}, ahk_pid %nppid%

UpdateTooltip() {
    if (!Flag_Tooltip) {

    Info_Tips := "`n[" . HK_Info . "] Toggle this info."
    Info_Exit := "`n[" . HK_Exit . "] Exit script."
    Info_Lure := "`nLure used - " . (LureCount - 1)

    if (!Flag_Fishing) {
        Info_Fish := "`n[" . HK_AutoFish . "] Auto Fishing is OFF."
    } else if (Flag_Fishing) {
        Info_Fish := "`n[" . HK_AutoFish . "] Auto Fishing is ON."

    if (GetKeyState(HK_AutoBoot, "P")) {
        Info_Boot := "`n[FAST] Auto Boot Throw is ON."
    } else {
        if (!Flag_ABT) {
                Info_Boot := "`n[" . HK_AutoBoot . "] Auto Boot Throw is OFF."
        } else if (Flag_ABT) {
            Info_Boot := "`n[" . HK_AutoBoot . "] Auto Boot Throw is ON."

    if (!Flag_AFK) {
        Info_AFK := "`n[" . HK_AntiAFK . "] Anti-AFK is OFF."
    } else if (Flag_AFK) {
        Info_AFK := "`n[" . HK_AntiAFK . "] Anti-AFK is ON."

    TimerS := SubStr("0" . TimerS, -1)
    TimerM := SubStr("0" . TimerM, -1)
    Timerinfo := "`nFishing Time - " . TimerH . ":" . TimerM . ":" . TimerS

    HeaderTip :=  "<AutoFish>`  " . Version . "`n Developer : Howar31 `n Updated by MiraculousB `n"
    FuncTip := Info_Fish . Info_Boot . Info_AFK
    StatusTip := "" . Info_Lure . Timerinfo
    FooterTip := "" . Info_Tips . Info_Exit

    if (!Flag_Fishing) {
        ToolTip, %HeaderTip%%FuncTip%%FooterTip%, TooltipX, TooltipY
    } else if (Flag_Fishing) {
        ToolTip, %HeaderTip%%FuncTip%%StatusTip%%FooterTip%, TooltipX, TooltipY
posted @ 2020-09-10 19:09  Miraculous_B  阅读(2736)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报