4. 第二章:C#委托和事件之委托
1 private delegate void GreetingPeopleDelegate(); 2 3 static void Main(string[] args) 4 { 5 GreetPeople(EnglishGreeting); 6 GreetPeople(ChineseGreeting); 7 8 Console.ReadLine(); 9 } 10 11 private static void GreetPeople(GreetingPeopleDelegate greetingPeopleDelegate) 12 { 13 greetingPeopleDelegate(); 14 } 15 16 private static void EnglishGreeting() 17 { 18 Console.WriteLine("Good morning!"); 19 } 20 21 private static void ChineseGreeting() 22 { 23 Console.WriteLine("早上好!"); 24 }
Good morning!
1. 建立General(将军)类
1 public class General 2 { 3 private string _name; 4 5 public General(string name) 6 { 7 this._name = name; 8 } 9 10 public string Name 11 { 12 get { return this._name; } 13 } 14 15 public virtual void Execute() 16 { 17 Console.WriteLine("I have nothing to do yet."); 18 } 19 }
2. 建立Attacker(攻击者)类,继承General类
1 public class Attacker : General 2 { 3 public Attacker(string name) 4 : base(name) { } 5 6 public override void Execute() 7 { 8 Console.WriteLine(string.Format("{0} is attacking the enemy!", this.Name)); 9 } 10 }
3. 建立Intercepter(偷袭者)类
1 public class Intercepter : General 2 { 3 public Intercepter(string name) 4 : base(name) { } 5 6 public override void Execute() 7 { 8 Console.WriteLine(string.Format("{0} is intercepting the reinforcement!", this.Name)); 9 } 10 }
4. 建立Commander(指挥官)类
1 public class Commander : General 2 { 3 private delegate void MilitaryPlan(); 4 5 public Commander(string name) 6 : base(name) { } 7 8 public void MakeMilitaryPlan(string[] attackerNames, string[] intercepterNames) 9 { 10 MilitaryPlan militaryPlan = new MilitaryPlan(this.AcceptLordInstructions); 11 12 foreach (string attackerName in attackerNames) 13 { 14 Attacker attacker = new Attacker(attackerName); 15 militaryPlan += attacker.Execute; 16 } 17 foreach (string intercepterName in intercepterNames) 18 { 19 Intercepter intercepter = new Intercepter(intercepterName); 20 militaryPlan += intercepter.Execute; 21 } 22 23 militaryPlan(); 24 }
1 static void Main(string[] args) 2 { 3 Commander commander = new Commander("诸葛亮"); 4 commander.MakeMilitaryPlan(new string[] { "关羽", "张飞" }, new string[] { "赵云" }); 5 6 Console.ReadLine(); 7 }
诸葛亮 accepted the instructions from lord
关羽 is attacking the enemy!
张飞 is attacking the enemy!
赵云 is intercepting the reinforcement!
扩展: 假设主公要求的指挥官不是诸葛亮,而是凤雏庞统,庞统下达的命令是让马超和黄忠去袭击曹军中军大帐,而让魏延去后方偷袭粮草大营,只需要改一下传参即可:
1 static void Main(string[] args) 2 { 3 Commander commander = new Commander("庞统"); 4 commander.MakeMilitaryPlan(new string[] { "马超", "黄忠" }, new string[] { "魏延" }); 5 6 Console.ReadLine(); 7 }
庞统 accepted the instructions from lord
马超 is attacking the enemy!
黄忠 is attacking the enemy!
魏延 is intercepting the reinforcement!