
  对于那些你可能没有听到这句话,下一个最好的行动(或最好的下一个动作),是一种方法,汇集了以最适当的行动,每次有一个客户互动营销和客户服务。 This might be a cross-sell, a discount on existing services, no action at all or any number of other actions.这可能是交叉销售,对现有服务的折扣,没有行动的全部或任何其他行动。 The idea is to determine the action for each specific customer that will most benefit the company, typically in the long term, while building a customer relationship that the customer values.我们的想法是,以确定每个客户的具体行动,将最受益的公司,通常在长期,同时建立了客户关系,顾客价值。 Next best action also involves identifying the right time for the action – now, next time we send them something, after their next paycheck – and the right channel for it.未来最好的行动还包括确定行动的时间 - 现在,下一次我们给他们东西,他们未来的薪水后 - 右声道。

  To make next best action work, companies need to adopt the core principles of decision management.为了使未来的最好行动工作,企业需要采取的决策管理的核心原则。 First they need to look at their processes and the interactions they have with customers and determine when and how they make decisions about those interactions.首先,他们需要看他们的流程和他们与客户的互动,并决定何时和如何使关于这些相互作用决定。 Managing and improving these decisions is what next best action is all about.管理和改善这些决策是下一个最好的行动都关心的是什么。 Delivering consistency across channels and ensuring that the decisions being made are current and timely means putting these decisions into coherent decision services that can be used by multiple systems across multiple channels.提供跨渠道的一致性,并确保所作出的决定,是当前和及时的方式,把这些决定连贯的决定,可以用于多个系统通过多种渠道服务。

  Business rules play a key role in next best action.业务规则,发挥关键作用,在未来最好的行动。 Not only must the company define the rules for eligibility of customers for specific offers, it must also define the rules that constrain interactions such as those limiting what might be said to someone in collections, for example.公司不仅要为客户提供特定的资格定义的规则,还必须定义的规则限制,如限制可能会说什么,例如,有人在集合的相互作用。 Regulations and other restrictions on the allowed actions are likewise coded in business rules and the preferences of individual customers can (and should) also be represented as business rules.法规和其他限制允许的动作也同样编码的业务规则和个人客户的喜好可以(而且应该)也可作为业务规则表示。 For instance a customer might express a preference for using a particular channel and that rule should be used when offers are being made or other actions considered.例如,一个客户可能表示倾向于使用一个特定的通道,并应采用该规则时提供正在或考虑采取其他行动。

  While business rules form the foundation for a next best action approach, analytics are critical for determining which actions are best .虽然业务规则形成的基础,为下一个最好的行动方法,分析确定哪些行动是最好的关键。 Data mining is typically used to determine the most effective way to segment customers into different groups and many companies are pushing to more and more fine grained segmentation.通常用于数据挖掘,以确定最有效的方法来细分客户分成不同的群体,许多公司正在推动越来越细颗粒分割。 Representing these segmentation models as business rules – often a decision tree – allows them to be easily integrated into the core rules-based decision.代表这些业务规则分割模式 - 往往是决定树 - 让他们可以很容易地集成到核心的规则为基础的决策。 Predictive analytics that turn uncertainty about the behavior or value or response of customers into probabilities are also widely used.预测分析,把有关的行为或值或概率响应客户的不确定性也被广泛使用。 Using predictive analytic techniques to develop models that will score the likelihood that a particular customer is a retention risk or that a particular offer will be accepted helps put the data companies have about the past behavior of their customers to work.使用预测分析技术的发展模式,将比分的可能性,是一个特定的客户保留的风险,或某个特定的要约将被接受帮助把数据公司过去的行为对他们的客户工作。 Rules can then be written that take advantage of these predictions and they can even be used in segmentation models – using the retention or churn risk, for instance, as one of the criteria for membership in some customer segments.然后,可以书面规则采取这些预言优势和他们甚至可以在细分车型 - 使用保留或流失的风险,例如,一些客户群中的成员资格的标准之一。

  The final element of our triad of techniques, adaptive control, is also widely used.我们黑社会的技术,自适应控制,最后一个元素也被广泛使用。 While some offers and actions have been used enough to build up a pretty good sense of what will or won't work, others must be tried to see what response they provoke.虽然一些优惠和行动已足以建立一个什么会或不会工作的感不错,其他人必须尝试看到他们挑起什么反应。 Using adaptive control to ensure that new approaches are constantly tried against a minority of the population helps build more robust models of customer behavior while limiting the risk of any new approach to a small group.使用自适应控制,以确保新的方法不断对少数人口的尝试,有助于建立更强大的客户行为模型,而一个小团体的任何新的方法来限制风险。 Instead of marketing, customer support and sales arguing about what might work, adaptive control allows different approaches to be tried to see what does , in fact, work.自适应控制,而不是市场营销,客户支持和销售争论什么可能的工作,允许不同的方法来试图看到什么 ,其实工作。

  Next best action is an interesting area and one for which decision management is exactly what you need.下一个最好的行动是一个有趣的领域和决策管理是正是你所需要的

posted @ 2012-06-09 16:59  MidSummer  阅读(254)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报